Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Magic Power

When he and Gu Yi were hanging out with Kama Taj before, Fini wanted to come here, if he could bring Skye to study together, and also asked Gu Yi this question by the way.

But at that time, Gu Yi asked him what he thought magic was.

Finney didn’t know.

Gu Yi told him that almost everyone who comes to Kama Taj has a story. They have experienced many things, and their will has been tempered through layers of screening.

Magic not only requires talent, but also requires spiritual power. It is not an easy task to communicate and guide the energy between heaven and earth.

Moreover, learning magic even has to break one’s own cognition of some common sense, which is a difficult thing to do. If you want to convince the energy to help you, you should first convince yourself.

After hearing Gu Yi’s words, Feeney felt that it was very difficult for Skye to learn magic.

Skye was miserable when she was a child, but after being adopted by his parents, she lived happily, and she was also a hacker genius. Certain cognitions, which would go against her beliefs.

Magic is a kind of “miracle” power, and the word “miracle” is often unscientific. Although it is possible that their final result is the same, but the ideas generated in the process may be contrary.

I didn’t see that Doctor Strange, who was full of magical talents in the future, had to learn magic before he first hit him with despair over almost all the scientific and medical technologies, and then broke through his cognition and believed in occultism before he learned magic.

Therefore, experience and cognition may not be absolute, but they have a great impact.

Therefore, Feeney feels that the success rate of bringing Skye to Kama Taj to learn magic is not very successful. At least now should not be the time. Maybe when the world changes in the future, aliens and mutant creatures all appear. , when her concept is more mature, the effect of learning will be better.

But I felt that I felt that I felt that Gu Yi did not object to him bringing Skye to study at that time, so I just brought it over to experiment and I would know.

When she came to Skye’s room, she was sitting cross-legged on the bed and waiting, her little face was serious and worried. As the only person in the family who knew Fini’s secret, the more she knew, the more worried she became.

“Don’t be so nervous, I didn’t tell you before, I want to learn magic, and I found a place today.” Finney came to the bed and sat down and explained directly.

Skye recalled that Feeney did say this a month ago, and at that time it seemed that he wanted to help her and ask if they could study together.

“Is there really magic in this world?”

Skye couldn’t help but ask, although she has seen superpowers with her own eyes, it is still a little difficult to change her cognition of the world at once, which is why Fini thinks Skye is difficult to learn magic now.

“Of course there is, but what I’m studying should be called the Secret Law.” Finney thought about it and corrected it.

“Is there any difference?” Skye was confused.

“Probably the name of the earth!?” Feeney didn’t quite know the reason.

“If you’re curious, I’ll show you tomorrow. If you want to learn, you can try it together first.”

Although the probability is basically infinitely close to impossible, it will be interesting if Skye is also the kind of genius with full magical talent like Doctor Strange.


Skye looked surprised, no normal person could resist the temptation of magic.

“So rest early and leave tomorrow!”

Finney didn’t chat for too long, and her curiosity about magic is best left to Skye to discover it herself, so as to change her mind as much as possible.

However, when she was having dinner the next morning, she found that Skye appeared with two dark circles under her eyes, which made Feeney laugh.

“I told you to rest early, why do you still do this?”

“It’s not you yet!”

Skye yawned and glared resentfully, because she was too excited to learn magic, so she found a lot of relevant knowledge on the Internet, and before she knew it, it was morning.

Fortunately, due to the jet lag, Feeney originally planned to leave in the evening. He also told his parents in advance that he would be staying at the store today, so that they would not have to worry.

The two came to the store together first, and after sending Skye to catch up on sleep, Feeney opened a business by himself, and practiced his skills diligently.

At seven o’clock in the evening New York time, the two drove to the front of the sanctuary.

“Is it here?”

In front of the Sanctuary in New York, Skye asked nervously, then took out the vanity mirror in her bag and reapplied her make-up, and made sure again: “It looks fine, right!?”

“Okay, okay, no problem, let’s go, let’s go in!”

Fini rolled his eyes helplessly, pulled Skye to open the door and walked in. This time the hall was no longer empty. There were two young mages sitting in a corner drinking tea and reading a book.

The two of them didn’t seem to be at Kama Taj yesterday, so they didn’t know Fini, and they were looking at them both with vigilant eyes.

“Hello, I’m looking for Master Daniel.”

“Wait a mininute.”

Seeing that Fini didn’t seem like an enemy looking for trouble, one of them nodded and replied, and went upstairs to find someone.

Soon, Daniel went downstairs and introduced Skye. After saying hello, he came to the place where he was yesterday and opened the teleportation Seeing this magical scene in front of him, Skye opened his eyes wide. He swallowed and held Fini’s hand nervously, unable to calm down in his heart.

“I won’t accompany you there.”

Daniel had already led the way once yesterday, so Daniel didn’t accompany him this time. After speaking, he waited for the two to pass.

Fini didn’t mind either. After thanking him again, he dragged the uneasy Skye through the portal to Kama Taj.

“Was that magic just now?”

The scene changed, Skye looked around ignorantly, walked from the library to the yard, looked at the white sky outside, and couldn’t help showing a shocked expression.

Originally, she thought that Fini didn’t rest well in the morning to take care of her, so she came over at night, but now she sees this situation and understands the reason.

“Where are we now?”

Skye couldn’t help but ask that many people in Kama Taj in the early morning had already started to practice. Because of Gu Yi’s introduction yesterday, many people also knew Fini, and when they saw him, they nodded and greeted him.

While returning the salute on the way, Fini replied in a local tone: “Karma Taj in Kathmandu, the holy place of practice for mages.”

“The Himalayas?” Skye didn’t know where Kathmandu was, but recalled what Fini said yesterday.

Seeing Feeney nodding, Skye couldn’t help but be shocked again: “But we were still in New York just now.”

“So, this is magic!”

Fini spread out his hands and looked as if he took it for granted. Looking at Skye’s unbelievable mouth, he couldn’t help but smile: “Okay, don’t worry about it so much, I’ll take you to see my master first, Master Gu Yi.”

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