Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 5 – Getting to know the Avengers (2)

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"No problem, we're here for whatever you need"

Clint says, patting Peter on the shoulder.

"Yeah, if it interests you, Steve is up there with Sam, and you can interview him"

Bruce says, extending his arm and pointing in the direction where Captain America was engrossed in conversation with Falcon.

"As for Tony and his big ego... he's over there on the other side of the room, chatting with Thor"

Bruce continues, extending his arm again, this time pointing to the other side of the room where Iron Man and the God of Thunder were.

"Got it, thanks for the information, Dr. Banner"

Peter says, thanking Bruce.

"No problem, kid"

Bruce accepts Peter's gratitude with a handshake.

"What a cool kid, huh?"

Bruce asks Clint.

After Peter moves away from where he was, he began to make his way toward where Captain America and Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon, were. He had a clear purpose, which was to interview both of them.

"For sure, but I just think he should loosen up a bit more. He needs to control his nerves better. But despite that, he's a good kid

" Clint responds to Bruce's question.

Peter approaches slowly to where Steve Rogers and Wilson were.

"Good evening"

Peter says, getting the attention of Rogers and Wilson.

"Good evening, young man. Need something?"

Steve asks, looking at Peter.

"My name is Peter Parker, and I work as a photographer for the Daily Bugle. Could you grant me an interview or a photo?"

Peter asks, looking at Steve and Sam.

"What do you think, Steve?"

Wilson asks, looking at Steve.

"I'm not a big fan of giving interviews, but maybe, who knows, a photo?"

Steve replies, looking at Peter.

"All right, you have no idea how important this is to me, I mean, to the newspaper, not to me"

Peter says, realizing what he said and getting embarrassed.

"Feel free to ask any questions you want"

Steve says, standing up and looking at Peter.

"I understand... Mr. Captain America, could you tell me what it's like to be a part of the Avengers, the world's greatest organization?"

Peter asks, taking out his phone from his pocket to record the interview.

"No need for the 'Mr.'... just Steve. Well, after I was frozen for 75 years, everything became new to me. This new world, with the existence of gods and aliens, is so different from what I knew, where I know almost nothing. I'm not sure if you can understand"

Steve says, looking at Peter, who was listening carefully to everything Rogers said while taking notes in his notebook.

"I understand, and how do you feel knowing that you were frozen for 75 years? And that the world is not the same as you remembered?"

Peter asks Rogers, still writing the interview report in the notebook he carried in his pocket.

"It's quite strange..."

Rogers says, pausing briefly before continuing.

"it's hard to describe the feeling. Imagine waking up from a long dream, but that dream was basically your entire life. Seventy-five years is an incredibly long time, and the world I see now is a very different place from what it was before."

As Steve spoke, Peter, who was listening attentively, wrote down every detail of the conversation in his notebook. Seeing this, Rogers continued:

"Everything has changed, technology, politics, people. I'm still trying to adjust to this new reality. It's both exciting and quite scary at the same time. Many friends and comrades are gone, and I still miss them. But at the same time, I see this as a new opportunity to do things differently."

Rogers lets out a long sigh before continuing.

"But one thing in me hasn't changed, and that's my commitment to fight for justice and protect those who can't defend themselves. I believe that, no matter how different the world is, there will always be room for people willing to do what's right."

After Rogers finished speaking, Peter carefully noted the course the conversation had taken in his notebook, knowing he was witnessing a unique moment in history, the perspective of a man out of his time but still faithful to his principles and moral code—honor, integrity, and courage.

"Basically, that's it, I don't want to take up too much of your time

" Peter says, before continuing a bit embarrassed:

"Thanks to you, Captain, I'll be able to write a great article for the newspaper."

"Calm down, kid, no need to be so excited"

Wilson says, trying to calm down the embarrassed Peter.

"It was a tremendous pleasure to talk to you"

Peter says, shaking hands with Steve and then shaking hands with Wilson.

"The pleasure was all ours"

Steve and Wilson say together as they accept Peter's greeting and shake the young man's hand.

As he says goodbye to Steve and Wilson, Peter slowly walks away from them. With a final wave and a friendly smile, he leaves them behind. His footsteps echoed in the silence of the place as he walked toward Thor and Tony, who were a little further ahead, chatting peacefully, probably with Tony bragging about something, as usual.

"The kid has talent; he just needs to work on his nervousness"

Wilson says to Steve.

"Yeah, he seems to have a good heart"

Steve says, still thinking about Peter.

(Lucky me! I managed to get two interviews and even secure a photo for the front page of the newspaper.)

Peter thought as he approached Tony and Thor.

As he walked toward Thor and Tony, Peter began to think about a few things.

(I hope that pain in the neck Jameson stops giving me a hard time after this article. After all, look at the content I got: a statement from Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and even the Hulk... that's right, the Hulk. And I still have the possibility of getting an article with Iron Man and the God of Thunder. He'll never get a better story than this.)

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