Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 393

Chapter 391: Tiwan’S Deal With Gamora

According to the information, Gamora first came to the abandoned factory after Fini bombed with explosion magic.

Looking at the scorched land in front of him, and the ruins that couldn’t be seen at all, Gamora went in to check and search, but he didn’t get any useful information.

Then she came to the place where the spaceship was destroyed. Under the power of the explosion magic, there were only some wreckage left of the spaceship, and the surrounding battlefield had also been dealt with, so there was still nothing to be found.

In desperation, Gamora could only continue to find someone to collect information, but unfortunately, although yesterday’s movement was not small, very few people knew that it was Fini and the others.

So Gamora spent a lot of effort, but in the end, he still didn’t understand the appearance of Fini.

Gamora knew that it was impossible to simply inquire about the news, and it had already taken a lot of time, so she gave up the ordinary method and was going to contact the biggest intelligence chief in this place.

“Dear Gamora, it’s an honor to meet this deity!”

In the library, looking at Tiwan who was kissing the back of her hand in front of her, Gamora kept her face cold, and then said the purpose directly: “Tiwan, I want to buy a piece of information from you!”

Although she had known Tiwan for a long time, she had never met, and it was the first time they met.

“no problem!”

Tiwan smiled at Gamora.

“I want to know about a fight that happened here yesterday!”

Tiwan’s expression didn’t change, and he let go of Gamora’s little green hand.

He had already anticipated this matter. In fact, yesterday, he had guessed that Thanos’ people might come, because the spaceship that was fighting Fini belonged to Thanos.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was Gamora, and it came so quickly.

Tiwan turned around, not letting Gamora see his expression, and then said in a flat tone, “Is it the one you fought with your soldiers?”


Gamora nodded.

Tiwan returned to the table, lowered his head and fiddled with the things on the table, and then the scene of yesterday’s battle appeared in front of Gamora.

The moment she saw Fini, Gamora’s expression changed.

After knowing that Finney might have two Infinity Stones on his body, Thanos investigated everything about Finney, the most important of which was his appearance.

When Fini accompanied Thor to pacify the Nine Realms, occasionally he was not wearing evil spirits, not to mention the dark elves kidnapped Billy along the way, so Fini’s appearance is not an absolute secret on Thanos’ side.

Gamora was obviously one of the ones who knew.

But she never thought that the person who came to hunt down this time would be Fini.

Although it quickly returned to normal, the shock and accident at that moment did not hide Tiwan, who had been watching her all the time.

“Why did you arrest him?”

Hearing Tiwan’s question, Gamora’s expression remained unchanged, and she replied, “He stole something from us!”

Tiwan narrowed his eyes. He still hadn’t found the reason why Thanos was chasing Finney, but one thing he knew very well was that he had to get Finney and the reality gem in Finney’s body.

So he looked at Gamora? Suddenly he said, “Are you going to make a deal? My dear Gamora!”

Gamora was stunned for a moment? She looked at Tiwan suspiciously.

“Bring him alive to me!”

Tiwan turned his head to look at Gamora, and said slowly, “I can bid five billion!”

Hearing that number? Gamora couldn’t help but shrink? She didn’t doubt that Tiwan would be able to come up with so much money, if not? He wouldn’t be the world-renowned collector either.


Although she knew it was illegal, Gamora couldn’t help but ask in surprise.

“Transactions don’t ask the reason and process? Just look at the results!”

Tiwan replied plainly? Looking at Gamora quietly, in fact, if it was someone else, he might not open his mouth to propose this deal.

Gamora didn’t ask any more questions, and stood there with a hesitant expression.

As the most beloved daughter of Thanos? She is more likely to gain the trust of Thanos than others? So it is easier to know information that others do not know.

Ronan, the accuser of the Kree Empire, was recently angry that the Kree Empire and the Nova Empire were about to reach a peace agreement, so he asked Thanos for help.

And Thanos asked him to help find something, and if he could find it, he promised to help him destroy the entire Xandar planet.

And also planned to send her and Nebula to help Ronan first, but the purpose was actually to monitor.

Just because of the unexpected circumstances of this matter? He didn’t have time to order.

And this kind of behavior of Thanos made Gamora unconsciously think of her own planet? Think of her own clan, as well as her original father and mother.

So she didn’t want to continue following Thanos any more.

She wants to get rid of Thanos.

But as the daughter of Thanos? She didn’t say that she could leave if she left. Her original plan was to use intelligence to make some deals with Tiwan? Try to get the capital that can get rid of Thanos.

But she didn’t expect to speak yet? Tiwan offered a price that she couldn’t refuse.

“five billion…”

Gamora lowered her head and murmured? In her opinion, this price is enough to let her easily get rid of the shackles of Thanos’ daughter.

Tiwan didn’t urge, just watched her quietly.

After a while, Gamora gritted her teeth, then raised her head and asked, “Does it have to be asked to live?”


Tiwan nodded. According to his understanding, ether particles need a host. He is not sure what will happen if the host is lost, and he really wants to collect the living Fini in his heart.

“Seven billion!”

Hearing Tiwan’s words, Gamora gritted her teeth and said, “He’s very powerful. It’s very troublesome to bring him back alive, and he has to pay more!”

“it is good!”

Tiwan wasn’t interested in things like money at all, so he agreed to Gamora’s request without any hesitation, with a happy expression on his face.

As the first female killer in the galaxy, Gamora still believes in her abilities.

“Where is he now?”

After agreeing, Gamora was ready to act without any nonsense. Although she knew that Fini was very powerful, under the temptation of seven billion and freedom, she wanted to take a risk.

“Xandar Star!”

Tiwan replied.

The intelligence network of the Tiwan Group spreads throughout the universe. If Fini stays in space all the time, it will be fine, but as long as he reaches a place where there are people, it is difficult not to be discovered by him.

And the more people there are, the faster he knows.

“I’ll bring him back!”

After Gamora said something, turned around and left the collection.

Looking at Gamora’s back, Tiwan said in a low voice, “Five more…”

Gamora is no stranger to Xandar, but what makes her entangled is how to capture Fini alive. According to the information collected by Thanos, she knows very well how powerful Fini is.

On the way to Xandar Star, she was thinking about how to capture Fini alive, but after thinking for a long time, there was no perfect way.

So she hesitated, and finally decided to report the matter to Thanos.

She wants Thanos to send someone to drain Fini’s power, and then she will find a way to profit.

So she opened the communication and contacted Thanos.


Looking at Thanos appearing on the screen, Gamora greeted with a complicated mood.

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