Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 86

Chapter 85: How Is The Quality Of The Pants?

“That playboy!?”

Before Banner mutated, Stark Enterprises was already the head of arms, so he obviously didn’t know everything about Tony Stark.


Feeney nodded. In fact, the best way to deal with Nick Fury is to find a safe place. Fury is the most capable and has the most reason to protect Banner, but unfortunately he does not trust Nick Fury, and Banner It must also be sensitive to the identity of S.H.I.E.L.D.

So Feeney finally decided to ask Tony for help.

“I want you to go to him for a while first.”

Feeney said, in this way, while stabilizing Banner, you can also get a super experience baby, and if there is any danger in the future, you can directly sacrifice the Hulk.

“Okay, but I have to go somewhere first.”

Banner agreed, but he also made his own demands. He would not put all his hopes on Feeney, not to mention that the experiment with Mr. Lan had already worked. He had to find Mr. Lan to complete the final experiment first. Then choose whether to follow Fini.

“Are you going to find that Mr. Lan?”

Feeney saw Banner’s plan at a glance, and said with a sneer, “Do you really think the kind of thing he made can help you solve the Hulk?”

“That would make Hulk weaker at most. Besides, have you ever thought about the consequences of sending your own serum sample to a biologist with a crazy personality?”

In the face of Feeney’s ‘all-knowing’, Banner obviously felt terrified, but he couldn’t help but ask, “What do you mean?”

“He copied your blood samples and left enough backups. If he were to study you again, he might be able to produce some real monsters similar to you in batches.”

“No, Mr. Lan can’t do that!”

Hearing this, Banner shouted excitedly. He was deeply hurt by the mutation. Now that he knew that it might cause more people to become like this, he immediately felt angry.

Seeing the green veins running under Banner’s skin, Fini didn’t feel scared, but continued to say lightly, “It’s up to you to believe it or not, but I can take you to see him first.”

Finney also wanted to take this opportunity to resolve the matter of the blood samples. If the blood was gone, he would have to see how the hatred would appear.

Hearing this, Banner quickly withdrew his anger. At this time, what he wanted most was not to solve the Hulk in his body, but to never let other people become like him.

Thinking that he might have frequent contact with Banner in the future, Feeney finally got rid of the ‘evil haunt’ in front of him and let him know his true identity.

Feeney’s change shocked Banner, and when he saw Feeney’s real appearance, he was even more surprised: “Is this your original appearance?”

“What about that armor?”

“Don’t worry about it so much.” Feeney looked at Banner angrily, stretched out his hand and introduced, “Finey Halseds, just call me Feeney.”

“Bruce Banner!”

Banner also stretched out his hand, shook it with Finney, and hurriedly hugged it back to his chest, not knowing what he wanted to cover, chest hair! ?

“Then how do we get out of here?”

Banner looked at the surrounding wilderness, shook his body, and couldn’t help but said, “By the way, can you lend me some money first and let me buy some clothes.”

Fini rolled his eyes, opened a portal directly in Banner’s stunned eyes, and said, “Let’s go!”

“Wait, what is this?”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Banner began to wonder if he was hallucinating.

“Portal.” Feeney didn’t want to explain to Bernardo. Once the scientist became curious, he explained that the trouble was going to die. He stepped directly behind the door and urged, “Come here quickly.”

Banner carefully looked at the portal, and after seeing that Fini was completely fine, he thought about his feet and passed through the portal tremblingly.

“It’s amazing!”

However, when he crossed the portal and saw the surrounding scenery, Banner suddenly felt a burst of surprise, and he found that he had actually arrived in the New York City area.

Feeney took out several hundred dollars from his wallet, handed it to Banner, and said, “Go buy some clothes yourself, I’ll wait for you here.”

Although Feeney was also a little worried that Banner would never return, he would not be able to imprison Banner in the future, so if Banner really wanted to escape, he would be unable to stop him sooner or later.


Looking at the banknotes handed over, Banner was very moved. At this moment, he thought of his ex-girlfriend again, only to realize that he hadn’t asked what happened before.

But the top priority was to buy a set of clothes to wear first. Banner took the money and found a nearby clothes store. In the eyes of the other party, he showed the money in a conspicuous position and walked into the store embarrassedly.

Banner, who appeared again, was already dressed in a qualified disguise, with gray short sleeves, loose trousers, and a baseball cap that could cover most of his face when he lowered his head.

“How’s the quality of the pants?”

Feeney still trusts Banner’s ability to choose his pants. Even the pants that haven’t been smashed by ‘Explosive Magic’ can imagine how high their defense is.

“Uh, it’s alright.”

Banner unconsciously tugged at the waistband of his trousers, unfolded it loosely, and then tightened it back.

“Do you want to eat something first?”

Finney looked at Banner who kept aiming at a restaurant not far away. He was very Obviously Hulk just ate hundreds of fried chicken nuggets before, and he changed back to Banner. Don’t you feel anything! ?

“is it okay?”

Banner said a little embarrassedly, without the ‘evil haunted’, Finney looks like a sunny and handsome guy. Although he feels less oppressive, he is still a little uncomfortable getting along.

“Let’s go, don’t worry about this moment.”

Feeney walked to the restaurant and said that although he didn’t like Banner very much, he didn’t dislike it very much either.

Years of fugitive life made Banner naturally choose the most remote and inconspicuous corner of the restaurant. When eating, he finally couldn’t help but ask Feeney about the past:

“That’s weird… Hulk, what did he do before?”

Banner originally wanted to still be called the Hulk Monster, but thinking of Finney’s attitude, he finally changed his name to Hulk.

“I want to tell you, don’t be afraid!”

Feeney looked at Banner hesitantly, wondering if he should tell him.

“Don’t worry, I have received strict training and will not be afraid.”

Banner took a few deep breaths to keep himself calm.

“You may have slapped that General Ross to death!”


Banner suddenly stood up, brought the table, and let the cup fall to the ground, attracting the attention of the people around him.

Feeney clearly saw that the blue veins erupted on Banner’s neck. At this time, his chest heaved violently, and his fists were clenched, as if he was suppressing something.

“calm down!”

Feeney also regretted it a little. This is the city. If Hulk appeared here, it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, Banner was indeed trained. After taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down and sat back in his seat with pain in his eyes.

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