Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 384

Chapter 382: Close Of Deal

In particular, the previous comment that the ‘Kinji Fried Chicken Roll’ did not belong to this universe made him very concerned. He was not sure whether Tiwan said this casually or if he really noticed something unusual about the fried chicken roll.

While thinking about it in his mind, Fini also began to answer Tiwan:

“About the origin of this gem, please forgive me for not being able to tell your Excellency Tiwan in detail. As for the infinity gem, this is actually what others told me when I was investigating this gem, but he only told me that this gem contains The material of the Infinity Stones is very precious, but I still don’t know what they are?”

Fini deliberately pretended to be ignorant, and he wondered if Tiwan would tell him the origin and function of the Infinity Stones.

Tiwan touched his chin and looked at Fini. After a pause for a few seconds, he said, “The Infinity Stones are gems formed after the Big Bang of the universe. There are only six in the entire universe, very, very, very rare!”

“If Mr. Halseys has a chance to meet him in the future, be sure to let me know, and I will thank you with a price that will make you absolutely satisfied!”

Looking at Tiwan who only explained the origin but did not explain the power of the gemstone, Fini sneered in his heart, but on the surface he answered cheerfully: “No problem, if I have a chance to meet, I will definitely come to inform Your Excellency Tiwan!”

“But for now, let’s talk about the price of this gem!”

Fini looked at the sacrificial gems on the table and brought the topic back on track. In any case, the main purpose of his visit this time was to make money, and it was important to get the money first.


Tiwan also turned his attention to the sacrificial gem. After pondering for a while, he said, “One hundred million, what does Mr. Helsed think?”

Looking at Tiwan, who is close to people and has more than 100 million wealth, Finney couldn’t help showing a look of surprise even if he tried to keep his composure. After hearing this offer, he began to doubt whether Tiwan knew about sacrificing gems. of other uses, and even gave birth to the idea of not wanting to sell.

However, he had already spoken before, and Fini didn’t want to suddenly lose his trust, so he smiled and nodded directly and replied, “Okay!”

The sacrificial gem is just a good-looking stone for him. Although it contains fragments of ether particles, he now has complete ether particles in his body, which is not uncommon at all.

So it’s not bad to be able to exchange for 100 million cosmic currency.

“Then how do I pay?”

Listening to Tiwan’s question, Feeney also raised his vigilance to the highest level. If Tiwan didn’t want to trade normally, then it might be time to do it.

“In what ways?”

Fini asked a question while being on guard.

“The Tiwan Group has many properties, and I can give you properties of the same value, or cash, black market materials, weapons, soldiers, slaves, as long as they are of the same value.”

Tiwan looked at Feeney and replied.

“Best if you can use cash!”

They will return to Earth sooner or later, and the industry is useless, not to mention the industry of the Tiwan Group. As for black market materials and weapons, he may buy them later, but he doesn’t need to exchange 100 million now.

As for soldiers and slaves, they are not considered at all, so after thinking about it, cash is the best way to trade.


Tiwan answered and walked to the other side of the table.

And Fini stood there waiting, the breathing method was quietly turned on, the golden evolution technique in his mind strengthened his body perception, and his eyes were fixed on Tiwan, who was bent over to pull the drawer.

Immediately afterwards, Feeney saw Tiwan take out a metal card from the drawer, turned around and said, “There are 100 million in it. As for the remaining 1 million, I will have someone prepare it right away.”

Fini did not let his guard down, but smiled calmly on the surface: “Trouble!”

Watching Tiwan come step by step, Fini waited quietly, his perception and vigilance rose to the highest level, and at the same time, the ether particles in his body were ready to go. Once Tiwan made any special action, he would be greeted by a thunderstorm. like attack.

I don’t know if I noticed something, but Tiwan didn’t get close to Fini any more. After walking a certain distance, he put the card on the table and called out:


Fini’s eyes narrowed unconsciously, and an automatic door on the right beside him opened. Fini swept over with his peripheral vision, and a red-skinned woman with double ponytails walked over in a dignified posture.

“Please order, Master!”

“Go and prepare a million for Mr. Halsides!”

After Tiwan said something to the double ponytail, he looked at Fini and said, “She will prepare the rest of the money!”

Although everything seemed to be normal, Finney still did not dare to let his guard down. After carefully scanning the golden card on the table, he stretched out his hand and picked it up.

However, Fini did not directly touch the card with his hands. Although he appeared to be holding it with his hands on the surface, he was actually controlling the card with the Golden Evolution Technique, which had an extremely small distance from the palm of his hand.

While ‘taking’ the card, Feeney also kept an eye on Tiwan and the maid named Serena, but when he ‘takes’ the card into his hand, neither of them did anything special.

“Thank you very much, Your Excellency Tiwan, for your Then I won’t bother you any more!”

Feeney said, but his eyes never left Tiwan. From his expression, Feeney couldn’t tell that he was about to make a move or turn his face.

“Looking forward to Mr. Helsing’s next visit!”

Tiwan said with a smile.

“Come here please!”

Looking at Serena who was leading the way, Fini slowly followed behind her with the golden card in her hand.

After walking a few steps, he turned his back to Tiwan, and Feeney kept breathing calmly, sensing Tiwan’s every move.

But until he walked out of the library and the automatic door opened and closed, Tiwan did not choose to attack him.

“It turned out to be quite smooth…”

Fini was a little surprised. In fact, it was very risky to trade with Tiwan. After all, he didn’t know Tiwan very well. Considering the chaos in this place, he planned to be robbed from the beginning.

If Tiwan really intends to do it, Feeney is not afraid. To a certain extent, he is actually a little bit looking forward to it.

No one can get rich without windfall. If Tiwan dares to do something, he will rob Tiwan back, and the money he can get is much more than the transaction.

As for why he didn’t choose to grab it directly, first of all, he was also afraid of what special power Tiwan had, and the other thing was that he couldn’t pass his own moral concept.

He doesn’t consider himself a superhero, but he doesn’t want to be a villain either, unless Tiwan messes with him, or plans to do something that harms the universe and affects him, he doesn’t want to rob him for money.

Of course, he wouldn’t feel any guilt if he stole one or two things he really wanted.

in the library.

Looking at the back of Fini leaving, Tanya Tiwan looked back at the sacrificial gems on the table, and then whispered to himself:

“The unobservable future, Feeney Hearsides…”

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