Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 93: New God finds a Bro?


"Fredo you're my brother and I love you, but don't ever take sides against the family"

- Michael Corleone, (The Godfather)


<(Atem POV)> 

"Where are we exactly going again? And why are we in some godforsaken town all the way here in New Mexico? Are we here to maybe catch some drug lords or punish some sinner who rapes kids after doing drugs? Wait, you wouldn't have come here personally if it were that simple, would you? You could have just sent a team... Then maybe are we here to catch an evil metahuman who dreams of enslaving the world with the help of drugs?" Lorna asked while absentmindedly tossing a coin, a habit she seemed to have picked up because of the unique relation her powers have with metal. 

"Why do all of your guesses include drugs in them? And no, not quite. We are here to catch some gods for ourselves. You might have even heard of them. Although they are not quite as famous as the Greek gods, they are also sometimes discussed in movies, shows, and books. You ever heard of the Norse gods?" 

"You mean the tales about a one-eyed fogey and his two spoilt children. As much as I remember, one was a drunkard son with a hammer and the other was a lying prankster. By the way, I first heard about them from Mask movies. You should watch it sometimes, it's hilarious... Wait, are we here to catch a Norse god of drugs?" She answered after thinking for a few moments. 

"... No..., although you are pretty close. Yes, Odin and his two sons, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the god of mischief are the Centrepoint of the entire Norse pantheon. Asgardians, they are called. Their home Asgard is one of the ten realms or dimensions that are connected to the world tree Yggdrasil... Sorry, correction, there are nine realms now since the tenth realm was separated and sealed away by Odin millennia ago. Anyway, one of these Asgardians, specifically Thor, the god of thunder whom you mentioned earlier seems to have been banished here by his father for some reason. We are just here to pay him a visit." I explained as we neared a small diner in the center of the town.

"Talk? Heh, you wouldn't have brought me if you just wanted to talk. You said you wanted to make use of my abilities and I am pretty sure my best ability is not looking cute and friendly... although I can look sexy if you want to. So, if you want to make use of my other skills later at night, I wouldn't refuse." She giggled, hoping that it would be enough to tease me and get a reaction out of me.

Over the years, she seems to have developed the personality of a troublesome yet caring elder sister because of her siblings and the other young X-men she always looked after. However, if she thought that she could fluster me with just this, then she had another thing coming.

"Maybe later." I teased back with a smile. "Now, let's go in. We have a god to meet. Oh, and don't give them too much info about us. Just follow the secrecy protocols meant for civilians." I warned before walking into the diner. 

The diner was mostly empty with only a few people inside having breakfast and drinking coffee. The majority of the people were just there to talk with other people and pass the time. In fact, I could already hear hushed whispers about a hammer, so I was pretty confident that this world's Thor was similar to the one in MCU... at least when it came to plot. 

"I am telling you; I am a god and if you help me return to my rightful position on the throne of Asgard, then my entire realm will be grateful to you. You will get all the ale you can drink and even one of the finest goats that Asgard has to offer." I heard Thor trying to explain his origins to three people sitting at his table with a helpless expression on their faces while the three just looked at him like he was crazy, and it was their fault.

'He even looks the same as in MCU, like an alternate universe version of Chris Hemsworth... only with much more muscles and a much bulkier size.'

"I told you, we hit him too hard. I think the best course of action for us right now is to take him to the nearest mental hospital... or we could just leave him and run away." The dark-haired girl wearing glasses whispered to her friend, a brunette who seemed to be taking notes in a small notebook.

"Darcy, show some compassion. The man has just been in an accident. Maybe he just wants to express his frustration with cryptic words and wants to handle this himself in which case we should leave to ensure that we don't cause further harm to this person's psyche. Also, I am sure that a man like this can handle himself pretty well." An elderly man sitting at the same table as the other three remarked with a small cough before trying to get up and pull the two girls away with him.

He was obviously trying to escape from Thor to avoid his responsibility and truthfully, I can understand his line of thought. I would have done the same if a strange muscular man I accidentally hit with my car suddenly began to utter stuff about him being a Norse god of thunder for no reason and then asked me to help him find his hammer and reclaim his throne. Yeah, I would have pretty much run in the opposite direction as fast as I could. However, unfortunately for him, this was going to get even more complicated.

"Hello there, Thor Odinson, god of Thunder and former prince of Asgard. How are you on this fine thunderless day and what are you doing on Earth all of a sudden?" I declared cheerily as I approached their table with a relaxed grin. 

"Oh, good. Another nutjob... Well, at least they are both handsome on a godly level." Darcy mumbled to herself although the moment she caught me staring at her with a raised eyebrow, she blushed, having realized that I had been able to hear her words perfectly. "I-I was talking about Eric and this weird guy, not you." She said with an awkward laugh while pointing at the elderly man and Thor. 

'She is cute, even cuter than Jane Foster. Wonder why no superhero ever tried to go after her. Also, she reminds me a lot about the waitress in the show Two Broke Girls from my previous life. Probably because the "actresses" are the same.' I thought to myself before choosing to ignore her comment.

"Show some respect, Darcy. You can't be rude all the time." Jane Foster, the girl sitting beside her gently bumped Darcy with her shoulders to shut her up.

"You know me, Midgardian? Do you recognize who I am? Then that means you can help me." Thor's eyes almost brightened up as he looked at me from head to toe, probably estimating how powerful I was from my build. 

Currently, my armor and cape were hidden by an illusion of looking like normal clothing while I was actively holding back most of my presence and divine aura. So, he should not be able to feel that I was a god as well especially since he had himself lost all his powers and abilities after his magic hammer was stripped from him by his father including any divine sense that he might or might not have possessed. However, despite all that, Thor was a warrior through and through. He had been one for millennia and even though he might have lost all of his divine senses, he could still recognize a seasoned and powerful warrior when he saw one. He was skilled enough to know that my muscles partially hidden under my clothes weren't there just for show. 

"Yes, I can help you. I can even open a portal to Asgard if you want so that you can leave this realm, but you didn't answer my question, why are you here?" I asked.

"Don't worry, my friends. We have the Bifrost. We don't need portals to travel through the ten realms. All you have to do is just help me find my hammer. As for how I came here, well, it's a very entertaining story that I can tell you with a cup of ale... or whatever this drink is. I want one more." He declared while breaking the coffee mug in his hand by throwing it to the ground. 

"That's coming out of your pocket, Jane, since you are the one who wanted to bring him here with you." Erik looked at the junior scientist with blaming eyes before shifting his gaze to me, "You two... or three if you include the green-haired girl beside you, can discuss your problems and this Asgard as long as you want but you will have to excuse us. We are in the midst of studying extremely important cosmic events and conducting research that can change science forever. I don't have time for this. Jane, Darcy, let's go. The Eisen Rosen Bridge won't measure its energy frequency itself." He declared, trying to show his authority as a senior scientist and the mentor of the two girls.

However, Jane didn't seem to intend to move from her place despite hearing Erik's words. She just continued to stare at my face with an open mouth and trembling lips like a fish out of water. "Are you... Atem, the hero who killed the Abomination by punching him into blood mist and saved New York?" she finally asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"And there we go. Finally, I was beginning to think that you guys are idiots who don't watch the news or read the newspapers because you think everything in the world is a government conspiracy." Polaris finally voiced out from beside me, a sarcastic expression visible on her face. 

"Okay, the Rosen Eisen Bridge can wait a few more hours," Erik commented with a straight face as he retook his seat again.

".... What the fuck? Are you Atem, the strongest creature on Earth? The person who literally killed an unkillable monster with a single blow? Wow, I think I just had an orgasm." Darcy interrupted while seriously pressing a hand on her underbelly. 

"The strongest creature on Earth? You fight and defeat monsters? That's wonderful news. Now, I am sure that you are the person I need. You can definitely help me return home and reclaim the position I deserve." He nodded with a massive grin on his face.

"That would depend on your story and the reason why you are here," I said before sitting down at his table. Honestly, I didn't have much interest in why he was here. Listening to his story was just an excuse to get to know him better and for him to consider me as a friend. After all, Thor was an important part of my plan concerning Asgard. Keeping him close as a friend could be beneficial, especially when considering how much of a massive potential he has due to his unique heritage. Also, I always wanted to know what having a brother felt like. 

"Sit, Atem and I'll tell you all about my recent adventure as well as the unfortunate and unfair story of how I ended up here... By the way, what did you say your last name was?"

"Atem, just Atem... for now, at least," I replied. 

"Fine, just Atem, get ready to listen to my tale full of tragedy." He responded with a pitiful voice.

'Oh god, this is going to be boring, isn't it?' 


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