Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: The Three Great Powerhouse

Ning Xiaochuan chased after Xiao Li, murderous intent growing in his heart.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was a doctor, he was never a person that would show mercy upon his enemies.


Qi condensed into Fortified Qi before it morphed into a sword that was half-tangible and half-intangible. It zipped through the air and struck Xiao Li in his back, sending him flying forward. He crashed into the trunk of a large tree and blood covered his head immediately.

Xiao Li fell ungracefully to the ground before he glanced in horror at Ning Xiaohuan, who had caught up to him. He quickly got to his feet and dashed away.

Ning Xiaochuan repeatedly sent Fortified Sword Qi flying into Xiao Li until his back was badly mangled, the flesh completely riddled with gashes as his bones peeked through.

In the end, Xiao Li’s injuries were too grave for him to bear, and he could no longer hold on. His eyesight went dark and he fell head-first towards the ground, his face crashing into the soil.

Xiao Li lifted his head with difficulty as he stared in horror at Ning Xiaochuan, who was getting closer and closer. Hopelessness overcame Xiao Li completely.

Ning Xiaochuan condensed a Qi Sword with his hand as he stepped closer. “It’s time to end this.”

Ning Xiaochuan then stabbed the sword downwards!


A throwing knife came flying out of the dark forest, hitting against the Qi Sword in Ning Xiaochuan’s hand and knocking it out of its original angle.

Now that the Qi Sword had deviated slightly, it did not pierce through Xiao Li’s heart and instead went through his upper back, though it still went through his body.

“How brazen for you to dare to commit murder in the Imperial City. Death penalty!” In the dark night, a cold voice exclaimed, scattering the birds in the trees.



Three silhouettes leaped across the treetops in the night, their every leap spanning at least a hundred feet each as they hopped rapidly like shadows.

These three people had extremely high Cultivation. They were able to offset the Qi Sword in Ning Xiaochuan’s hand by throwing a knife from a few miles away, which went to show their shocking Cultivation.

Through the darkness of the night, Ning Xiaochuan could only see three monster-like shadows rushing towards him. Each jump they took was at least a hundred feet in distance and the whistling that followed each jump was enough to shake his body to the core like it was going to explode.

‘They’re a powerful trio!’

Ning Xiaochuan knew powerhouses were rapidly approaching so he did not dare to stay and quickly fled the scene.

A moment later, three shadows fell lightly onto the ground from the treetops.

They each held a thirty-six feet long spear that was as thick as the rim of a bowl. These weapons were five to six times longer than their bodies, longer than most of the trees even. They looked just like pillars with mysterious etchings.

These weapons were Dragon Elephant Halberd Pikes that could only be wielded by Dragon Elephant Divine Soldiers.

Dragon Elephant Halberd Pikes were Grade Three Mystical Equipment that weighed three thousand eight hundred pounds each. Only Dragon Elephant Divine Soldiers, who had strong Cultivation, could wield these pikes with ease.

One swing of the pike could easily wipe out an army, which allowed any one person who wielded it to defeat thousands of soldiers.

All three of their bodies surged with powerful and unyielding Qi, showing their profound Martial Art Cultivation and making them people that all Martial Monks looked up to.

The one that stood at the forefront was a peerless beauty with blue hair and blue eyes. Her aura was cold and her figure slender; her legs were straight and lean and her long hair was like a blue fountain. She emitted a gentle and beautiful feeling that was beyond words.

Two three-feet long light beams shot out of her bright eyes as she took one glance at Xiao Li before saying, “A genius with the Taotie Atrium, a Beast Atrium. Unfortunately, his lungs have been pierced through by that evildoer so his injuries are very serious.”

Her blue eyes took on a wisp of green and now resembled the blue-green color of jade, pure and distinct.

“Out of all the Abnormal Beast Atriums, the Taotie Atrium is regarded as the top Atrium. His future martial accomplishments will be incalculable. Captain, why not recruit him into the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp?” Zuo Jinfeng knelt down to help Xiao Li to his feet. White Qi exploded from his palm as he helped to get Xiao Li’s internal injuries under control.

The three people that had appeared were actually the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp’s Three Great Powerhouses—Ji Hanxing, Zuo Jinfeng, and You Zui.

Ji Hanxing held her pike horizontally, her defined body stood upright. Her eyelashes were long and her nose was exquisite. She said coldly, “Not every gifted person can be recruited into the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp but the Taotie Atrium is definitely rare. He has a lot of potential, so send him over to the Heavenly Emperor Academy’s Diamond Martial Art Institution first. Let Dean Yan train him first before we decide if he can join the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp.”

“Huh! Captain, come take a look!” Zuo Jinfeng’s voice carried a hint of fear.

The three powerhouses of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp had their eyes locked onto Xiao Li’s arm, which had shriveled up entirely. It had been drained entirely of blood and was completely unresponsive, just like the arm of a corpse.

“It’s the Bloodthirsty Devil Technique! This was done by someone from the Bloodthirsty Devil Sect. Someone from that sect is in the Imperial City again.”

The expressions of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp’s Three Great Powerhouses shifted slightly.

Ji Hanxing’s eyebrows furrowed her dark eyebrows lightly before she lightly cut her left hand’s middle finger. A small gash appeared on the tip of her slender finger and a single drop of blood, which had a light fragrance, fell from her fingertip onto Xiao Li’s shriveled arm.


Her drop of blood erupted with blinding red light like a blood-red magical lamp. It contained intense life energy and bloomed into a blood-red divine flower in mid-air.

The divine flower fell onto Xiao Li’s shriveled arm, rapidly resuscitating his withered muscles. His flesh grew rapidly and his skin returned to its former state.

A single drop of blood had morphed into a divine flower, which helped Xiao Li not only regain his lost blood but also helped regenerate his arm and made it stronger!

Zuo Jinfeng and You Zui shared a look; their Captain was truly the captain for a reason. Her Cultivation was incredibly powerful since only a drop of blood was enough to save someone that had been drained by the Bloodthirsty Devil Technique. They could never do what Ji Hanxing had just done.

The tiny gash on Ji Hanxing’s fingertip healed instantly, leaving no scar behind.

Suddenly, she directed her gaze onto the footprints in the ground. Two beams of light emitted from her eyes once more before she said, “The same footprints, the same scent.”

The footprints in the ground reminded her of the mysterious person that had saved Official Tian in Southpearl Mountain.

Ji Hanxing immediately ordered, “Zuo Jinfeng, you are to bring this young man to the Heavenly Emperor Academy. You Zui, you are to report to the Old Marquis that Official Tian might’ve been taken by someone from the Bloodthirsty Devil Sect.”

Zuo Jinfeng and You Zui instantly left.

Ji Hanxing, on the other hand, followed the footprints in the ground and went after the person that had saved Official Tian. However, once she arrived at the bank of the large river, the footprints had disappeared.

It was obvious that the person had jumped into the river to hide their scent.

‘Do you think I won’t be able to track you just because you’ve jumped into the river? You’ll come ashore sooner or later.’ Ji Hanxing stared into the roaring river. Her skin was like ice jade and her hair danced in the wind as her eyes glistened with light.

With her Dragon Elephant Halberd Pike in her grip, a cloud of white Qi condensed below her feet and her body rose before she landed smoothly on the river’s surface.

Her beauty could throw a city into chaos as she stood still like a reflection. Her body did not sink and she scanned both river banks intently so that once someone went ashore, she would see them immediately.

After swimming for six hours in the water, Ning Xiaochuan went ashore on a hidden part of the river bank. As he watched the ray of sunlight reflecting off the water’s surface in the distance, he felt calmness wash over himself.

He was dozens of miles away from where he had dived into the river. Even if someone wanted to trace his trail, they would not catch up to him for a while.

‘It’s fortunate I escaped so quickly. Those three were definitely absolute powerhouses. If they find out I’ve cultivated a Devil Technique, they’ll definitely try to exorcise me.’

Although Ning Xiaochuan had not cultivated a Devil Technique, he had a Devil Sword that could absorb the blood of humans inside himself, which made it no different from him actually cultivating a Devil Technique.

He only hoped that Xiao Li had died. Otherwise, that tattletale personality of Xiao Li would definitely cause Ning Xiaochuan endless trouble.

Although the past two days were life-threatening, Ning Xiaochuan had still made excellent progress on his Cultivation. His only regret was losing his cart of coins.

He had more than six million pieces of copper coins in there, not to mention the hundreds of stalks of Mystical Medicine and a branch of Blood-toad Wood, which was definitely worth more than millions. He wondered which b*stard had gained from his loss.

Two days had passed since then so Ning Xiaochuan no longer hoped he would be able to retrieve his coins and Blood-toad Wood. He could only think of himself as unlucky for encountering a lunatic.

Ning Xiaochuan believed that he had never offended anyone. Even if he did, it was probably only Madam Yinchi. What had she got to do with Xiao Li?

Ning Xiaochuan heaved a sigh and started walking back.

Although he had been extremely cautious, he had severely underestimated the power of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp’s Three Great Powerhouses. A few moments later, Ji Hanxing landed onto the place where he had emerged from the river before she went after him by following his footprints.

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