Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 18 – Peter VS Wanda and Pietro

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Already inside the ship, Wanda was heading towards Bruce to fulfill Ultron's request, but upon encountering Thor on her way, she reached out to him, using her mental powers to try to manipulate his mind. Thor, typically resistant to mental influences, felt his mind being invaded by Wanda's magic. His hammer, Mjölnir, fell to the ground, and he began to stagger, clearly under the control of the Scarlet Witch.

Meanwhile, inside the ship, Bruce was anxiously awaiting orders. He knew that something very bad was happening outside the ship, but he didn't have a clear view of what it was. He was prepared to act at any moment; he just needed the signal that it was safe to go out.

While Thor struggled to resist Wanda's mental control, Steve Rogers, Captain America, was recovering from Pietro's attack and preparing to face the Maximoff siblings again. He raised his shield and approached Pietro, who was lying on the ground after Peter Parker's attack. Steve knew he had to neutralize the two as quickly as possible.

With a quick gesture, Steve activated the communicator in his ear, trying to establish communication with Thor:

"Thor, how's the situation on your end?"

Steve asked, with some effort due to the recent fight with Pietro.

The God of Thunder responded with a touch of arrogance and confidence in his voice:

"The girl tried to manipulate my mind, but as I am stronger than her spell, I managed to resist. I doubt you mere humans could do the same. Be careful."

But after saying those words, Thor found himself in a place he knew all too well, Asgard. There he was surrounded by a familiar environment, with parties and orgies happening all day.

Confused and alarmed, Thor tried to understand what was happening. It seemed that Wanda's powers had transported him into a disturbing illusion. He looked around and saw his Asgardian friends involved in behaviors he knew well.

Thor tried to focus on his Mjölnir, which was on the ground where he had been controlled by Wanda, but the illusion was too powerful. He couldn't lift his hammer and felt powerless against the Scarlet Witch's magic.

After regaining consciousness, Pietro observed the situation with a smile on his face. Seeing that his sister's strategy was working on Thor, he decided to help her do the same with the other Avengers. First, he knocked down Steve, and then his sister manipulated his mind. Then the two Maximoff siblings approached Natasha, who was fighting a robot with agility and skill. She didn't notice their presence until it was too late. Wanda reached out to Natasha and began using her mental powers to control the Black Widow's mind. Natasha's eyes became glazed, and her expression changed, now under the control of the Scarlet Witch.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the deck, Peter Parker was facing and defeating several robots with his agility and webs. He easily pinned them to the ship's walls, demonstrating his incredible dexterity. However, one of the robots managed to hit him in the face, throwing him off balance for a moment.

"Seriously, spider sense? You only work when it suits you?"

Peter said sarcastically, rubbing his face where he was hit.

"This won't end like this, your old tin can"

Peter continued, pointing to the robot with a serious expression behind his mask.

Inside the ship, the situation was getting worse. Wanda and her brother Pietro were using their abilities to manipulate the minds of the Avengers, incapacitating them so they couldn't do anything.

Tony, on the other hand, continued his fight against Ultron, but the robot proved to be incredibly strong and resistant, dodging Tony's attacks and striking with increasing force. Tony, concerned, exclaimed:

"Friday, we have to figure this out. I'm running out of energy here!"

The AI in Tony's suit replied:

"I'm doing my best, Mr. Stark, but he seems to have an endless source of energy. We're in a tight spot."

Meanwhile, with his incredible agility, Peter quickly approached the fallen robot. The android tried to shoot him, but thanks to his spider-sense, Peter dodged the shots with agility and tore a piece of metal from the ship. With sharp reflexes and exceptional agility, he pierced the robot's chest, causing it to fall apart in a heap of scrap.

"Easy peasy"

Peter said with confidence before continuing.

"These robots didn't stand a chance."

He continued with a changed expression when he attempted to shoot a web at the wall, but the web shooter failed.

"Great, now everything just got better."

Peter then took a spare web cartridge from his belt and replaced it right there.

Wanda, realizing Peter's momentary distraction, approached him stealthily, extending her hand toward the young hero. Her eyes began to glow with the intensity of her mental powers, ready to enter Peter Parker's mind.

(Let's see what you fear the most, Spider-Man)

Wanda thought as she moved her hands toward Peter.

However, as soon as she reached out to him, his spider-sense alerted him to the imminent danger. He jumped backward and shot a web that ensnared Wanda's hands. Surprised by the agility and reflexes of the young hero, Wanda was caught off guard by the web that bound her hands. She attempted to use her mental powers to manipulate Peter's mind, but it was in vain.

"Your mind games won't work on me, kitty"

Peter said confidently, pointing at Wanda.

"My spider-sense will always alert me when you try something that could harm me."

He continued approaching Wanda but was stopped by Pietro, who punched our hero in the face.

(What a day, everyone's taking shots at me. This spider-sense isn't helping)

Peter thought as he got up and saw Pietro picking up Wanda and leaving. But not before our hero threw something at him.

"You better run..."

Peter whispered, still in pain.

(Everyone's giving me a hard time today)

Peter thought as he walked toward the lower part of the ship where Thor was still trapped in Wanda's illusion.






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