Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 3: The Final Quest at the Very Start


"Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"

~ Don Quixote Doflamingo, (One Piece)


As many intelligent people have said before, nothing in this world is for free and if it is then it's not free, It's a trade-off.

And what does the system take from me in exchange for the power it 'gives' me you ask? The answer is my freedom, my choice to be whatever I want to be, to truly do whatever I want with my life. It didn't make me its slave or something. No, instead it is trying to shape me into what it wants me to be.

The system is preparing me to play some certain role in the future, in the plans of whoever made it. It wants me to get strong and experienced enough to be able to do something for it, a single task that I need to complete in order to 'pay' the entity behind it back.

[Primary System Quest: 'Struggle for Life

Quest Description: 'They' are coming. Prepare for the FINAL WAR and win. (More information locked for now)

Quest Reward: Survival of the Host.

Quest Failure: Complete destruction of Host.]

It was this mission with a minimum and unclear description appearing in my quest tab a couple of months ago that had been driving me crazy, especially because of its penalty.

In fact, the whole mission was ominous like it was some end-of-the-world finale thing that I would have to face one day even though I didn't even know who I would have to fight or what type of war this was supposed to be.

But it was also thanks to it, that my desire to grow stronger and survive has only gotten more powerful, to the point that I had even accepted a surprise mission from the system to occupy Nornheim even though I wanted to enjoy a couple more years of the slow life I had begun to enjoy recently.

I mean although I had a system, I still wasn't the strongest in the world even though I had been here for the last decade. Why? Simple. Because my system didn't make me infinitely level up by giving me exp points. No, it only gave me choice-based or quest-based rewards through which I could get stronger but they were rare. For the last decade, I had barely gotten one mission a year on average. However, I have a feeling that's going to change soon, especially since it just got a new UI makeover which was possibly an upgrade after it assigned me the primary quest a few months ago.

Also, I had tried to use stuff like serums and other artificial enhancers to increase my power but sadly my body which was stated to be a New God's didn't exactly behave like that of a human. No, it was vastly different, and rejected most of the things that I tried on myself. Hell, it even rejected vampirism, lycanthropy, and even some of the magical rituals I had tried to strengthen myself artificially. Of course, it was a good sign in a way since it meant I was immune to a lot of supernatural and scientific stuff that could mess with me but it also meant the only way I could get strong was through hard work and determination... if we didn't count the OP rewards I got every now and then after I complete quests that is.

However, I should still try to figure out what this system really is. I don't want it to screw me at the last possible second in case it isn't exactly the friendly gift from a bored ROB that I hope it is.

"I am done with my interrogations Atem. You can 'negotiate' with Karnilla now. I am sure she would be much more agreeing with your offer than before." Morgana informed after seemingly appearing in front of me out of nowhere.

"Oh, I see. Cool. Let's go and talk to her then." I lazily said as we slowly floated to where Karnilla was still bound in her chains.

Noticing my approach, Karnilla looked at me with fear in her eyes for some reason even though I didn't do a single thing to him.

'Why is she shaking? Do I look scary? I thought I was full of charm but she is looking at me like I am some sort of dangerous and hideous monster.' I asked Morgana telepathically using my divine psionics skill. It was extremely useful and gave me almost all mind-related abilities including omega-level telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection, and empathy. It was truly a skill worthy of actual gods.

'Well, I might have told her a few things about you like you being a bastard son of Odin and Phoenix force as well as what is supposed to be your birthright to conquer back and rule all the ten realms one day. Also, I think you fail to realize how powerful your divine presence truly is. No matter how much you suppress it, lower gods like her still get the feeling of utter powerlessness when in front of you.' She thought back with a hint of pride mixed in her emotions.

'... Wait what? I told you not to tell anyone that. It sounds really cliche and makes me seem like some sort of arrogant young master when I or you guys tell absolute strangers how conquering and ruling the world is my birthright. Hell even me being a bastard son of Odin doesn't really make me proud you know.' I complained not at all happy that most of the people in my faction still think that I have my old habit of behaving like a spoiled young master in front of people while demanding they just give up and kill themselves.

I was extremely childish back then, so I might have ruined my image in front of a lot of people but no more. Now, almost all mutants, or metahumans as they are called currently consider me as their god, so I have a responsibility to uphold a dignified image for them.

Anyway, I didn't waste any more of my time feeling bad for my stupid exploits back in my early days in Marvel and just jumped back directly into the conversation that I needed to have with Karnilla.

"So Queen of Mysticism, right? I might actually have a sick limited-time offer for you that will change your life. You wanna hear it?" I smiled at her as I noticed her controlling her rapid breathing and the shocked scared look in her eyes. Her decades of experience came into play and her expressions quickly went back to a prideful one like a battle-hardened graceful queen even though she was bound by Morgana's thorny chains in a pose that could be termed very compromising by people.

"And what is your offer... God Emperor Atem?" She asked, adding some forced respect at the end.

Well, well. Will you look at that? It seems like Morgana was quite successful in her endeavor of scaring Karnilla into listening to my offer. That's good for me I guess since I won't have to waste my time here trying to force her to comply.

"As you have heard before, I have now claimed your territory as my own through this... massacre. But, I have no wish to stay here and rule it, and neither do any of my more powerful pantheon members. Hence, it still needs a queen. So, here is my offer. Swear your loyalty to me and become my eternal servant and you can rule Nornheim in my name just like you were doing it before in Odin's, only this time you would actually be loyal.

As for your weak soldiers that were all slaughtered, my para-sentinels will be replacing them. You will suffer no disadvantages in reality and will even benefit from the army upgrade and will even get to keep your life and dignity intact." I offered while playing my part as a merciful and gracious god just to annoy her a little.

"..." Karnilla was silent at my generous offer.

I could almost hear the screeching of her teeth in her jaws as she grounded her teeth against each other out of anger. But she didn't refute me at all and neither did she deny my offer nor insult me. She only silently continued to gaze at my blank face with anger and contempt which soon turned into fear and hopelessness after I stopped suppressing a small percent of my divine presence.

"Will you claim my body and purity too as your victory spoils?" Karnilla asked in a low despaired voice after a few minutes of thinking over the proposal.

"What? Of course not. What do you take me for? I don't force myself on women nor do I blackmail them to give their bodies to me in exchange for something." I righteously said although I was fully sure that if this was me from a decade ago, I would have definitely done something like that without even considering the implications and twisted nature of it giving myself some stupid reason like 'might make right' or something else equally retarded.

"I see. Then will I be able to keep my powers, my magic, and the Norn stones with me after I swear loyalty to you?" She asked as she took a peek at Morgana who didn't react at all before focusing on me again.

"You can keep practicing your magic and keep your powers. Infact I can even help you increase them in time although you would need to undergo a ritual to become a proper servant of mine. As for the Norn stones, sorry but I already promised them to Morgana as her reward for winning the battle against you. However, I can give you something good in exchange for it later if you want." I answered feeling a tiny bit of sympathy for the Asgardian goddess who looked dejected for a fraction of a second before sighing and nodding her head showing her agreement to my offer.

Morgana didn't verbally react to my words but she seemed satisfied with them as a small pleased smile crept up on her face for a few seconds before it disappeared again which I was only able to notice due to my Godly senses.

"Good. Now, let's quickly do the ritual so I can go back home. I don't want to miss some of the important events this year." I clapped my hands glad that I'll be able to get the reward for this mission and go back home in time for the start of the... Wait a minute, I almost forgot to ask her that.

"By the way, is there any chance you know the way to Hel? I have a certain princess there I always wanted to meet." I asked karnilla forcefully suppressing my old childish dream of collecting the hot badass goth death queen as a harem member for myself from making a comeback in my mature adult heart.

Nope, I am much more wise and experienced than before now. So, this information is purely a means for recruiting a new potential goddess of death in my pantheon.

After all, I might have a goddamn war to fight one day.


(A/N: I don't know if you guys have realized it or not but the MC is already pretty powerful and will continue to become stronger slowly but steadily in time. Also, this story will reflect the style of 'One Punch Man' a little since I feel like I can make it really entertaining that way. Furthermore, the system's not some kind of manipulating slave driver or something. Whatever was said at the start of the chapter were his own observations and deductions. Some of them might be the truth while some of them might just be missing key details that he still doesn't know.)

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