Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: One Punch’s Might

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ji Wuyue stared at Luo Feng furiously with her almond eyes; her beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised. There was an intense aura around her as if she was going to explode at any moment.

The rest of the Silver Moon Class students looked at Luo Feng with excitement, taking pleasure in his misfortune.

“Hehe, Luo Feng’s really not afraid of death, how dare he make a big fuss during Ji Wuyue the Iron Fist’s class.” Among the crowd, Lin Hui folded his hands in front of his chest while looking at Luo Feng scornfully.

“Boss, he’s probably so upset, he went mad.” A shifty-eyes student gave Lin Hui a flattering smile.

After Lin Hui added colored details to the story, all students of Silver Moon Class became aware of the incident between Luo Feng and Lin Xiaoxiao.

In Lin Hui’s version of the story, Luo Feng was a toad that did not know his place, whereas Lin Xiaoxiao was a princess…

Satisfied with Yang Ting’s comment, Lin Hui nodded then added, “I’m sure he gave up on himself after failing to get my cousin. Ji Wuyue failed the Golden Halls Assessment twice in a row, and the assessment in a month’s time is her final chance since she’s already seventeen years old, I’m sure she’s in a terrible mood now. How dare Luo Feng get on her bad side? He’ll be skinned even if he doesn’t get killed…”

While the others were in a discussion, Luo Feng was distracted as he was still shocked by the unusual change in his meridian cycle.

Upon noticing that four meridian cycles were activated in his body, Luo Feng initially thought that he had attained Level Four Meridian Cycle Boundary, but eventually realized that that was not the case.

All four activated meridian cycles were Yuanguan acupuncture points and Shenque acupuncture points, meaning that Luo Feng still remained at Level Two Meridian Cycle Boundary.

“Why is this so… Oh, right! My soul merged with the original owner’s soul, so my spiritual power is now double that of an ordinary person. That’s why my body has eighteen meridian cycles!”

Luo Feng, who was very sharp, quickly figured out his body condition, and was suddenly so excited that he trembled a little.

Spiritual power was a martial artist’s most important talent. One was naturally born with it, and it could not be changed.

The stronger one’s spiritual power, the better one’s body quality, and the faster one’s cultivation speed!

Luo Feng’s ordinary spiritual power was the exact reason he was allocated to Silver Moon Class.

As for those who were categorized as geniuses, they were people who were born with strong spiritual power.

Nonetheless, the spiritual power of a genius was only slightly stronger than the usual person. Luo Feng was the first person since ancient times to have two souls combined in one body, and possessed eighteen meridian cycles.

“Hahaha… If Golden Sun Class is known as a class for geniuses, Duanmu Yu is a genius too. But now, he’s just a shape without a soul when compared to me! Lin Xiaoxiao, wait and see! Soon, I’ll show you that your actions were extremely foolish!” Luo Feng was elated when he realized what the change in his body meant. He clenched his fists together and was clearly in a cheerful mood.

The students around Luo Feng were dumbfounded when they saw him laughing. They had seen people with guts, but this was their first time seeing someone so unusually daring! Luo Feng was making light of Ji Wuyue, and was literally provoking her!

Lin Hui smiled even wider. ‘Luo Feng’s dead this time!’


Ji Wuyue, who had a darkened face, stomped the ground with her right foot, leaving a deep footprint. Subsequently, strong winds blew from all directions, and a force that belonged to a powerhouse at Level Six Meridian Cycle Boundary descended. Right away, the students who were in front of Luo Feng scurried away.


In a flash, Ji Wuyue stood in front of Luo Feng.

It was as if Ji Wuyue’s eyes had a fire within them when she stared at Luo Feng. In a shrill tone, she shouted, “Luo Feng, you better explain your actions! Or else, carry 220 pounds of weight and run ten rounds around the training ground now!”

“Ten rounds!”

Everyone else gasped.

They knew that Luo Feng only had the strength of Level Two Meridian Cycle Boundary, and had a force that was less than 275 pounds. Besides, Purple Sun Institution’s training ground was tens of acres long, so Luo Feng might be half-dead if he were to run ten rounds around it with 220 pounds of weight!

At that moment, everyone else kept quiet out of fear of infuriating Ji Wuyue further.

On the other hand, Luo Feng awoke immediately after Ji Wuyue yelled at him.

“Am I in… class?”

Luo Feng gulped when he saw Ji Wuyue and her gloomy face.

If he were to actually run ten rounds around the training ground with 220 pounds of weight, he would not be able to get out of bed for half a month.

Luo Feng was two months away from finishing his third year in Purple Sun Institution.

If he failed to activate his Fourth Meridian Cycle before that to enter the Inner Institution, he would have to drop out. That would also mean that he could not pursue martial arts anymore! Luo Feng would become a worthless person despised by many!

Therefore, every minute and every second from now on was extremely precious to Luo Feng.

He could not afford to waste half a month’s time!

Luo Feng took a deep breath to force himself to calm down, then an idea struck. He said to Ji Wuyue, “Mentor, I broke through just now!”

“Broke through!”

It was dead silent for a short while before deafening waves of laughter filled the air.

“Hahaha…. This fella’s really crazy!”

“Everyone knows that he’s been stagnant at Level Two Meridian Cycle Boundary ever since he entered the institution, but now he’s saying that he broke through! That’s simply impossible! He should’ve found a better excuse!”

Lin Hui shook his head too and looked at Luo Feng with contempt. He thought that Luo Feng was probably very nervous, and thus gave such a lame excuse.

Ji Wuyue furrowed her brows.

Although she had not been Silver Moon Class’ martial arts mentor for long, she had heard of Luo Feng whose cultivation base remained at Level Two Meridian Cycle Boundary for three years. Furthermore, Luo Feng did not have the Third Meridian Cycle’s aura.

“Is he lying to me? But that’s such a poor lie…”

It was also possible that one’s boundary change could not be sensed the moment one broke through a boundary, hence Ji Wuyue did not want to make assumptions too quickly. She softened her tone as she asked, “Luo Feng, did you truly break through?”

Luo Feng turned a deaf ear to the awful remarks from the others and looked Ji Wuyue in the eye. “Mentor, if you don’t believe me, exchange one punch with me and you’ll see.”

The other students looked at one another the instant they heard Luo Feng’s reply. It was very audacious of Luo Feng to challenge Ji Wuyue to a punch!

“Boss, do you think that Luo Feng really broke through?” Lin Hui’s sidekick, Yang Ting was doubtful.

“Cheh, how is that possible! He hasn’t broken through for the past three years, how could he have broken through just now! I’m sure that fella’s only saying it to avoid getting punished!”

Lin Hui sneered. He had always considered Luo Feng as trash, so he did not believe that Luo Feng had actually broke through his boundary.

On the spur of the moment, Lin Hui had a sharp look in his eyes and gestured Yang Ting over with his finger. “Yang Ting, come here.”

“What is it?” Yang Ting approached Lin Hui.

“Later, you…” Lin Hui curled his lips as he whispered to Yang Ting.

Ji Wuyue fixed his gaze on Luo Feng, feeling troubled.

A person at Level Two Meridian Cycle Boundary only had a force of roughly 220 pounds, whereas a person at Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary had a force of more than 550 pounds. Luo Feng was right that Ji Wuyue would find out if he actually broke through if they exchanged a punch.

That being said, Ji Wuyue was only seventeen years old and had just become the mentor of Silver Moon Class. She had never fought her students and was worried that she would hurt Luo Feng if she could not control her power well. Thus, Ji Wuyue was hesitant.

“Mentor, I’ve just arrived at Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary too. Since Luo Feng broke through, we should be similar in strength, I volunteer to exchange a punch with him. What do you think?” Just as Ji Wuyue hesitated, a voice was heard, and a person stood up from the crowd.

“Yang Ting…”

Luo Feng glanced at Lin Hui after he saw the person who stood up, and their eyes met.

“You’re doomed!” Lin Hui smirked, then mouthed those words to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was immediately aware of Lin Hui’s plan.

Yang Ting was one of Lin Hui’s sidekicks and had just arrived at Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary three days ago. It was evident that they had ill intentions.

Back then, Luo Feng would certainly be afraid of Yang Ting’s strength, but it was different now.

When Luo Feng activated all four meridian cycles in his body, the quality of his body became two times better than a martial artist at Level Two Meridian Cycle Boundary. Luo Feng felt that his force was around 550 pounds, which was equivalent to a martial artist in the early phase of Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary.

Luo Feng responded to Lin Hui with a smile, then strode toward Ji Wuyue with his chest out. “Mentor, since Yang Ting’s so enthusiastic, I accept his challenge!”

“This fella! How dare he still pretend when he’s going to die!” Lin Hui’s face darkened. He clenched his fists tightly as he looked at Luo Feng.

Ji Wuyue sighed a breath of relief and nodded since both parties agreed. “Alright! Exchange one punch using the power in your body, you’re not allowed to use martial arts.”

Afterward, Ji Wuyue took a few steps back.

Luo Feng and Yang Ting stood opposite each other, whereas the rest watched them closely.

“I wonder who will win…”

“That goes without saying! We don’t know if Luo Feng actually broke through and acquired Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary, but even if he did, Yang Ting broke through three days earlier, so Yang Ting definitely has the upper hand. Luo Feng should pray to not lose too badly.”

“That’s going to be tough.” One student shook his head and looked at Luo Feng pitifully.

“Lin Hui detests Luo Feng. Now that his cousin, Lin Xiaoxiao and Luo Feng split up, I’m certain that he was the one who asked Yang Ting to challenge Luo Feng. Yang Ting won’t show mercy, it’ll be a miracle if Luo Feng isn’t injured.”

Everyone knew about the relationship between Lin Hui and Luo Feng, hence they were not optimistic about Luo Feng’s result.


Yang Ting cracked the fingers of his right hand, then sneered. “Luo Feng, get ready to stay in bed for a month.”

Luo Feng looked back at Yang Ting without saying a word.

Due to Luo Feng’s strong spiritual power and sharp senses, Yang Ting’s vitality was clear from a glance.

Yang Ting’s aura was superficial, and it was obvious that his boundary was not solid. He was not a threat to Luo Feng at all.

“You talk too much nonsense!” Luo Feng suddenly leaped toward Yang Ting like a tiger pouncing on its prey.

“You’re courting death!” Yang Ting was enraged.

Just because Yang Ting was one of the weaker ones in Silver Moon Class, he became extremely confident when he finally activated the Third Meridian Cycle three days ago. Hence, Yang Ting looked down on Luo Feng.

‘How dare he disregard me like that? He’s a useless person who hasn’t broken through for the past three years!’ Like a lit oil drum, Yang Ting, who was raging with fire, roared loudly, so much so that the veins on his face popped. He launched his right fist toward Luo Feng’s chest!

Accompanied by a sharp whistle, the wind made by his fist formed a venomous snake’s fang.

“Fundamental Class martial arts, Fang Fist!”

The crowd exclaimed as they recognized Yang Ting’s technique, and were shocked that he actually used martial arts.

Lin Hui was the only one who smiled and looked at Luo Feng ruthlessly.

“Hmph!” Nearby, Ji Wuyue was about to interfere when she suddenly sensed something odd and stopped.

“How dare you!”

Luo Feng’s perception surpassed martial artists at Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary. While it seemed like a ferocious attack from Yang Ting, it was within Luo Feng’s field of vision.

Seeing that Yang Ting performed martial arts, Luo Feng’s body reacted to the situation instantly.

By exerting force through his legs, Luo Feng’s body bounced like a tight spring, pouncing toward Yang Ting and throwing his right fist at him!

“Fundamental Class martial arts, Leopard Fist!”


The two of them crashed together. Dust flew and one of them shrieked horribly before falling hard to the ground.

Many students shook their heads. It was obvious that Lin Hui was the one who asked Yang Ting to do this on purpose.

Lin Hui asked Yang Ting to challenge Luo Feng and had ordered him to perform martial arts to injure Luo Feng heavily.

“Luo Feng will have to stay in bed for up to half a month!”

The other students had the same thought when they saw the dispirited figure on the ground.

A brief moment later, the dust cleared. When everyone got a clearer look at the figure who was on the ground, they fell silent.

It turned out that the person who fell hard to the ground, and whose face was now covered in blood was Yang Ting!!

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