Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: It’s Not Your Fault That You’re Ugly

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Feng calmed down after a moment of excitement. He pondered, ‘Lin Hui’s boundary is the later phase of Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary, his force must be over 2750 pounds, I’m still not his match. I must work harder…’

He then returned to his house to change his clothes before going to eat at the institution’s dining hall.

As a result of Luo Feng cultivating in isolation for two days in a row, and having just broken through to Level Three Meridian Cycle Boundary, he lacked energy and was starving. He began feasting when he arrived at the dining hall and finished enough food for three people in the blink of an eye.

The other students who sat near Luo Feng looked at him scornfully when they saw him scarfing down food. They avoided him, leaving him alone at the table.

Luo Feng was completely unbothered. He was only focused on his cultivation, which he wanted to continue as soon as possible.

Right then, a male and a female student entered the dining hall.

The female student’s Outer Institution uniform had a golden scorching sun embroidered on it, indicating that she was a student of Golden Sun Class.

Behind her, the male student with a charming smile wore a uniform with a silver moon embroidered on it instead, indicating that he was from Silver Moon Class.

The dining hall fell silent for a while the moment they arrived.

Luo Feng sensed the abnormality too. When he looked up, he could not help but smile.

The two of them looked very funny.

The female student was so fat that her facial features could not be seen properly.

On the contrary, the male student behind her was small and thin.

The two of them together caused a strong visual impact.

“What a match made in Heaven!” Luo Feng pursed his lips.

Luo Feng recognized them. The small and thin male student was Qin Feng, one of Lin Hui’s sworn followers. Qin Feng had the strength of a martial artist in the middle phase of Level Three Meridian Class Boundary and used to bully Luo Feng a lot.

The female student beside Qin Feng was Xu Li, a Golden Sun Class student, and was also Qin Feng’s crush.

Unwilling to ruin his appetite, Luo Feng looked away very quickly, and continued chowing down on his food….

“Why are there so many people…”

Xu Li, who had freckles all over her face, scanned the dining hall with her small eyes, then expressed her dissatisfaction. She pouted her thick lips, showing a naive side of her, causing many students to gulp.

“Xu Li, I’ll go find you a seat!” Qin Feng immediately volunteered to find a seat for her, then began looking around the dining hall.

“Quick, it stinks here…” Xu Li fanned her right hand as she replied “sweetly” to Qin Feng.

It would be so enjoyable if a beautiful lady were to speak with that voice, but because Xu Li was the one who spoke, the voice was as lethal as a Yellow Rank martial art!

“Pa, pa…”

Many students around them dropped their chopsticks.

Xu Li somehow did not sense the unfriendly looks shot in her direction. All of a sudden, she noticed Luo Feng, who was devouring his food. Xu Li frowned, then placed a finger under her nose in disgust. “Who’s that fella? He’s disgusting…”

Qin Feng was worried at that moment because he had failed to find suitable seats in the dining hall. He looked where Xu Li was looking when he heard her, then gave a scornful look.

“That fella’s Luo Feng, a student from our class. After cultivating for three years, he only just activated the Third Meridian Cycle three days ago and arrived at Energy Boundary. He’s trash!”

Xu Li could not be bothered and asked, “Qin Feng, have you found seats?”


Qin Feng felt troubled as he had not found seats because the dining hall was full and Xu Li refused to sit with other people.

A brief moment later, Qin Feng looked at Luo Feng again as he had a bright idea.

Due to Luo Feng’s frightening appetite, nobody wanted to sit with him, thus he was occupying an entire table.

Qin Feng smiled, then said to Xu Li, “Li Li, I found a seat, wait for a bit!”

He then strode toward Luo Feng.

“Luo Feng, get up now! I’m taking your seat!” Qin Feng slammed the table and ordered.

Luo Feng was holding a slice of tiger meat at that time and was about to dig in. He chewed louder when he heard Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was annoyed that Luo Feng totally disregarded him.

He had activated the Third Meridian Cycle long ago, and was now in the middle phase of Energy Boundary. As one of the average students in Silver Moon Class, he had always looked down on Luo Feng, who was at the bottom.

Qin Feng initially thought that Luo Feng was going to give up his seat when asked, but Luo Feng did not budge at all!

Subsequently, Qin Feng took a step nearer to Luo Feng, and shouted, “Trash! Did you hear me? Move now! Or else…”


A strange sound was heard, followed by dead silence in the dining hall.

The piece of tiger meat that Luo Feng held was now on Qin Feng’s face!

“Ah, I’m sorry, I slipped.” Luo Feng shrugged unapologetically as he looked at Qin Feng.

The dining hall was filled with waves of laughter afterward.

Qin Feng had been standing behind Luo Feng. One could imagine how slippery Luo Feng’s hands were for the meat to end up on Qin Feng’s face.


Qin Feng immediately removed the piece of meat from his face as he was embarrassed. His face reddened when he noticed that Xu Li saw him.

“Luo Feng, I haven’t seen you in a few days, you’re very gutsy now! I’ll teach you a lesson on behalf of Lin Hui!”

Qin Hui’s face darkened. Afterward, his fingers shone in a dusty color as he attacked Luo Feng!

“Fundamental Class martial arts, Rock Cracking Claw!”


The sharp sound of wind being pierced through was so hurtful to the ears that the students around them looked at Qin Feng in shock. The power of his claw was enough to slash metal!

Knowing that Luo Feng was only at the early phase of Energy Boundary, everyone deduced that Luo Feng would be heavily injured.

“You’re courting death!” Luo Feng cast a cold look at Qin Feng. He then sprung up like a hunting leopard and performed Leopard Pace. Through clever moves, he dodged Qin Feng’s sudden attack. Following that, Luo Feng swung his right fist swiftly at Qin Feng’s abdomen!

“Ah!” Qin Feng shrieked with widened eyes. An enormous force hit his abdomen which caused him to spit blood. He was sent flying away and landed in front of Xu Li. Qin Feng looked at Luo Feng in horror.

He could not make sense of what just happened. ‘Luo Feng just activated the Third Meridian Cycle, and has the cultivation base of Energy Boundary’s early phase. Why is his force stronger than mine when I’m in the middle phase of Energy Boundary?!’

Since Luo Feng had perfected his Leopard Fist, he could use it as he wished. When he hit Qin Feng’s abdomen with Leopard Fist, he continued his attack with Leopard Crack, which sent Qin Feng flying away.

“Get lost!” Luo Feng cast a sidelong glance at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was extremely appalled, and his abdomen hurt very badly. He nodded and replied, “Yes, I’ll get lost! I’ll get lost now!”

Even though Qin Feng was in pain, he quickly got up and scurried away.

“You too!”

Luo Feng glared at Xu Li, who was still standing there.

“Me… What about me?” Xu Li’s instantly turned pale. She looked at Luo Feng in fear.

“It’s not your fault that you’re ugly, but you should be blamed for scaring people! Get lost too!” Luo Feng uttered.


The moment Luo Feng finished, everyone else in the dining hall burst into laughter.

Many of them finally vented their discontentment toward Xu Li.


Xu Li was embarrassed for a while before her face turned pale again. She squealed, then dashed out of the dining hall.

Finally, Luo Feng sighed a breath of relief. He stated when he looked at the messy table, “My meal was ruined…”

He left the dining hall since he was somewhat full and had lost his appetite.

Conflict was common in the dining hall. Besides, it was a conflict between two Silver Moon Class students, hence the others forgot about it after a while.

Luo Feng did not return to his courtyard after he left the dining hall. Instead, he headed toward the mountain behind the institution.

After exchanging blows with Qin Feng, Luo Feng realized the importance of martial arts boundary.

Luo Feng was able to triumph over Qin Feng easily although Qin Feng’s strength was on par with his because Luo Feng’s Leopard Fist had already been perfected. On the other hand, Qin Feng had not mastered his Rock Cracking Claw.

He decided to cultivate Roaring Tiger Fist that was taught by Ji Wuyue. The higher the boundary of martial arts, the more powerful it was, which was also helpful to one’s cultivation.

The mountain behind the institution was called Purple Spirit Mountain. It towered at 5000 meters, had a dangerous topography, and the mountainside was enveloped in clouds and mist all year long. Early in the morning, the mist turned purple due to sunlight and the purple maple trees on the mountain. This magnificent view gave the mountain its name.

Purple Spirit Mountain was abundant in vitality and was a serene place. This was why many students cultivated on the mountain.

Luo Feng stopped when he arrived at a cliff near the mountaintop.

The cliff was an enormous rock that was mounted to a precipice. It was an unsafe spot since it was covered in a sea of clouds that was accompanied by strong winds on the mountain. A timid person could fall off the cliff.

Luo Feng withstood the strong winds and made his way to the cliff. When he looked down, he saw that the clouds and mist billowed like tides of water. He gulped as he was afraid, but was not going to move away from the cliff.

During his free time over the past few days, Luo Feng had recalled Ji Wuyue’s performance on Roaring Tiger Fist and somewhat figured out an indescribable concept of that martial art.

Roaring Tiger Fist had a tyrannical nature and its techniques were fierce. It was a martial art skill used to survive in desperate moments as it transformed danger into power.

He chose to cultivate Roaring Fist Tiger on this dangerous cliff because he figured it out.

Luo Feng believed that he could only implement this idea in this skill if he became victorious over death in a dangerous environment. As such, he could perfect Roaring Tiger Fist!

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. Fear comes from the heart, as long as I’m calm, I won’t be afraid even if someone points his sword at my throat! Besides, the cliff is dead!”

Luo Feng took a deep breath. By the time he opened his eyes again, he was no longer fearful but as fierce as a raging tiger.

“Raging Tiger Leaves Cave!”

Luo Feng yelled, and his robe fluttered in the wind. He wielded his fists that resulted in booming sounds in the air, and the echoes could be heard from miles away!

For the next few days, Luo Feng left his house early and returned late. Apart from his meals, he spent his time on the cliff, cultivating Roaring Tiger Fist.

The sixth day.

On the cliff, Luo Feng, who wore a white robe, could be seen cultivating fist techniques.

Beneath him was a sea of clouds. Each time he landed, gravel fell and was nowhere to be found.

That being said, Luo Feng was unafraid. He swung his fists with composure as if he was on flat ground.

In addition, the fist winds were very strong. Every time Luo Feng punched, the vague roars of a tiger could be heard, and the intense fist wind that it produced stirred gravel up to a foot’s height before they fell. One might actually think that a tiger was rolling and roaring on the cliff.

“Hu, hu, hu…”

Luo Feng moved so quickly that only shadows of his fist could be seen on the cliff. In an instant, with eyes like lightning, he went through the void. His robe fluttered madly in the wind as he took a step forward, then hit a gigantic rock ten times!”

“Flaming Tiger Sets Fire!”

As if ten thousand tigers roared at the same time, violent fist winds hit the gigantic rock like a huge wave. Consequently, a fist mark that was half a foot deep was left on the rock. Next, the gigantic rock shook for a while, then shattered and fell into the sea of clouds beneath the cliff.

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