Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 397

Chapter 395: Nova Supreme

Then Feeney looked at Gamora again. Gamora is the only source of intelligence currently in control of Thanos’ operations, and he must not be allowed to leave, so he asked directly:

“Are you going to take our spaceship, or are you following behind?”

Hearing Fini’s words, Gamora was a little hesitant. Although she had decided to betray Thanos, but now Thanos didn’t know, if she was on a spaceship with Fini, she would probably be discovered.

“I’ll follow you behind!”

So Gamora decided it would be safer to drive the spaceship by herself.

“it is good!”

Feeney didn’t bother much about this question, and nodded in response. Then he asked Skye to wait at the spaceship first, and then he came to Nova Plaza again.

Looking at the government hall of Nova Corps in the distance, Feeney sighed.

It’s okay to have no knowledge. He didn’t expect to think about leaving not long after he arrived at Xandar.

“Damn purple sweet potato essence!”

Feeney muttered something, and turned the fire on Thanos.

It’s a pity that his ‘Golden Evolution Technique’ is not effective enough, and the thoughts in his heart can’t kill Thanos, so he can only curse while walking towards the Nova Government.


But before he got to the entrance, a new star guard warned him with a look of alertness.

Fini came here once before, so he didn’t care about this situation. After stopping, he looked at the guard in front of him, and concentratedly used the golden evolution technique to order:

“Take me to meet Nova Supreme!”

Under the effect of the golden evolution technique, the guard was stunned for a moment, and then began to lead the way without saying a word.

Although the other guards on the road had some doubts about them, they didn’t come to ask any more questions when they saw that Fini was light and didn’t have any weapons.

So Fini himself didn’t expect to come to Nova Supreme so easily.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at the white-haired woman with a puzzled and surprised face in front of her, Finney stepped forward and said hello, “Hello!”

“Who are you?”

Nova Supreme looked at Fini, frowned, then turned to look at the guard next to him, as if he had noticed something, his expression changed.

“What did you do to him!”

Immediately afterwards, Nova Supreme suddenly shouted loudly, and the nearby guards immediately picked up their weapons and rushed over, surrounding Fini.

Finney thought of this possibility from the beginning, so she didn’t get angry, she stood there calmly and said, “I’m very sorry, he has nothing to do, I just want to see you, please do me a favor!”

It’s just that at the same time as he spoke, Fini started the breathing method, and the ether particles in his body were also ready to go? He was very concerned about his own safety.

Hearing Fini’s words? Nova Supreme looked at Fini carefully. After seeing Fini’s appearance alone? He seemed relieved? Then he waved his hand to keep the guards away.

“who are you?”

Xin Xing Zhizun asked, but he didn’t let his guard down? Can he swagger in here and stand in front of her with a calm face? He must not be an ordinary person.

“My name is Fini Helsedz? A mage from Earth. I have some problems with my body. I hope you can help me!”

Fini introduced himself truthfully, after all, he came to ask for help.

“Mage of the Earth!?”

Nova Supreme looked at Fini? As the leader of a large force in the universe? She also knew a lot of things and couldn’t help asking: “What is your relationship with Supreme Master?”

Fini was stunned for a moment. She didn’t expect Nova Supreme to ask about Gu Yi. After thinking for a while, she replied, “She is my teacher!”

The name of the Supreme Mage also has a certain deterrent in the universe? So hearing this, Nova Supreme’s face became even more serious.

But she didn’t believe it directly? She still asked with alertness in her eyes, “What do you want us to help you with?”

Seeing the other party’s expression, Fini sighed inwardly at the name of the Supreme Mage? and explained frankly: “There is a special substance in my body, and I want to take it out!”

Because Fini didn’t say it was an ether particle? So Nova Supreme didn’t care too much? Instead, he asked vigilantly, “Why should we help you?”

Fini was a little confused about this question? After hesitating for a while, he replied, “Can I pay for it?”

Nova Supreme couldn’t help showing a stunned expression. If she hadn’t looked at Finney as if she wasn’t joking, she would have thought that Finney was here to tease her.

The supreme leader of my dignified Xhandar star, you actually talked to me about money! ?

But looking at the face of the Supreme Mage, she didn’t say much. She beckoned a guard and said, “Take him to the treatment room!”

Fini looked at Nova Supreme’s indifference, squinted her eyes and didn’t explain much, just nodded and replied, “Thank you Nova Supreme!”

He guessed that Nova Supreme must not take what he just said to heart, and the ether particles are not so easy to take out, so let them check it first and learn more about it.

Then Feeney followed the guards to the place of treatment.

And Nova Supreme also found the information of Fini.

Looking at the information on the screen, Nova Supreme continued to ask, “Apart from these?”

“They are coming to Xandar for the first time!”

The guard replied cautiously, and then continued: “And the civilization of the earth is very backward. They may be coming to the universe for the first time. There is not much information, just…”

After speaking, the guard’s expression was a little hesitant. After Nova Supreme turned his head to see it, he couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong?”

“We’ve found something based on the name Finney Halseys, but we’re not sure if it’s him?”

“whats the matter?”

Nova Supreme showed a puzzled expression.

“Some time The Qitarians once invaded the earth, but they were stopped by a man wearing silver armor!”

Hearing this, Nova Supreme remembered the information circulating in the universe some time ago, with a hint of thought in his eyes, and asked, “Is that silver knight him?”

The guard nodded and replied, “It’s said to be Fini Halseds!”

Nova Supreme’s face became serious. She knew that Soldier Zeta was not afraid of Nova Corps, but it was not so easy to win easily.

But this fleet was wiped out by Fini alone, which shows how terrifying Fini’s strength is.

In the universe, although the overall force is important, no one can ignore the powerful individual.

Nova Supreme thought of a certain woman who likes to shine and meddle around.

Knowing Fini’s strength, Nova Supreme’s attitude changed a bit. With such a powerful and unstable factor around, she really didn’t care to ignore it.

In the laboratory, Fini sat calmly on a device, looking at the incomprehensible instruments around him.

But the expressions of the people who were doing the inspection not far away were different, so when Nova Supreme came over, he happened to see this group of people staring at the screen in horror, muttering something.


“how can that be!”

“This energy, simply…”

As the Nova Supreme approached, she heard what these people seemed to be shocked by, so she asked, “What’s wrong?”

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