Martial Doctor Supreme

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

chapter 74

The two gangsters were taken aback when they heard the words, and when they turned around, they saw a young man walking towards him with a smile not far away.

Thinking of this guy’s words, they immediately regarded Yang Mu as passing by by chance. Seeing Shang Qingdai’s beauty, they all wanted to get a piece of the pie, but they were all angry and laughing. ?

None of them noticed that when Shang Qingdai saw the other party, she was stunned in place, her eyes full of joy.

“Where’s the shit from, give it to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, Lao Tzu will shoot you!”

The tall and thin middle-aged man pointed his gun at Yang Mu with a grim expression.

The triangular-eyed middle-aged man frowned and said, “I can’t let him go!”

The tall and thin middle-aged man reacted, yes, the two of them were going to kill Shang Qingdai next, and no matter what, they could not let such a witness leave.

Otherwise, the two of them might not be able to leave Huaxia later.


Without any hesitation and nonsense, the tall and thin middle-aged man pulled the trigger and the bullet flew towards Yang Mu.

“Be careful!”

Shang Qingdai changed her face and shouted in shock.

“If you don’t add me, you won’t add one, why do you have to do it?”

Yang Mu said angrily.

In his hand he held a steel bar about one meter long, which he picked up on the road.

When the bullet came in front of him, there was a sharp breath on his body, and the steel bar in his hand seemed to be a sharp sword.


The two gangsters and Shang Qingdai couldn’t even see Yang Mu’s movements. The bullet collided with the steel bars and sparked.

Seeing that the bullet was blocked, it was about to fall to the ground.

With a flick of Yang Mu’s wrist, the steel bar trembled. The bullet was hit by the steel bar and flew towards Yang Mu, and was caught by Yang Mu with the other hand.

The two gangsters and Shang Qingdai were stunned in place, as if seeing a miracle.

“Back to you!”

Yang Mu threw the bullet in his hand, grinned, and with a flick of his arm, the bullet flew back upside down, and with a thud, it penetrated the palm of the tall, thin middle-aged man holding the gun.


The tall and thin middle-aged man howled miserably, the pistol dropped, and the whole person fell to the ground.

“It’s your turn! Why didn’t you shoot?

Shoot! ”

Yang Mu turned to look at the terrified middle-aged man with triangular eyes.

“You…are you a human or a ghost, what the hell is going on?

impossible! How could the bullet be blocked? This is impossible! ”

The triangular-eyed middle-aged man simply collapsed. He only felt that the cognition of the world over the years had completely collapsed, and the scene in front of him was completely incomprehensible to him.

“Hundreds of years ago, the ancients would have thought that stepping on the moon was absolutely impossible.

There are not so many impossible things in this world, but your knowledge is shallow.

If you don’t shoot, you’ll never have the chance to shoot again.

Don’t you want to resist a little? ”

Yang Mu slowly walked towards the middle-aged man with triangular eyes, his expression flat.

In the eyes of the triangular-eyed middle-aged man, Yang Mu at this moment was like a ghastly-looking evil spirit, so frightened that he lost his mind.

The triangular-eyed middle-aged man is like a beast driven to a desperate situation. With a scream, he pulled the trigger one after another, gunshots sounded, and several bullets flew towards Yang Mu.

clang! clang! clang–

Yang Mu’s right hand and the steel bars in his hand turned into afterimages in the eyes of the middle-aged man with triangular eyes and Shang Qingdai’s eyes. With the sound of metal collision, sparks appeared, and several bullets fell to the ground.


Yang Mu had already walked in front of the triangular-eyed middle-aged man, and the steel bar in his hand stabbed instantly, stopping in front of the triangular-eyed middle-aged man’s eyebrows.

The triangular-eyed middle-aged man rolled his eyes, his body slumped to the ground, and he was so frightened that he passed out.

“It’s too frivolous.

Not only without fighting, but also with courage! ”

Yang Mu took these two guys and compared them with the Dark List Killer he met before, and found that there was no comparison at all.

Compared with that person, these two guys looked too amateur.

Not only the mentality, but also the marksmanship is 108,000 miles away. I am still on guard, lest something unexpected happen. I really think highly of these two guys.

The tall, thin middle-aged man lying on the ground got up at some point, clutched his bleeding right hand, and ran away. Just after a few steps, a steel bar flew and pierced through his right thigh.

He screamed and fell to the ground again.

“Are you OK?”

Yang Mu turned to look at Shang Qingdai, just to see that Shang Qingdai’s feet were weak, her face was pale, and she was about to fall to the ground.

He stepped forward a few steps, supported Shang Qingdai, and joked: “After doing it for a long time, you pretended to be fearless before?

If people knew that the cold-hearted business queen in their hearts would have been frightened to the point where their legs went weak… Uh, why are you crying? ”

Yang Mu was dumbfounded!

Shang Qingdai, who was leaning against his arms, was not only soft and pale, but also had tears in her eyes.

He could even feel that the surprisingly curvy body in his arms was trembling slightly uncontrollably, looking extremely weak.

This time, Yang Mu was not in the mood to joke.

It turned out that Shang Qingdai was not as courageous as she thought. Facing the muzzle of a gun and the vicious gangsters who wanted to defile her, she was as weak and helpless as an ordinary woman, full of fear.

Even if she is the queen of the business world, where has she ever encountered such a scene?

The difference with her is that she is strong enough!

In the face of gangsters, he still tried his best to pretend to be unafraid, trying to fight for a chance for himself.

Looking at this trembling woman, who was unwilling to show her cowardice at all, Yang Mu suddenly felt a little distressed in his heart.

“Who said my legs were weak from fright?

This is just a stress reaction of the body when it encounters a dangerous situation, just like the knee-jerk reaction, I can’t control it myself, and it has nothing to do with my guts! ”

Shang Qingdai stared at Yang Mu and said stubbornly.

“Yes, yes, you are right.

You are bold, fearless, and have a superwoman-like heart, but this body is holding you back. ”

Yang Mu was speechless, this woman is too strong and arrogant, is it so difficult to admit that she also has a weak side?

Shang Qingdai bit her lip, bulging her cheeks slightly, and staring at Yang Mu angrily, what does it mean to be bold and not afraid of death, this guy clearly didn’t take his own words seriously.

Still making fun of yourself!

The expression of glaring at Yang Mu, matched with that cold and beautiful face, she does not look fierce at all, but has an unspeakable cuteness.

At this time, she is not like the shrewd and capable queen in the shopping mall, but rather like a naive and foolish yellow-flowered girl.

Yang Mu remembered what Guo Yunhe said before:

“My old man once said that Shang Qingdai is impeccable in other aspects in the shopping mall, except for two shortcomings.”

“It’s easy to be emotional, and it’s too strong!”

“A woman who is young and has never even been in love, after all, she is actually a girl. It would be weird if she was no different from the old fritters in our shopping malls!”

Seeing an inexplicable smile on Yang Mu’s face, Shang Qingdai asked inexplicably, “What are you smiling at?”

Yang Mu smiled and said, “Laughing at you, you also have a silly side.”


Shang Qingdai gritted her teeth in anger, her body had regained some strength, she pushed Yang Mu away, and hummed, “You are more powerful than I thought.

You can’t even take bullets? ”

Yang Mu shook his head: “I’m not that good yet.

First of all, it must be the bullet of an ordinary pistol, and it will be very troublesome to replace it with a sniper rifle.

In addition, when facing the pistol now, I still need to use external objects, and unless the distance is relatively far, there is no way to dodge directly. ”

He looked at Shang Qingdai’s expression: “You don’t seem to be very shocked?”

Shang Qingdai was really surprised before, but what she was surprised was that Yang Mu was able to stop bullets with the help of foreign objects, not that there are people in this world who are not afraid of pistols.

“Beside my grandfather, there is a real master like you who is not afraid of pistols.”

Shang Qingdai simply explained.

Yang Mu was stunned at first, and then he thought about it, the merchant is a wealthy family in Tianhai City, with assets exceeding 100 billion yuan, and it is actually normal for the businessman to have a real strong man beside him.

As the general manager of Tianshang Group, Shang Qingdai is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

“Speak! Who asked you to deal with me?”

Shang Qingdai walked beside the tall and thin middle-aged man lying on the ground, her pretty face was cold, and she had the cold and stern temperament of a superior.

At this moment, she is not weak at all, like a heroine.

The tall and thin middle-aged man said bitterly: “I admit it! If you want to kill, kill it, stop talking nonsense.

If you want to ask something from Lao Tzu’s mouth, just dream! I only regret now that I did you without being in the car, so it’s worth it! ”

At the end of the day, he had a wicked smile on his face, his eyes were rebellious, and he was full of hob meat.

Shang Qingdai stared at him coldly, but she was helpless for a while.

Yang Mu walked to her side, looked at the tall and thin middle-aged man and said with a smile:

“Tough mouth, right?

Not afraid of death, right?

Row! I like tough guys like you.

Hopefully wait a while, your bones are really hard enough, or the game won’t be fun. ”


Shang Qingdai looked at Yang Mu in confusion.

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