Martial Spirit Evolves From Mandala Snake

Chapter 11 Despicable?

Currently on Chapter 32 on P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Line Break

Su Cheng knew they were here to avenge Dai Mubai.

However, the current strength of these two people is far from that of Dai Mubai, and he should be able to deal with them easily.

Then, just as Ma Hongjun and Oscar thought that Su Cheng was not there, the door was pushed open.

Seeing Su Cheng, who was handsome in appearance and easy-going, a bit taller than themselves, Ma Hongjun and Oscar were taken aback.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Although he knew the purpose of the two in front of him, he still wanted to pretend to be confused.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, you beat a guy with blond hair and heterochromatic eyes two days ago."

"Are you a friend of that guy? Are you here to avenge him?"


[Trigger mission, defeat Ma Hongjun, reward 100 Evolution Points, Double Speed Cultivation Potion*1.]

A Mission trigger sound came again in his mind. Hearing this sound, Su Cheng smiled helplessly. The gap between Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai was not that big. However, he still hadn’t broken through to Spirit Grandmaster yet.

"Okay, I'll give you this opportunity, go out, don't fight here. I won't be responsible for the damage if the hotel is broken."

"Okay." Ma Hongjun was a little excited when he saw Su Cheng's willingness to agree, but he wanted to see how strong Su Cheng was.

Soon, the two came to the outskirts.

During the period, they did not make any sneak attacks. At this time, Ma Hongjun and the others, probably because of their age, were quite abiding by the rules. Seeing the honesty of the two behind him, Su Cheng smiled. These two guys are too innocent, because he didn't think about pitting them, otherwise, they wouldn't know how they died.

"You two are still fighting while on training wheels." Su Cheng said coldly.

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Ma Hongjun glared at him: "Don't be so arrogant, Oscar just came to accompany me, to deal with you, I alone will be enough."

"Oh, then go on, let me see how strong you are."

Su Cheng's attitude was too contemptuous, and this annoyed people quite easily. He immediately possessed his Martial Spirit and his opponent also possessed his Martial Spirit. The difference in Rank between Ma Hongjun and Su Cheng wasn’t big, so this would be easy.

'First Spirit Ability - Phoenix Fire Wire!'

Ma Hongjun used his Spirit Abilities immediately. The hot flames came for Su Cheng who was ready. His Martial Spirit was a Mandala Snake, and the flame itself could damage him. Ma Hongjun’s flames could not be absorbed easily.

For a while, Ma Hongjun kept jetting phoenix flames, and Su Cheng couldn't get close to him. On the contrary, he was shot several times by the line of fire, and several snake scales were scorched black on his body.

A few minutes later, Ma Hongjun started to gasp because of excessive consumption of Spirit Power.

"Can you fight or not? What do you mean by only running away and dodging!"

But as soon as the voice fell, Su Cheng appeared in front of him, hitting his chest with his palm, and the pain in Ma Hongjun’s chest was accompanied by a tingling numbness. The sensation came from the wound, and Ma Hongjun was beaten back a few steps. Before he could breathe, Su Cheng's attacks fell on Ma Hongjun one after another. In the end, Su Cheng kicked Ma Hongjun away.

"Fatty! Go on!"

Su Cheng suddenly felt a little bad when he heard a voice from behind him.

Sure enough, when he turned around, a large recovery sausage and a small detoxification sausage appeared on Ma Hongjun's hand. Looking disgustingly at the two sausages in front of him, Ma Hongjun still swallowed them cruelly.

Immediately, he felt that the Spirit Power in his body had recovered a lot, and at the same time the feeling of paralysis disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Hongjun shot a phoenix fire line. Although Su Cheng had reflected it, his arm was still burned.

In an instant, Su Cheng's expression turned gloomy, he did not think that Oscar would help.

Now that the other party didn't abide by the agreement first, he didn’t care about etiquette.

[Trigger mission, defeat Oscar, reward 200 Evolution Points, Double Speed Cultivation Potion*3. ]

The system seems to be uncomfortable with this behavior of the other party, and immediately set off on the Oscar mission. It was also the first time that Su Cheng switched his goal to Oscar. When Oscar found Su Cheng staring at him, Oscar felt a chill run down his spine. He felt like he was being followed by a poisonous snake ready to attack.

Before he could react, Su Cheng rushed towards him. After a second or so, Oscar realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately started to escape in the direction of Ma Hongjun. Fortunately, he was not lazy during his laps. His physical strength wasn’t too bad, preventing Su Cheng from overtaking him while letting Ma Hongjun attack him using Phoenix Fire Wire.

"Fatty, it's over! He seems to be annoyed!"

Oscar said as he ran, but Ma Hongjun was busy breathing out fire, so he ignored him, although he violated the one-on-one agreed at the beginning, but Ma Hongjun now didn't feel the slightest guilt. After all, there is no fairness in a battle between Spirit Masters.

However, although Oscar is a Spirit Grandmaster and his physical strength is not bad, how can he be faster than Su Cheng, who is an Attack Type Spirit Master? Su Cheng is getting closer and closer to him, and he is in a hurry. Oscar hurriedly took out a few big recovery sausages that he had prepared a long time ago and threw them to Ma Hongjun. He estimated that he would not be able to run.

However, as soon as he raised his hand, Su Cheng grabbed his right hand.


Seeing this scene, Ma Hongjun didn't dare to use the Phoenix Fire Wire anymore. He was afraid of accidentally hurting Oscar. Su Cheng snatched the recovery sausages from Oscar. Then he swallowed these big sausages.

Suddenly, a feeling of fullness came from his abdomen, which instantly filled his entire body. Almost all the Spirit Power he had consumed was restored, and the injuries he suffered before had also healed a lot.

Before Ma Hongjun arrived, Su Cheng stunned Oscar with a single palm. Then when Ma Hongjun was about to do it, Su Cheng blocked Oscar in front of him. Suddenly, Ma Hongjun didn't move. "What do you want to do? Let Oscar go first!"

"What are you kidding, why should I let him go? By the way, Fatty, from now on, you are not allowed to use Spirit Abilities, otherwise I will use this guy as a shield, it’s not my fault if he gets hurt ‘accidentally’~"

"You... despicable!"

"Despicable? Good word! Thank you for complimenting me."

"You! You!" Ma Hongjun couldn't talk for a while.

"What are you, how can you face me? How have you got the nerve to talk when you partnered with someone else against me?”

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