Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 139: Memorial. 2001 CE

Heavy rain started to pour from the skies above as people gathered in front of the rubbles north tower of WTC. all of them were wearing black, and using black umbrellas. Pluto and Thena were standing in front, near the governor of New York, delivering a speech to the masses. The two were wearing a black turncoat, with a black tuxedo and dress inside it, Helios is at home, staying with Ajak.

Thena held Pluto’s arm as the governor continued his speech, many people were crying from the back of Pluto, mostly from the families of the fallen.

A man was standing beside them, wearing a cop’s uniform.

“Captain Stacy.” Pluto greeted calmly, not looking at the man.

“Mr. Smith.” Captain Stacy nodded. “Thank you for your help, the donations you have made to this city and its departments is too much honestly…”

“Nothing is too much for security, officer.” Pluto added. “And besides, these families aren’t as fortunate as me and my wife, some had lost a son, some had lost a daughter, some had lost their parents, monetary support is only temporary, for they had lost their familial support.”

Captain Stacy looked at Pluto in surprise, but Pluto didn’t move, he kept looking at the governor. “I heard you had a kid last month.”

Pluto smiled as he nodded weakly. “A son.”

“Then congratulations Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith…” said Captain Stacy sincerely. “I had a child myself back in March, a daughter, makes me feel motivated to go to work everyday, to keep the city safe, for her.”

“Then a congratulation is in order for you too, Captain.” Pluto hummed. “I heard the NYPD needed funding for new equipment.”

Captain Stacy was surprised at the sudden statement. “Yes, we’re in need of new equipment right now… the government is straining us down.”

“Well, you should inform your commissioner officer, tell him to contact me, and we shall discuss this later.” Pluto said as the governor continued to speak.

“Well, I’ll be sure to tell him.” Captain Stacy smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Smith.”

“You can call me Jonathan Officer, I’m not that old yet.” Pluto chuckled.

Captain Stacy nodded. “Then call me George.”

As Pluto and Thena were walking towards their car, the place was still raining, they were halted by a man wearing a military uniform.

“May I have a moment, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith?” the man said, making Pluto and Thena frown.

“And you are?”

“General Thaddeus Ross.” said the man, offering his hand for a handshake.

Pluto shook his hands, and said. “Then do you need anything, General?”

“I am here to talk about a proposal,” he said. “I promise you, Mr. Smith, it will soar your name if it succeeds.”

“I don’t need fame, General, but do go on.” Pluto said as they walked towards the parking lot.

“Yesterday, the US Armed Forces had accepted my proposal on the Bio-Tech Enhancement Project, because they believed our nation is threatened right now, and we need to fight that threat.”

“What kind of project is that, General?”

“I’m sure your father knew of a project called ‘Project Rebirth’, he worked with Howard Stark after all.”

“So the project is to make super soldier serums.” Pluto sighed as he opened the door for Thena. He closed the door, and turned to Ross. “I’m sorry General, it's been our policy since the beginning of the company, that we are not to deal with weapon technology. We are a company that deals with Natural resources, Medicine, and Research, but weapons are not one of them.”

“Look at this, Mr. Smith.” Ross said as he pointed at the World Trade Centre. “Do you want this to happen again? We need to fight back! We need an ace, so that our country will be protected!”

“There are countless ways to fight it, General.” Pluto said as he opened the door to the driver’s seat. “Building an army of Super Soldiers is not one of them. It will only be a matter of time before it’ll be misused if you create it. When one gets power, if they don’t have a good heart, they will be corrupted, you’ve read history right General?”

“Steve Rogers overcame it.” Ross argued.

“Rogers was an exception.” Pluto said, before entering his car, slamming the door shut in front of Ross. he opened the window. “Have a good day General, and the answer is no.”

Pluto then drove away, leaving Ross in the middle of the rain, a bit pissed at Pluto’s attitude towards him.

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