Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 20: A Cruel Game Begins


"The strong eat the weak. This is a rule used by all in this world."

— Xiao Yan, (Battle Through the Heavens)


<(Atem  POV)> 

"I am sorry sir but I don't think I have the power to do that. Taking away the privileges of an existing member is something we can only do with the permission of a higher authority. Also, we only put parties on the red list when they have done something against the rules of the club which as much as I am aware of didn't happen in this case." The tux-wearing manager said politely, trying his best not to let the situation escalate further.

"Hahahahaha, who did you even think you are? An organization as premium and powerful as this one doesn't listen to a nobody like you. Even I who run one of the largest hedge funds in Asia and have a platinum-grade membership can't just order the club around like that, so what chances do you have little boy? You are just a nobody." The previous man spoke in a heavy accent with a mocking smile on his face as he looked pleased with the manager's reply.

"Wow, talk about being egotistical. You should chill out man. If you are already this excited then I can't imagine what will happen to you by the time this is over." I said, not reacting much to his taunts.

A few seconds ago, I was wondering if I should use my telepathic powers and just get this entire thing over with to focus on my date with Susan again. But this was just too much fun. Using my powers right now would just mean losing out on an opportunity to have some genuine fun which I really do not want at all. So, humbling him with the classic face-slapping dao of the Chinese protagonist was the only viable option for me, and doing it would not be boring at all.

"WHAT, YOU..." The man fumed as he began to shout, his face red and even the veins in his neck were showing clearly as he looked like he wanted to vomit blood and tackle me with everything he had.

"Excuse me, sir, I would like to request you to keep your voice down and keep your anger in check. The other guests might get disturbed because of your high voice. Also, please refrain from making any threats to anyone. We do not take kindly to threats on club grounds, no matter who you are threatening." The manager interrupted while frowning at the man as he tried to mitigate between me and him. 

"Sir, excuse me. You should see this." A voice interrupted the manager as the same guard as before who had escorted us in quickly approached him and showed him the screen of a tab, the eyes of the guard taking momentary peeks at me while he gulped, his hands shaking visibly in stress.

The manager looked at the screen for a couple of seconds with an annoyed face at being disturbed during his conversation with us but still managed to retain his professionalism as he took a glance at the tablet in the anxious guard's hands.

"... What the? why did you not show me this before? It doesn't matter... Mr. Atem, I am extremely sorry for not recognizing you earlier. Please forgive us for any mistakes we may have made during your stay here. We will do our best to make your experience here at Hellfire Club as pleasurable, comfortable, and memorable as we can." The manager apologized as he did the most tense 90-degree bow ever all the while he was sweating like crazy from all the tension that he had received after finding out my real identity and grade of membership.

"It's okay. I wasn't exactly offended. After all, you were quite fair from where you were standing and I respect that in my employees. However, my previous decision about him remains the same. So you should show your efficiency as a manager and escort this toxic fat impolite pig out of here as fast as possible." I said while lazily pointing in the direction of... well, whatever his name was.

"Hehe." The sound of a subtle chuckle came from Susan which she immediately tried to hide in shame with her hands but still struggled to keep her mouth shut and stop laughing. It seemed that she really liked bad jokes.

"Of course sir. We will be canceling his membership right away and putting him on the Red list at the very top position. Robert, please throw the pig, I mean this man out of the establishment's premises. You can use force if necessary." The manager quickly ordered decisively. 

"Wait, what? What is happening? What do you mean? I am a Platinum Elite member. You cannot cancel my membership that easily. There should at least be a proper inquiry and due process. Why does he get to dictate the club's policies? And I didn't even do anything to warrant the club to put my name in the red list? This is not fair." The fat man tried his best to defend himself from the absolute destruction that was coming his way. There was no hint of arrogance left in his voice, only fear as he pleaded for his cause, knowing what was in store for him if what the manager ordered really came to pass.

"Please please, I'll do anything. I'll even lick your shoes. Just stop this, please. I have a family to feed, and children to look after. Also, my competitors will destroy me if they even get the slightest wisp of this. I'll have to take my own life by the end of this. So please." Having realized that I held the most power here for some reason, he begged me shamelessly while shedding a fountain of tears from his eyes. 

"You didn't disrespect me, you know. You insulted my date today and I don't like it when people insult my women. I could have forgiven you if you had insulted me without knowing who I am. But, unfortunately for you, you had to go ahead and act like a goddamn perverted creep to her for no reason at all despite having two gorgeous women with you yourself. So, if you had to blame anyone for your fate, blame yourself." I said in a low voice with a cruel mocking smile on my face. I was absolutely taking pleasure in this, I was quite sadistic that way.

"Take him away... Come, Miss. Storm. Let's enjoy ourselves. We can still have an amazing night." I declared as I turned around and dragged the currently blushing Susan away with my hands around her waist, an action that she didn't resist at all.

The crying Hedge fund manager on the other hand was 'escorted' away by the guards the moment we left and even the two Hollywood celebrities he was accompanying who had begun to sob in fear after witnessing the exchange were forced to leave the premises with him as well. I had no idea whether the memberships of the females would be canceled or not but again, I had no desire to know that as well.

"Wow, that was... something. Now, I feel a little bad for the man. Will he be alright? I mean being blacklisted by a club isn't that bad. I didn't understand why he was crying so much. Is the club that good or was he just unhappy that he wouldn't be able to network anymore with any rich individuals?" Susan asked like a curious cat.

She had no idea about the implications of the red list or what the Hellfire Club truly was and what went within it regularly. She herself was the CEO of a Foundation but still, she wasn't well-connected or influential enough to know about the services and the benefits that the club offered to its more premium members. 

"Don't feel bad for him. He deserved everything that happened to him. Even though I was quite calm there, the entire experience was quite aggravating for me. I probably would have bashed his face in if he had done this in public outside the club's grounds. So, he was quite lucky that he wouldn't have to pay hospital fees this time." I lied about the last part as I could already sense some of the club goons beating him in the garage to a bloody mess to give him a small warning on what happens if someone antagonizes the club or its premier members.

"And as for the club, well it is a little bit more complicated than most other organizations that are in the same business. The array of services and perks offered is much more... complex. You know what, how about this? If your foundation becomes profitable by the end of the year and the space trip is a complete success, I'll make sure that you get a membership as well, and not just any membership but one of the highest-tiered memberships they have, the Diamond-grade one." I dangled the proverbial carrot in front of her to try to motivate her to give her best to turn the Foundation around from its loss-making history.

"Really? The club will listen to you? I mean I know that you are probably one of their highly valued members since they immediately stripped the membership of one of their important members at your request but would they give me the highest tier of membership just because you requested it? I have heard that they are pretty picky about who to select as their members." She asked while raising one of her brows.

"I am sure they will at least consider it," I said with a mysterious smile. "Anyways, let's go and have some dinner. I heard that a ball dance will be held after the fashion show and art exhibition is over. I would like it if I get to dance with one of the most beautiful CEOs I have ever met today." I got my charm on as I decided to forget about the wuxia bastard and just enjoy my date with the future Invisible Woman as I had originally planned.

But what I didn't know at that time was that this simple little event could start a chain of events that could snowball into something so big that it could rattle my entire 'slow life' in this world.


<(Omniscient POV)>

It was a hospital room where a badly injured and fat Hedgefund manager was lying on a bed with various types of equipment and machines attached to him. There was darkness prevalent in the room with the only source of illumination being the light coming from outside through the open window.

"The mistress wants to know why you failed. You had everything you needed, connections, investment, the product everything. All you had to do was convince some of the important politicians and key businessmen we needed at the Hellfire Club to partner with us and help distribute the product while not coming onto the law's radar. Not only did you fail in that task, instead now, we are being attacked by different law enforcement agencies, our shell companies are being hit with multiple lawsuits, and we are practically at war with an unknown group. Why?" An ominous voice asked from the shadows that were prevalent in the room.

"It was the Hellfire Club. They terminated my membership and put me on the Red List after one of their members got into a fight with me. I didn't know why he was such an important member of them but he made them kick me out and forced them to place me on the list." The fat man gulped and hurriedly tried to explain himself.

"I see. So, it WAS because of you... Do you know who this man was?" 

"Yes, I actually did hear his name when the manager said it. It was something called Atem, a name consisting of just one word. He was accompanying Susan Storm, the current CEO of Baxter Foundation as her date. I remember his face as well. I can even help you in..." 

The man could not complete his words. There was a small gleam in the darkness and immediately the man's head was cleanly separated from his body and fell down on the ground as it rolled away like a ball.

"That is no longer necessary. The Hand doesn't require your services anymore." The voice in the shadow whispered as he stepped into the faint light coming from the windows, his red ninja suit visible like it was just dyed in fresh blood.

The next moment the room was completely empty with only a single lifeless and headless dead body left lying on the bed in absolute eternal silence.


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