Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 95

Chapter 94: Fudge Banner

This situation is obviously abnormal. It is also the first time that Fini has encountered the portal being forcibly closed. There is obviously a problem in that place.

But fortunately, this opening also left him with a coordinate, so that he didn’t have to try his luck to find this place.

Although it could be turned on again, Finney didn’t act rashly. The place was obviously not normal. He wouldn’t do such a dangerous thing until he was sure.

At least if Gu Yi is not around, he has no sense of security.

Because of this accident, Fini was a little afraid to try again, although the chance of encountering this situation again should be many times lower than the chance of winning the lottery.

However, when he came to Kama Taj the next day and wanted to open the portal of this place again in front of Gu Yi, he unexpectedly found that it could not be opened.

“Why is this happening!”

Fini was puzzled, as if there was a layer of power that had been preventing him from exploring this place. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

But he couldn’t tell where this place was, and there was no way for Gu Yi to open it himself.

“You mean it’s dark there? Now you want to open the portal, but it’s blocked?”

Gu Yi’s eyes were thoughtful.

“Teacher, didn’t I accidentally drive into Dormammu’s territory?”

Fini asked in horror, Gu Yi wouldn’t ask why he knew so many things anyway, so he just said what he wanted to ask.

“That’s not true!”

Gu Yi shook his head, if Fini really drove into the dark dimension of Dormammu, it would be easier for her to solve it.

“But that place should be more dangerous, you’d better be careful.”

Fini secretly rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately he didn’t try it indiscriminately, so Gu Yi can tell the more dangerous places, which means that it must be very dangerous.

“Where is the place?”

Feeney couldn’t help but asked curiously, although he knew a lot about Marvel through the plot in his previous life, but after all, there are still many unknown things.

“I can’t be sure for the time being, and it may involve other people’s family affairs. I can’t say.”

Gu Yi shook his head and didn’t explain too much, instead it made Fini even more curious.

But Gu Yi’s strictness is not comparable to him. If she doesn’t want to say it, there is basically nothing that can force her to compromise.

Back at school, Billy was still entangled in his God’s Punishment Knight these days, and Feeney almost wanted to put the table in his mouth to block his mouth.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was about to take a holiday, he would have to take some measures.

The summer vacation is coming on schedule.

Fini finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Billy still didn’t give up, and on this day off, he was still pestering him.

“Fini, for the sake of friendship over the years, you will take me to see the God’s Punishment Knight. I just want to see him up close, even if you don’t say a word.”

“Shut up! We’ve only known each other for two years.”

Finney glared at Billy fiercely, almost sticking to him, isn’t it close enough, don’t say a word, these few days alone add up to a thousand words.

“I’ve said it all, this really can’t help you.”

Feeney looked at Billy helplessly. Although this persistent spirit is very touching, it would be bad if he really met Billy as a knight of God’s Punishment.

One is that it may bring unnecessary trouble to both of them, and the other is that it may make him gain more and more entanglement.

So it’s better to just reject it right from the start.

Seeing Feeney’s firm attitude, Billy finally gave up. After looking at Feeney resentfully, he didn’t hold any resentment or anything. After all, he actually doubted that the relationship between Feeney and the God’s Punishment Knight was not that good, at least. Not to the point of casual invitations.

After getting rid of the annoying Billy, Feeney finally felt a lot more relaxed, and with the arrival of the holiday, his mood began to improve.

Thinking that Banner has begun to gradually adapt to life in the villa these days, Fini also decided to prepare to bring up the Hulk Experience Baby’s schedule as soon as possible.

Actually, what surprises Feeney is that Banner and Tony have become better friends after being in contact during these days.

Maybe Banner’s temper is too good, and Tony also recognizes Banner’s talent, so the two can get along so well.

When they came to the villa where Banner lived, Tony happened to be there at this time. The two were discussing something together. From the model map of the computer holographic projection, it seemed to be related to the Stark Building.

The building was damaged by Ivan at that time, and now it is being repaired day and night.

Fini didn’t participate in their discussion. He wanted to sit on the side and eat a fried chicken nugget roll. After they discussed it, they would talk. Who knew that just after the fried chicken nugget roll was summoned, the two stopped talking and came over to express their need for feeding. .

So, the three of them sat together, drinking and eating fried chicken nuggets.

“Why did you come here today?”

Feeney looked at Tony and asked.

“The building is going to use a self-circulating supply system modified with new energy. I will discuss it with Bruce.”

Tony replied.


Finney wasn’t interested in this, so he didn’t continue to ask, looked at Banner who was eating silently, and said, “Dr. Banner, I want to talk to you about the Hulk. thing.”

Banner’s expression changed a little, but just as Finney thought, he couldn’t bear to be broken by a comfortable and comfortable life, so facing this question, he had to say, “What do you want to talk about?”

Tony looked at the two curiously on the side, although he and Banner have become but this does not change his curiosity about the Hulk, and he also believes that Feeney will not bring this up casually question.

“It’s almost impossible to destroy the Hulk. I think you must understand this problem first.”

Feeney first set a definition for Banner, and then said: “In my opinion, you will only have two consequences in the end, one is fusion, and the other is separation.”

“If you merge, it’s probably that you two become one. Maybe you can keep your mind and wisdom, and have Hulk’s body and strength at the same time.”

“But it’s also possible that Hulk keeps his mind and then owns your body and strength.”

Hearing these two consequences, Banner’s face changed dramatically, obviously he was unwilling to accept either.

“So what about separation!?”

Banner looked at Finney. Although he didn’t believe in the inability to destroy the Hulk, there was really no way for him at the moment.

“Separation is that you have your body and wisdom, and Hulk has Hulk’s body and mind!”

This situation is undoubtedly the most satisfying to Banner. If he can really do this, what is the difference between him and the Hulk being eliminated, so he immediately asked nervously, “Have you found a way?”

“I need your cooperation!”

Finney has a fart way, but this does not prevent him from stabilizing Banner first. Only by giving hope first can Banner be able to cooperate actively.

Moreover, he didn’t actually deceive Banner. If possible, he really wanted to separate Hulk and Banner, but he didn’t make it clear.

If separated, it is not to separate Hulk from Banner’s body, but to separate Banner from Banner’s body, because he feels that this body that has been mutated by gamma rays is more suitable for Hao gram.

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