Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 155

Chapter 153: Full Of Harvest

I saw Thor holding the hammer high, and a colorful beam of light fell from the sky, covering him and Loki, and then the beam disappeared, and the two disappeared, leaving a complex mark on the ground.

The Battle of New York has finally come to an end.

For the Avengers, the Battle of New York this time was definitely the last extremely unsuccessful debut, and Feeney was showing it all by himself.

Except for the passing of Tony, Thor, and the controlled Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow didn’t even show their faces. Even now, the citizens of New York don’t know that Captain America is resurrected.

However, this battle has made Fini even more famous. It is estimated that after tomorrow, there will be no one in the whole earth who does not know about the Silver Knight or the God’s Punishment Knight.

When the matter was over, Feeney breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Nick Fury and said, “Okay, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go back first.”

Tony naturally has no objection. This time, he had almost three sets of battle armor destroyed, and the newly renovated building was destroyed again. It was extremely unlucky.

Only Nick Fury frowned. After seeing Fini opening the portal, he couldn’t help but say, “What are you going to do with these two things?”

Nick Fury has no plans to **** the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter from Finney for the time being. Asgard, who has never seen Thor, has compromised. How can he dare to mess without knowing the reason? Come.

“Maybe it will be disassembled one day and put on a glove for the middle finger!”

Fini turned his head and said a word with a smile, then crossed the portal and disappeared in front of everyone.

Nick Fury stared blankly at the location where Feeney had disappeared, turned to look at Natasha, and asked, “Do you understand what he meant?”

“Probably so!?”

Natasha thought for a while and made an international gesture with her right hand.

Nick Fury’s face darkened and he didn’t speak. He turned around and prepared to leave. Now there are a pile of alien corpses and weapons waiting for him to deal with outside the building.

On Fini’s side, after returning home, although he was still in a weak state, he couldn’t help but start to take stock of this harvest as soon as possible.

Although Fulian’s first show failed, his harvest can no longer be described as a bumper harvest.

Two infinity gems, one is the space gem in the universe cube, the other is the mind gem mounted on the mind scepter, and the most important thing is the massive experience in destroying the Chitauri fleet.

Fini didn’t expect that less than a day had passed since the seventh skill was drawn, and he had filled up more than half of the experience gauge of the eighth skill.

But seriously, the experience this time is not much, and it is even scary. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of Zeta Swiss soldiers in the entire mothership, but even the experience slot of one extraction is not full. .

In fact, even if the experience gauge burst, Finney wouldn’t be too surprised. Now that he didn’t collect the experience for the eighth draw, he was rather surprised.

The system’s judgment on experience acquisition, Fini has never been too clear, and the system is not intelligent, he can’t ask if he wants to.

However, it was a pleasant surprise to have gained these experiences. He didn’t intend to open the portal to let the Chitarians come over.

At the same time, with two Infinity Stones in his hand, he also has a bit of confidence, even Gu Yi, he feels that now he can at least reluctantly perish together.

Of course, it is impossible for Feeney to do this kind of test.

And at this moment on Earth, he can finally declare himself the strongest man.

As for Gu Yi, she is obviously the strongest female bald head!

However, these two things are strong, but as Thor said, they are very dangerous. If nothing else, Thanos wants to fulfill his dream and will come to Fini sooner or later.

So getting it is not the most important thing, the most important thing is how to protect it.

In fact, in general, the two Infinity Stones did not improve Fini too much.

Or, it’s because he can’t really use the Infinity Stones now, and their carrier, the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and the Mind Scepter can play a limited role for him.

For energy emission, he has ‘explosive magic’, space teleportation, and he also has a portal.

Fortunately, he wanted these two things. One was to use them for brainwashing people, and the other was to use them as evolutionary rations, and he didn’t want to use them against people or anything.

Looking at the scepter and Rubik’s cube in his hand, Fini thought of Thor, who had just left before.

In fact, at that time, he was all about to open the portal and slip away to recover, but he did not expect Thor to compromise first. There is obviously a reason for this.

“Could it be that Odin is concerned about my strength?”

Feeney touched his chin and guessed in his heart.

If someone can find out the battle between him and Chitauri, it is possible for Odin and Heimdall. Although Odin has only one eye, he has all the abilities, and Fini is not too sure about it.

Heimdall is much simpler. His eyes can see many things, so it is not impossible to see the situation of the battle at that time.

However, Finney felt that things should be more than that simple. Although the power of that ‘explosion magic’ was amazing, it was impossible for Odin to be too afraid.

After all, Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge is a star-destroying weapon, and he just destroyed a Chitauri mothership. Although there are not many people in the universe who can do this, they are not unique.

Fini more felt that his identity as a Kama Taj mystic magician might have also been discovered.

After all, he never hid the iconic portal.

“Could it be that I mistakenly thought that I was the next generation Supreme Mage!?”

Feeney felt that this possibility was not impossible. Feeney knew that the successor in Gu Yi’s mind was Doctor Strange because of his previous life experience.

But Odin didn’t know, and even in Kama Taj, no one doubted that Fini might be the candidate for the next generation of Supreme Mage.

Although his spell talent isn’t that great, he can’t hold back the fried chicken nuggets… Bah, but he can’t hold back his strength enough!

Thinking that after coming back, she has not gone back to Kama Taj to see it. Fini plans to wait for her recovery, and then go to Kama Taj in the evening.

Lying on the bed, Finni pondered what had happened in the past few days. The Chitauri, who once made him nervous, did not expect to be easily resolved like this.

At the beginning, he even thought about whether he would fight side by side with Fulian to fight a tough battle, and what to do with the nuclear bomb when it came.

But who would have expected that this alien invasion would be solved by him alone. Over the past few years, his strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes unknowingly.

“But this is just the beginning!”

Although the Chitauri were easily dealt with, Fini understood that this was far from the end, and there were still many dangers to the earth. In the long run, the threat of Thanos’ snapping fingers had not been completely eliminated. Looking closer, the dark elves’ The whole universe night plan is also about to go online.

Farther away, if Dormammu came, it would be even more terrifying than Thanos.

In addition, the seeds of Egg’s ball are also left on the earth. Maybe one day the charging treasure of Star Lord will explode directly when it is online.

And Thor’s sister Hela, when Odin dies, if Thor doesn’t start Ragnarok in time and let Hela take over Asgard, if the earth doesn’t accept the rule, there will definitely be a war.

Thinking of this, Fini couldn’t help but sighed silently, the future of the earth is really troubled!

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