Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: I’ll Pay You Tenfold If Luo Feng Wins!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

While Luo Feng made his way down from Purple Spirit Peak, a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face as he recalled Bing Ruolan’s doubtful gaze.

He pointed out the errors in Bing Ruolan’s fist techniques from the kindness of his heart, but had not expected her to doubt his words. The incident caused Luo Feng to deem himself a failure.

‘Forget it. She’ll understand who’s in the wrong once the sparring session is over.’ Luo Feng no longer wanted to pay the incident any thought.

During the remaining two days, Luo Feng spent all his time cultivating on Purple Spirit Peak. When he was thirsty, he would drink from the mountain spring, and when he was hungry, he would hunt some mountain game to fill his tummy. After all, there were quite a number of small-sized creatures residing on Purple Spirit Peak.

In that duration, Luo Feng continuously cultivated his Roaring Tiger Fist and made himself more familiar with the technique. At that point, he had reached a stage where he was able to attack as he wished and move wherever he pleased. Both Luo Feng’s mind and body were now in balance, and if he were to face off with anyone right now, he would be able to unleash the full potential of his Roaring Tiger Fist.

Nevertheless, this was but a minor thing to note. More importantly, Luo Feng had finally achieved Level Three Meridian Cycle, and he was currently in the middle phase. The two Meridian Cycles within his spleen were now blazing ferociously, and due to this, his strength had nearly doubled. His strength was now close to 4400 pounds!

For someone who was currently in the middle phase of the Energy Boundary, a strength of nearly 4000 pounds could only be described as terrifying. At his current strength, he had even surpassed the average later phase martial artist.

Naturally, this improvement could only be attributed to the merging of his spiritual power.

On the next day, early in the morning, Luo Feng sat cross-legged near the edge of the cliff. As he faced the vast sea of clouds, Luo Feng took several breaths, maintaining the level of vitality within him, and nourishing his meridian cycle.


The chimes of the bell could be heard coming from the institution’s direction.

Luo Feng opened his razor-sharp eyes quickly at the sound. In that instant, he looked just like a slumbering lion pouncing into action, giving off an immense wave of pressure from his body. He was like a great mountain river, powerful, yet enigmatic.

“Today’s the day of the sparring session…”

As Luo Feng stood up, he remembered the promise he made with Lin Hui ten days ago. After heaving a sigh, he began his descent down the mountain.

The martial arts duel class was a freestyle sparring session between two students. It was held in order to increase the students’ combat experience, and was carried out once per month.

There were plenty of Silver Moon Class students gathered around the training ground as the first light of dawn emerged.

News of Luo Feng’s battle against Lin Hui had already spread through the entire Silver Moon Class and everyone was discussing the topic enthusiastically.

After all, it was not every day that an early phase Energy Boundary student would challenge a later phase Energy Boundary student.

“Who knows whether Luo Feng would be present…” Everyone had their eyes fixated at the entrance to the training grounds as they spoke in enthusiastic tones.

“Hmph! He definitely won’t come! Luo Feng has just unlocked his Third Meridian Cycle, and is only in his early phase! On the other hand, Lin Hui had already reached the later phase long ago. There’s just too huge of a gap between their abilities. I bet Luo Feng’s quivering in his boots and hiding in a corner somewhere…” A student that had close ties with Lin Hui jested.

However, just after he had finished speaking, a gasp was heard from the other side.

“Luo Feng has arrived!”


Everyone spun their heads in unison to look at the entrance, and sure enough, Luo Feng leisurely strolled over.

The student that had confidently claimed that Luo Feng would be a no-show earlier bit his lips and cursed in a low tone. “You insolent brat! Do you have a death wish or something?!”

Regardless, no one paid any heed to the student’s words. Instead, some sharp-eyed individuals examined Luo Feng when suddenly, they let out a yelp.

“I’m not seeing things, right? When did Luo Feng’s Meridian Cycle Boundary reach the middle phase?!”

“He can cultivate at such a fast rate? Was he hiding his abilities in the past?”

Plenty of others were beginning to notice the change in Luo Feng’s Meridian Cycle Boundary and gave him surprised looks. They were now in the midst of a heated discussion.

After all, Luo Feng had first activated his Third Meridian Cycle ten days ago, and during this short time span, he was able to cultivate it to the middle phase. This rate of cultivation was practically out of this world!

Luo Feng turned a deaf ear to the gossip around him and walked directly to his position. Once there, he closed his eyes and waited for Lin Hui’s arrival in silence.

“Luo Feng.”

Just as Luo Feng had shut his eyes, a soft, gentle voice rang out from beside him.

Luo Feng opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a graceful figure before him. With his eyebrow raised, he asked, “Class representative, is there a problem?”

Indeed, the person standing before Luo Feng was Bing Ruolan.

At that point in time, the class representative looked at Luo Feng with a gentle smile on her face, one that was practically oozing with sincerity.

“Hey, why do you think the class representative is looking for Luo Feng?” The students surrounding them were surprised when they saw Bing Ruolan talking to Luo Feng by choice and without anyone asking her to.

Bing Ruolan was one of the three great beauties of the Outer Institution, and due to her flawless long legs, she was given the honorable title of the Jade-legged Goddess. Furthermore, the fact that she had activated the Fourth Meridian Cycle, the Strength Boundary, and cultivated it to the later phase at the tender age of fifteen had made her quite the celebrity within Silver Moon Class as her abilities were on par with the geniuses from Golden Sun Class.

Her focus was usually on cultivation. Bing Ruolan had little to no interest in others, and very rarely did she interact with others. Due to this, she was also secretly named the Icy Beauty.

Never in anyone’s wildest dreams would they have expected the goddess-like Bing Ruolan to approach another person of her own will, especially when that person was among the weakest within the class!

This was too much to handle all at once, and most people found it to be highly suspicious.

Bing Ruolan stood beside Luo Feng, and after a slight moment of hesitation, she steeled her resolve. She took a shallow breath, fixated her sapphire eyes on Luo Feng, and in a flowery tone, she stated, “Thank you for your cultivation guidance last time!”

After Luo Feng had left, Bing Ruolan had followed Luo Feng’s instructions to carry out her cultivation. Originally, she was just testing out whether it was a ruse, and had never expected the minor change would improve her Roaring Tiger Fist by nearly three-fold! Furthermore, her actions became more agile because of it too!

Within just two days, Bing Ruolan’s Roaring Tiger Fist had already achieved its third level! If she continued to follow her previous method of cultivation, such a scenario would have been impossible.


The students gasped in shock at Bing Ruolan’s words.

Everyone wore an expression of disbelief as they stared at Bing Ruolan with wide eyes.

“This can’t be real, right? Do my ears deceive me? The class representative just admitted that Luo Feng gave her guidance and even thanked the Lil punk!”

“How’s that possible? How can trash like him guide our class representative? Heck, even I’m even more useful than him!”

“The class representative didn’t look like she was joking though…”

The discussion was in full swing. Emotions ranging from jealousy, envy, and suspicion were hurled towards Luo Feng.

Bing Ruolan apologizing to Luo Feng was just too shocking an incident! It was just like seeing a wealthy baroness offering her thanks to a shabbily dressed beggar!

Unfazed by the gossip of the surrounding students, Luo Feng replied Bing Ruolan, saying, “It’s a small matter. Besides, you assisted me once before.”

Upon hearing Luo Feng’s words, the crowd gasped yet again.

After all, his words had unequivocally proven that Bing Ruolan was speaking the truth!

Seeing Luo Feng’s calm gaze had stunned Bing Ruolan. She felt as if Luo Feng was exuding an indescribable aura, one that could only be detected from the true geniuses of the Inner Institution.

“Luo Feng, come here for a sec.” The constant whispers from her surroundings had jolted Bing Ruolan back into reality. After inspecting her surroundings and ignoring the stunned expressions of the students, she dragged Luo Feng into an isolated corner.

“What’s this woman trying to pull? Isn’t she aware of the repercussions of her actions?” Sensing the bone-chilling glares coming at him from all directions, Luo Feng could not help but twitch. Yet, at the same time, he was also secretly feeling delighted.

‘Bing Ruolan is essentially a goddess to all the males in Silver Moon Class but I’m afraid that I’m the only one who has the privilege of making such close contact with her.’

As the faint flowery scent of Bing Ruolan’s lustrous hair wafted into Luo Feng’s nose while he felt the warmth of her slender hand, Luo Feng’s thoughts flew into cloud nine.

Once Bing Ruolan dragged Luo Feng to the corner, she let go of his hand and asked, “Luo Feng, are you confident that you can beat Lin Hui?”

Without even receiving an answer, Bing Ruolan continued, “We could explain your situation to Mentor Ji Wuyue together. If you reject Lin Hui now, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to you.”

Bing Ruolan was extremely grateful to Luo Feng for pointing out the error in her cultivation technique. Due to this, she did not want to bear witness to Luo Feng being killed in public.

“If I were to follow your plan, I would truly be reduced to a fool and forever be ridiculed! Moreover, Lin Hui is no match for me, and even if his abilities were superior to mine, I, Luo Feng, would never run away from a fight!” Luo Feng shook his head with a determined look in his eyes. While he understood that Bing Ruolan was only doing this as she was concerned for him, the fact still remained that he would never back down and lick another person’s boots.


Bing Ruolan had a slightly agitated tone. After all, who in their right mind would still debate over such a matter at such a time? Regardless, just as she was about to answer, a cheerful tone rang out from the other end.

“Hahaha… Luo Feng, I really thought that you would be too afraid to show yourself! It seems that there’s still a bit of manliness within you after all!” Lin Hui’s massive frame had appeared on the training grounds and confidently approached Luo Feng.

Another person stood behind Lin Hui. It was the person who had been absolutely destroyed by Luo Feng at the dining hall a few days ago, Qin Feng.

The moment Qin Feng saw Luo Feng, he immediately remembered the incident at the dining hall and flashed Luo Feng a deadly glare. Just as he was about to utter a few derogatory remarks however, the color drained from his face. He rolled his eyes and yelled in terror, “How is this possible? How could you already reach the Energy Boundary’s middle phase in such a short period of time?!”

“Nothing’s impossible!”

Luo Feng stood beside Bing Ruolan and returned a sharp glare at Lin Hui. He folded his arms together and in a cold tone, he declared, “Lin Hui, ten days ago, I told you that I would personally bring you down, and now, here I am!”

He stood casually in his spot, but at the same time looked just like a resting dragon. There was a menacing aura to Luo Feng, and as he stared down at Lin Hui, Lin Hui felt caught within the sights of a demonic beast. Not only did he find it uncomfortable, but his palms were also growing wet with cold perspiration.

‘What happened? It’s only been a few days, so how did this Lil punk become so powerful?!’

Lin Hui was panicking internally. He gulped down his saliva, forced down his fear, and put on an enraged expression. He then growled. “Luo Feng, save your act for someone else! I can’t believe that you would dare to act like a hotshot just because you’ve reached the middle phase of the Energy Boundary! Hah, all I need to do is raise a finger to defeat you!”

He glanced at Qin Feng, and the latter immediately nodded his head before standing up.


Qin Feng clapped his hands and faced the surrounding students with a brilliant smile. “I’ll be the bookmaker for today! We’re betting on whether Luo Feng or Lin Hui would triumph in their battle! The odds for betting on Lin Hui’s victory is one-to-one!”

“What about Luo Feng’s odds?” The male student that was well acquainted with Lin Hui raised his voice and asked. He did not attempt to mask his demeaning tone as everyone present was able to see his emotions.

Lin Hui laughed heartily and glanced disdainfully at Luo Feng. In a loud voice, he declared in a mocking tone, “Do you really think he can beat me? Well then, how about this, the odds for betting on Luo Feng is one-to-ten!!”

He did not even consider the possibility of Luo Feng beating him.

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