Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 30: The Feral Family


"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate."

- Sun Tzu, (The Art of War)


<(Omniscient POV)> 

"Wait, so you just let him go? You had Doom at your mercy after you defeated him in a fight that HE started and you just let him go after he 'promised' to never again involve himself with us or in our business? WHY?" Johnny's eyes widened as he stared at me through the PC monitor, his brows furrowed in confusion and disbelief which seemed to want to ask me if I had suddenly gone crazy or something.

"You can't just attack an international delegate, Johnny. And killing or illegally detaining one is completely out of the question. So, letting Victor go was the wisest choice. I mean, this is a dictator of a country for god's sake, a country even the US government doesn't like to mess around with too much. Having a personal intellectual rivalry is one thing but straight-up antagonizing him is something completely different." Reeds expressed his own opinion with a nervous visage from behind the screen. 

It was truly a wonder how a genius like Reed who was destined to become a superhero saving the world could be such a low-key coward. Was it the powers that he would be receiving in the future that would change him and make him more... courageous and heroic or was there some sort of hidden bravery in him that was just waiting for the right time to come out?

Whatever it was, I just hoped he could change himself for the better in the future because the type of person he was now was a disappointment to the term, 'man'. Hell, even Ben who normally remained calm and silent looked like he was annoyed at the stunt Victor had pulled by attempting to sabotage them earlier by trying to take away government support for the project and attacking me on the streets.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we just have to lie down and take it right. He may be a dictator in his country but this is not his playground. We have rights here too and enough power to defend ourselves..." Susan surprisingly had the most anger hidden in her voice as she looked like she could kill Doom without even batting an eye if she ever got her hands on him.

"Don't sweat it guys. I didn't just let Doom go with a light tap on his back or something. I am sure that he would not come after any of us for a LONG time after what I have done to him. So, you guys can remain stress-free for the time being. There won't be any other interruptions in the project, so just do what you guys do best.

Also, Meta Enterprises has almost completed all the formalities with Neo Genosha for the launch program. You will soon get permission for the takeoff. It will probably happen sometime next month. So, just make sure that everything is up and running by that time. There should not be any delays at all." I strictly remarked at which all four employees of Baxter Foundation nodded seriously. 

"Don't worry boss, we won't disappoint," Johnny stated confidently.

"You better not," I said with a small smile before I ended the video conference. 

Finally! In a few weeks, I will at last find out how they will exactly get their powers despite not possessing the x-gene. That data will be very important for my future plans. If Ms. Sinister and Forge are successful in cracking the process that will give the Fantastic Four their powers without any actual harmful side effects, then it would be a huge breakthrough in the research on how to artificially create perfect super-powered beings. 

Also, I wonder if whatever would happen in space to them could somehow affect me as well. Could I as a god get further mutated and get new powers? It's a dangerous question but an important question nevertheless, one that I cannot help but want to find out the answer to. 

"Professor Henry, Logan, and Laura are back from their urgent mission sir. An unknown metahuman woman by the name of Remus has also accompanied them as well. They have already submitted the mission details to me but are still requesting your presence to inform you of something important. They are waiting for you right now. Do you want to meet them?" Zoya's voice sounded from the computer informing me of my wolf squad's return. 

"They are here already? Gosh, I just cannot get some sleep, can I? Also, the name Remus somehow sounds familiar. *Sigh* Tell them to wait in the briefing room, I am coming." I said with a deep tired sigh. 

The truth was I wasn't tired at all. I literally can't get tired, no matter how much I work, well, at least not physically. But the thing was I loved to sleep and I made a point of sleeping for at least about 8 hours every two to three days but somehow, I have been so busy lately that I was struggling to get even that little amount of shut-eye which was seriously affecting my mood.

'But still, as a wise man once said, duty calls.' I thought to myself as I went through a newly formed boom tube straight into the briefing room.

"What in the name of Juno..." A deep female voice exclaimed as a tall woman with an Amazonian figure suddenly took an attacking stance beside Logan as two long blade-like claws came out from the wrists of her hands. 

"That's rude. Is she someone from your family or something because goddamn she is like you Logan," I said as I noticed the immense similarities between her and Wolverine.

"Actually she might be because apparently, her brother is one of the earliest ancestors of the Howlett bloodline." Henry McCoy, aka, Hank, aka, Beast clarified as he adjusted his glasses and typed something in a tab he was holding. "She is Remus, the sister of Rmolulus. You might have heard their names because the two are the famous siblings who according to legends established Rome itself. But according to her, they are both metahumans possessing the feral type of x-gene and thus possess similar powers to Wolverine here." He continued his clarification. 

"So, she is your great great great great great great great grand aunt... or something along those lines." I guessed with a teasing voice. "Well, incest is wincest, so I can't judge," I mumbled as I noticed how close she seemed to Logan like they were old lovers. Actually, she behaved like an Amazonian maiden in love. Wolverine just acted like... Wolverine, the ultimate Chad mutant of the Marvel multiverse.

"That's gross." Laura who was standing close to me and had thus heard my mumbling with her superior hearing said with a slightly disgusted expression on her face as she looked like she had just pictured something that she didn't want to picture at all.

"So, why did you call me? Want me to be the pastor at your wedding or something? Believe me or not, I am quite busy as a god. I don't just sleep or laze around all day." I said, planning to do exactly that in my mind, the moment this 'meeting' ended.

"I would much rather ask a playboy like Tony Stark to officiate my wedding than you. At least, he doesn't plan to have a harem while still having the guts to try to date a teenager." Logan said with a snarl. "And as for you Laura, I know what you are secretly thinking and the answer is no. You aren't dating until you are 18, no, 21, no, in fact, it should be 24." Logan said like a strict father as he looked at his daughter who had her hands on my shoulder while slowly making her way closer to me.

"That's not fair. Also, you are not even my legal parent. I only take dating advice or listen to rules from my mother." Laura pouted as she stood unafraid with folded arms like she was challenging her father to try and mess with her.

"Fine, I am sure that your mother will love to know how her 16-year-old daughter has a crush on someone who is already an adult and has a harem of metahumans whom he has regular sex with." Logan threatened with a stoic face.

'For some reason, I feel like like one of those punk boyfriends the fathers of all girls hate with all their guts.' I awkwardly thought to myself as I took a look at the giggling Remus and chuckling Hank through the corner of my eyes. 

"I am sorry to interrupt your umm, family situation but I think we have something much more important and urgent on our hands to discuss than Laura's crush on Atem. If you three don't remember, we still have Romulus running free with a couple of chemical weapons in his arsenal that can wipe out the population of an entire country and convert them into... unstable feral beasts that he can control." Beast crudely warned without twisting his words much as he typed madly into his tab, trying to test something.

"Chemical weapons? Romulus? Feral beasts?" I asked no one in particular. I had finally remembered the Marvel universe's villainous character of Romulus after meeting with Remus but I still struggled to remember if there was some plot like this in any comics that I had read in my previous life.

But I didn't have to think too hard since suddenly the voice of Zoya suddenly chimed in from the tab Hank was holding.

"I might have more information about Romulus sir. You had once mentioned his name in passing during your earlier days, so I had the Frost sisters keeping an eye on him through the Cerebra but one day he just disappeared from their radar forcing us to draw our own conclusions. It seemed really suspicious which was why I issued Laura a small mission to check his whereabouts which turned out to be a good decision because..." Zoya explained patiently.

"He is declaring a chemical war on the world. He wants to take us all back to the savage ages where wild animals used to reign supreme instead of humans." Remus interrupted the mother box's AI as she remarked in a serious voice.

"All the while, he can be in absolute control of the wild beasts, thus being the absolute ruler of the New World order." Logan completed with a growl. 

"So..., another sleepless Sunday," I muttered with a helpless smile.


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