Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master To-be

Refining a mid-grade Pill was not easy since it was not as simple as refining Heart-nourishing Liquid. It was absolutely required to mix all the materials together so that the Pill Principle would first converge, then the Pill Qi would form, followed by the condensation of the Pill Pattern, and finally, a Mystical Pill is produced.

“Pill Principle” referred to the principle behind the forming of a Mystical Pill. No principle, no pill.

Pill Principle was similar to the folk prescriptions used by people around the world. The attributes and quantity of the medicine were a part of Pill Principle.

If the materials were recklessly paired up, the materials would go to waste and the Pill Principle would not form. In the end, there would only be pill remnants.

The most important medicine Ning Xiaochuan had control over was Blood-toad Wood but Ning Xiaochuan could not solve the two problems he currently faced—how to pair it with complementary medicine and how to form them into a Pill Principle.

The next day, Ning Xiaochuan entered the Imperial City once more and headed to Jinpeng Heart-nourishing Hall to attend a lecture.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was extremely gifted in the Heart-nourishing Technique, he did not have the experience and knowledge to support his gift. Therefore, he was worse than most Junior Heart-nourishing Masters and needed a desperate cram session.

Jinpeng Heart-nourishing Hall had lectures given by Mid-level Heart-nourishing Masters every ten days and, every half a year, there would be a lecture by a Senior Heart-nourishing Master.

Commonfolk naturally could not attend these classes since only Heart-nourishing Masters from Jinpeng Heart-nourishing Hall could attend these lectures.

Wang Shisong sat at the highest position. He looked to be in his forties and he was dressed in a white Heart-nourishing Master’s robe. A golden Dapeng1 was embroidered into the collar of the robe with Heavenly Mystical Silk and a green Heart-nourishing Cauldron was embroidered into the chest area of the robe.

This represented his status as a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master, which meant that he received the respect and admiration of others no matter where he went!

Thirty or so Junior Heart-nourishing Masters sat quietly on praying mats directly below him. They all listened intently to his lecture and some were even scribbling notes onto papers they had brought with them.

Wang Shisong spoke with confidence and composure, “A Junior Heart-nourishing Master should take one step at a time. They should focus on Cultivation and continuously accumulate experience. They mustn’t seek instant return nor should they be greedy for too much since thinking that way would bring no advantage whatsoever to all you Junior Heart-nourishing Masters.”

Ning Xiaochuan stood up and asked, “I have a question for you, senior. I hope you’ll enlighten this junior of yours.”

Ning Xiaochuan had spoken humbly, which made Wang Shisong feel slightly conceited. With a light tone, Wang Shisong said, “Asking a senior a question is an excellent habit. Young people should always dare to clarify the questions they’re facing. It’s good to be keen for knowledge and to take the initiative in things. Everyone here should learn from him!”

The surrounding Junior Heart-nourishing Masters stared at Ning Xiaochuan and contempt towards him grew inside them. They all felt that this young man really knew how to act and was doing so on purpose. They all felt that Ning Xiaochuan was trying to win this Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master’s attention so that the Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master would look favorably upon him and maybe even consider him as a disciple.

All the present Junior Heart-nourishing Masters wanted to be noticed by the Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master. They all wished to be Wang Shisong’s disciple since that meant they would get even more guidance from him.

Ning Xiaochuan paid no attention to the looks he was getting since he was already a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master To-be. What good would currying favor with a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master do to Ning Xiaochuan? After all, he was the one that asked the Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master a question, so being humble and polite while he did so was what he was supposed to do.

“If I wanted to use Blood-toad Wood to refine a cauldron of mid-grade Pills, what Mystical Medicine should I be using as complementary medicine to ensure that the Mystical Medicine will undergo qualitative change, form the Pill Principle, and become Pill Qi?”

Wang Shisong’s expression immediately darkened and he replied coldly, “I hate students who seek instant returns like you. You’re obviously just a Junior Heart-nourishing Master yet you’re already thinking about refining mid-grade Pills. Everyone wants to take a shortcut to become a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master but how many Junior Heart-nourishing Masters have actually been promoted to Mid-level Heart-nourishing Masters? Mid-level Heart-nourishing Masters are incredibly noble and not everyone’s noble, isn’t that clear to you?”

Once the words “Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master” escaped Wang Shisong’s mouth, he was immediately filled with a sense of superiority. Being a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master was a very high honor and all the Junior Heart-nourishing Masters present could only look up to him.

The Junior Heart-nourishing Masters present started laughing at him. “That fellow’s out of his mind. He probably just became a Junior Heart-nourishing Master so this is his first time attending Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master Wang Shisong’s lectures. He definitely didn’t know Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master Wang Shisong despises students who think they’re all that!”

“He just became a Junior Heart-nourishing Master yet he’s thinking about refining mid-grade Pills. What an idiot!”

“He was definitely trying to win Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master Wang Shisong’s attention so that he’ll become a disciple. I think he’s completely blown his chance now. Haha!”

Ning Xiaochuan calmly said, “I only wanted to consult you on the matter, I don’t mean anything else by it.”

Wang Shisong snorted and replied, “In your current realm, I think it’s best that you concentrate on exploring how to refine two drops of Heart-nourishing Liquid from a stalk of Heart-nourishing Herb.”

Wang Shisong realized that Ning Xiaochuan was a new face and thought that he was a newcomer that had just been promoted to Junior Heart-nourishing Master, which was why he advised Ning Xiaochuan in this way.

Ning Xiaochuan never expected that even asking a question would be met with verbal assaults. He said, “If I were a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master, would I be qualified to ask that question then?”

“Mid-level Heart-nourishing Masters are people with great wisdom. Therefore, communicating and discussing with each other is common.” Wang Shisong continued casually, “You’re still too young so you’ll understand once you become a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master. Everything I told you today is for your own good.”

“I’m already a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master To-be,” replied Ning Xiaochuan.

Wang Shisong said, “Of course, a Junior Heart-nourishing Master will need at least ten years of accumulated experience and cultivation to become a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master. It must be done one step at a time… Uh… What did you just say? You said you’re already a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master?”

Wang Shisong had finally processed what Ning Xiaochuan had said and almost choked on his own saliva, staring openly at Ning Xiaochuan as he did so.

All the present Junior Heart-nourishing Masters were shocked beyond words so they could only stare at Ning Xiaochuan.

Being a Heart-nourishing Master meant not lying at all costs since that would mean losing one’s credibility. Once a Heart-nourishing Master lost credibility, their reputation would suffer terribly.

Therefore, none of the people present doubted Ning Xiaochuan since nobody would dare to joke around with their reputation on the line.

Ning Xiaochuan said, “I’m already a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master To-be and all I need to do now is refine a cauldron of mid-grade Pills to officially become a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master.”

Wang Shisong swallowed audibly and replied, “The refining of mid-grade Pills is something you need to explore yourself. You need to pair medicine up according to your main medicine. Nobody will be able to guide you on this issue.”

Wang Shisong had only been a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master for half a year.

So far, he had only been able to refine a cauldron of mid-grade Pills and he had succeeded on that entirely due to luck.

Wang Shisong only had a smattering of knowledge about the refining of mid-grade Pills so Ning Xiaochuan naturally would not be able to obtain any results from asking Wang Shisong for guidance.

Ning Xiaochuan sighed internally; it seemed that he indeed could only explore things himself. After all, it depended on the continuous accumulation of experience, which could not be achieved overnight.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan left, the entire hall exploded into chaos.

“Who was that? He’s so young but he’s about to become a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master!”

The young lady who sat next to Ning Xiaochuan recovered from her shock to answer tentatively, “I think he mentioned his name is Ning Xiaochuan.”

“Ning Xiaochuan. My god! That’s the best Junior Heart-nourishing Master of Jinpeng Heart-nourishing Hall. Princess Qianqian called him a peerless genius since he’s receiving the monthly salary of a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master despite being a Junior Heart-nourishing Master!

Everyone was flared up; a sixteen-year-old Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master was definitely going to be hailed a prodigy amongst Heart-nourishing Masters.

Even Wang Shisong could not calm down at the moment. He severely regretted how he was too proud of himself just now. If he had offended the peerless genius, he might not be able to do anything as a Heart-nourishing Master anymore.

At the top of a high tower within Jinpeng Heart-nourishing Hall.

This tower had thirty-one floors and standing at the top of the tower allowed one to see the entire Tianwei District. Only Heart-nourishing Masters could enter this tower to practice Heart-nourishing Technique or to study information.

The topmost floor was where Jinpeng Heart-nourishing Hall’s Hallmaster and Great Heart-nourishing Master, Skilled Master Guo, practiced cultivation.

Skilled Master Guo was already a hundred and sixty-four years old. He was dressed in a white Heart-nourishing Master robe and his pure white hair was more than three meters long, which meant it swept across the floor. His face was pulled taut with wrinkles and his eyebrows and beard were as white as snow.

He sat cross-legged on a round platform made of white jade and carried himself as an immortal would. He held a scroll in his hand and was explaining the ancient Heart-nourishing Technique to Yu Qianqian.

Yu Qianqian was Skilled Master Guo’s seventh disciple and also the disciple he favored the most. Although she was only sixteen, she was already a Mid-level Heart-nourishing Master To-be.

Anyone with a disciple like her would be proud of her too.

“Hallmaster, Wang Shisong requests to see you. He says it’s regarding something very important.” An Elder walked in from the outside and announced respectfully as he bowed at Skilled Master Guo.

Skilled Master Guo replied, “Let him in!”

Yu Qianqian sat cross-legged on the praying mat and smiled. “That Wang Shisong has always liked showing off his superiority in front of the Junior Heart-nourishing Masters. What could be so important to him?”

“Qianqian.” Skilled Master Guo’s reprimanded her, “Although Wang Shisong doesn’t have the best attitude, he’s still a hardworking Heart-nourishing Master. You should never make fun of a hardworking person!”

“It is right for Master to reprimand me,” replied Yu Qianqian.

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