Martial Doctor Supreme

Chapter 654

Chapter 654 The Difference Between Men And Women

the Alps.

It’s true that there are differences between men and women, but you Yang Mu are not men?

“Yang Mu, are you messing with Qiqi? How can you do this, Qiqi has just woken up and is still very weak!”

Xiang Yuan was anxious: “I’m Qiqi’s father, what’s wrong? If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick the door!”

It has developed to this point, if you dare to be sorry for Qiqi in this life, I will die with you even if I become a ghost! ”

The old man was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

Xiang Yuan walked in quickly, saw Long Qi who had changed his clothes, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask a few questions. After confirming that Long Qi was really all right, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s true that there are differences between men and women, but you Yang Mu are not men?

He will never give the other party a chance to refuse!

Ask Yang Mu in the room through the door.

He was stunned for a moment. In this broad daylight, the plane was filled with people from Nantianmen. What was the need to lock the door?

And the reason for this is because in his life experience, there has never been something he couldn’t do!

Xiang Yuan was very efficient in his work, and soon made appointments with several top cultural relic experts in the imperial capital for Yang Mu.

“Who needs you to be responsible?”

Long Qi rolled her eyes at Yang Mu, looked at Xiang Yuan and said, “Foster father, please let someone contact the top cultural relic experts in the country now. After we get off the plane, I will find each other with this guy.”

Long Qi rolled her eyes at Yang Mu, looked at Xiang Yuan and said, “Foster father, please let someone contact the top cultural relic experts in the country now. After we get off the plane, I will find each other with this guy.”

He didn’t even think about whether the other party would agree to help him even if there was a cultivator.

Find a few more Chinese cultural relic experts to take a look, maybe, you can really see something!

“Yang Mu, how is Qi Qi, did you wake up?”

His expression became mad, and he laughed: “Okay! There are still cultivators in the world! That’s great! I must find him, and let him help me become a real cultivator!”

He was too lazy to take Xiang Yuan’s words, but Long Qi’s proposal was not bad!

Long Qi said: “Shen Nong Ding can’t study it, then we will ask someone to help study this ring! Maybe those experts can provide some useful clues.

The old man came to the underground space where Shennong Ding was located, but he didn’t see Shennong Ding at all, but saw the mummified corpses of Brahma’s teacher and apprentice!

Xiang Yuan walked to the door of the lounge,

The old man felt that he was the Oriole who was strategizing in the rear, and the two of the Brahma Sect simply made wedding dresses for him.

However, after being stunned for a short time, he nodded very simply:

Find a few more Chinese cultural relic experts to take a look, maybe, you can really see something!

Seeing that it was still early, Yang Mu and Long Qi immediately decided to set off to visit the cultural relic experts.

What do you tell me to stop thinking about it, I won’t think about it when I wear underwear?

Ten minutes later!

Xiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Yang Mu: “You are true, you don’t know much about this ring, aren’t you fooling us?”

Xiang Yuan walked to the door of the lounge,

The old man whispered to himself, speaking Chinese without any foreign accent.

The first person to visit was a professor of history at Yenching University.

Ask Yang Mu in the room through the door.

“Oh, by the way, there’s no clothes for Long Qi to change in the room, you can just grab a coat that she can wear.” Yang Mu’s voice came again.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of something, and he was dumbfounded: “Being able to take Shennong Ding away under such circumstances, could it be… a cultivator? There are still cultivators in this world?”

In the room, Long Qi’s voice came.

“What do you want to do with a cultural relic expert? To study whether the bronze cauldron is the real Shennong cauldron? The problem is, this kid now says that he can’t take the Shennong cauldron out of the ring at all!” Xiang Yuan was taken aback.

“Shen Nong Ding, where is my Shen Nong Ding! Why is it gone! How can it be gone?”

A figure that looked a bit hunched, stepped on the snow, but did not leave any footprints, the pace was a bit hasty, and walked towards the mountainside.

“Does this mean that if Long Qi is not weak, I can mess around?” Yang Mu said in a somewhat mocking voice.

It has developed to this point, if you dare to be sorry for Qiqi in this life, I will die with you even if I become a ghost! ”

He turned his head to look at Yang Mu and said viciously:

Yang Mu was full of expectations.

“Yang Mu, are you messing with Qiqi? How can you do this, Qiqi has just woken up and is still very weak!”

In the afternoon, the plane landed in the imperial capital.

“Boy, although this old man can’t beat you, things have

This stinky boy doesn’t need to keep a distance from Qiqi. He grew up with Qiqi, but he needs to pay attention to the distance!

Seeing the bodies of the two Brahma teachers and apprentices here was exactly what the old man expected, but when he found out that Shennong Ding was gone, he couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

He was dressed in the clothes of a Western Holy See cardinal, and his face was full of excitement and anticipation at this moment.

This is a wrinkled, Asian-looking old man.

“Does this mean that if Long Qi is not weak, I can mess around?” Yang Mu said in a somewhat mocking voice.

Ten minutes later!

Yang Mu said: “Now, you are really not suitable to come in.”

The old man felt that he was the Oriole who was strategizing in the rear, and the two of the Brahma Sect simply made wedding dresses for him.

Yang Mu said helplessly: “I’m scrubbing Long Qi’s body. Do you think you’re fit to come in? There’s a difference between men and women! By the way, don’t think about it, nothing happened to us, and she’s still wearing underwear.”

“Yang Mu, how is Qi Qi, did you wake up?”

According to his understanding, the Shennong Ding must be completely repaired before the Shennong Ding can be taken as its own.

He passed the clothes in through the crack of the door opened by Yang Mu, but he didn’t break in, and his heart was sour.

“At this point in time, the enchantment of Shennong Ding has disappeared, and the pair of idiot masters and apprentices must have become the nourishment of Shennong Ding.

Although Yang Mu said that Long Qi was fine, he didn’t see Long Qi wake up with his own eyes, and he couldn’t really let go of his heart.

The old man was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

Seeing that it was still early, Yang Mu and Long Qi immediately decided to set off to visit the cultural relic experts.

“Stinky boy, did you order me?”

Xiang Yuan gritted his teeth, and after a few seconds, he went to get clothes for Long Qi.

“What do you want to do with a cultural relic expert? To study whether the bronze cauldron is the real Shennong cauldron? The problem is, this kid now says that he can’t take the Shennong cauldron out of the ring at all!” Xiang Yuan was taken aback.

Xiang Yuan angrily said, “Fuck! I didn’t say such a thing. Open the door quickly!”

Immediately afterwards, he thought of something, and he was dumbfounded: “Being able to take Shennong Ding away under such circumstances, could it be… a cultivator? There are still cultivators in this world?”

Xiang Yuan walked in quickly, saw Long Qi who had changed his clothes, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask a few questions. After confirming that Long Qi was really all right, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiang Yuan was overjoyed and immediately opened the door to go in, only to find that the door was locked.

When Xiang Yuan heard this, he was so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born. Listen to what this kid said!

The mantis catches the cicada, followed by the oriole.

He will never give the other party a chance to refuse!

Xiang Yuan angrily said, “Fuck! I didn’t say such a thing. Open the door quickly!”

Good guy, how dare the other party always think that he is lying, and is unwilling to tell them the true origin of this ring?

Xiang Yuan gritted his teeth, and after a few seconds, he went to get clothes for Long Qi.

He was dressed in the clothes of a Western Holy See cardinal, and his face was full of excitement and anticipation at this moment.

He turned his head to look at Yang Mu and said viciously:

What do you tell me to stop thinking about it, I won’t think about it when I wear underwear?

Xiang Yuan was very efficient in his work, and soon made appointments with several top cultural relic experts in the imperial capital for Yang Mu.

Is there such a thing as taking advantage of your own daughter?

Xiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Yang Mu: “You are true, you don’t know much about this ring, aren’t you fooling us?”

Yang Mu was dumbfounded, looked at the expressionless Long Qi, and felt that he was being calculated, the good guy really just helped to wipe his body just now, he didn’t take any advantage at all, it was a feast for the eyes at best, what does it mean that things have developed like this? so much!

“Hopefully, these experts can really help me see the origin of this ring!”

In the afternoon, the plane landed in the imperial capital.

However, relying on the blood of the two of them alone is not enough for Shennong Ding to recover. In order for Shennong Ding to truly recover, more people are needed to make sacrifices! ”

He didn’t even think about whether the other party would agree to help him even if there was a cultivator.

The first person to visit was a professor of history at Yenching University.

“Hopefully, these experts can really help me see the origin of this ring!”

Yang Mu was full of expectations. the Alps. A figure that looked a bit hunched, stepped on the snow, but did not leave any footprints, the pace was a bit hasty, and walked towards the mountainside.

“Stinky boy, did you order me?”

Yang Mu said: “Now, you are really not suitable to come in.”

And the reason for this is because in his life experience, there has never been something he couldn’t do!

Long Qi said: “Shen Nong Ding can’t study it, then we will ask someone to help study this ring! Maybe those experts can provide some useful clues.

He passed the clothes in through the crack of the door opened by Yang Mu, but he didn’t break in, and his heart was sour.

“Who needs you to be responsible?”

Is there such a thing as taking advantage of your own daughter?

An old father’s intuition made him anxious:

Xiang Yuan was anxious: “I’m Qiqi’s father, what’s wrong? If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick the door!”

“In this life, I will be responsible for her! She can die for me, and I can also sacrifice everything for her.”

After a while, the door finally opened.

“Shen Nong Ding, where is my Shen Nong Ding! Why is it gone! How can it be gone?”

In the room, Long Qi’s voice came.

Seeing the bodies of the two Brahma teachers and apprentices here was exactly what the old man expected, but when he found out that Shennong Ding was gone, he couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

However, even he cannot take Shennong Ding away right now.

The old man whispered to himself, speaking Chinese without any foreign accent.

If you can figure out what story, or legend, this ring once had, it might be of great use! ”

The mantis catches the cicada, followed by the oriole.

His expression became mad, and he laughed: “Okay! There are still cultivators in the world! That’s great! I must find him, and let him help me become a real cultivator!”

Yang Mu also looked at Long Qi in confusion.

“In this life, I will be responsible for her! She can die for me, and I can also sacrifice everything for her.”

“At this point in time, the enchantment of Shennong Ding has disappeared, and the pair of idiot masters and apprentices must have become the nourishment of Shennong Ding.

Yang Mu was speechless for a while.

This stinky boy doesn’t need to keep a distance from Qiqi. He grew up with Qiqi, but he needs to pay attention to the distance!

“Father, I’m fine.”

According to his understanding, the Shennong Ding must be completely repaired before the Shennong Ding can be taken as its own.

The old man came to the underground space where Shennong Ding was located, but he didn’t see Shennong Ding at all, but saw the mummified corpses of Brahma’s teacher and apprentice!

“Father, I’m fine.”

“Oh, by the way, there’s no clothes for Long Qi to change in the room, you can just grab a coat that she can wear.” Yang Mu’s voice came again.

After a while, the door finally opened.

However, even he cannot take Shennong Ding away right now.

Good guy, how dare the other party always think that he is lying, and is unwilling to tell them the true origin of this ring?

“Boy, although this old man can’t beat you, things have

He was stunned for a moment. In this broad daylight, the plane was filled with people from Nantianmen. What was the need to lock the door?

However, after being stunned for a short time, he nodded very simply:

“You still have some conscience!” Xiang Yuan’s expression softened a bit.

Although Yang Mu said that Long Qi was fine, he didn’t see Long Qi wake up with his own eyes, and he couldn’t really let go of his heart.

After a brief period of astonishment, the old man roared loudly, frightened and angry, as if crazy.

Yang Mu said helplessly: “I’m scrubbing Long Qi’s body. Do you think you’re fit to come in? There’s a difference between men and women! By the way, don’t think about it, nothing happened to us, and she’s still wearing underwear.”

Xiang Yuan was overjoyed and immediately opened the door to go in, only to find that the door was locked.

When Xiang Yuan heard this, he was so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born. Listen to what this kid said!

This is a wrinkled, Asian-looking old man.

Yang Mu also looked at Long Qi in confusion.

After a brief period of astonishment, the old man roared loudly, frightened and angry, as if crazy.

“You still have some conscience!” Xiang Yuan’s expression softened a bit.

Yang Mu was dumbfounded, looked at the expressionless Long Qi, and felt that he was being calculated, the good guy really just helped to wipe his body just now, he didn’t take any advantage at all, it was a feast for the eyes at best, what does it mean that things have developed like this? so much!

An old father’s intuition made him anxious:

Yang Mu was speechless for a while.

However, relying on the blood of the two of them alone is not enough for Shennong Ding to recover. In order for Shennong Ding to truly recover, more people are needed to make sacrifices! ”

If you can figure out what story, or legend, this ring once had, it might be of great use! ”

He was too lazy to take Xiang Yuan’s words, but Long Qi’s proposal was not bad!

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