Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 148: Kinship. 2009 CE

It was all a mess.

It was supposed to be a normal car ride for Tandy Bowen with her father, but she couldn’t be so wrong… she was just 9 years old at this point, yet she had witnessed her own father drowning, unable to do anything as their cars sank to the sea.

When she woke up, she saw a hooded boy beside her, passed out, probably because of the same reason Tandy Bowen as well.

She didn’t know what to do, she was confused, so she ran away from the boy, and tried to find a way home. Tandy wandered the streets of New Orleans and stole a man's cell phone out of his pocket to call the house, which she succeeded.

She eventually went home, and broke the news to her mother, which left her speechless and heartbroken.

It was all downhill from that point on, bad news after bad news, eviction letters, her mother crying, the only comfort she had was a hoodie that she took from that boy that had saved her.

Until one day, men with suits knocked on the door of their homes, they looked pissed, as they were banging the door. Her mother told her to hide, but she was too scared, as the people had already made the door fall, barging in uninvited.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” her mom shouted, trying to stop the men from coming in.

“Back off lady, we’re here on the suspicion of Nathan Bowen sabotaging the Roxxon Rig, I suggest you stay away as we search your home.”

“This is trespassing!” her mom shouted, but suddenly, a big man punched her in the face, knocking her down.

“Mom!” Tandy screamed, running towards her mom.

The men continued to trash the home, trying to find documents related to Roxxon Corp, or Nathan Bowen.

Her mother quickly ran towards a table, and took a pill that was laying on it. She was overwhelmed, stressed as she saw her home, her house being trashed like this.

After a couple of minutes, the man literally destroyed the house, trying to find something at every corner of the room, but nothing, they only found some files, that’s it. One man quickly ran towards the mother, and grabbed her neck, making Tandy cry louder.

“Where is it?!” he shouted. “Do you realise what your husband has done?!”

“I- I don’t know! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” said the mother in panic.

“Lies!” the man roared. He looked at Tandy, and released the mother, walking towards Tandy.

“No, please no!” the mother shouted as she tried to breath on the ground.

The man then grabbed Tandy roughly, and suddenly pulled a gun, aiming it at the girl. “Where is it?!”

“I- I don’t know!” the mother sobbed as Tandy cried as well. “P-Please! Not Tandy!”

“Mom!” Tandy cried.

“Quiet!” the man hissed as he pushed the gun to Tandy’s head. “I swear to god! I will shoot if you don’t tell us!”

“P-Please!” the mother sobbed again and again, clinging to any hope left.

But then, countless lights started to appear from outside the window. The men frowned, and the man that was holding Tandy hostage pointed to the window to the other men, telling them to check it.

The men then slowly walked towards the window, pistols in their hands as they cocked it, preparing for a fight.

Suddenly, a light sword went through the window, slightly missing one of the men that was checking the window, and it nailed itself to the wall,  making the others alert.

“What was that?” questioned the leader.

“I- I don’t know.” the man who almost got hit gulped.

Then, the lights outside became brighter, the men aimed their pistols at it, and started to shoot.

The mother and Tandy were scared to death at the sounds of guns, especially the mother as she cried in despair.

As if it retaliated, countless light swords launched towards the men, killing almost all of them instantly, with the rest of the swords stabbed to the wall, making the wall full of swords, and the room brightly lit.

“What the hell?!” The leader that was grabbing Tandy suddenly released her as he saw the massacre that enveloped in front of him. He aimed his gun at the direction of the lights, scared to death.

Tandy ran towards her mother, which she instantly hugged, crying from fear.

The leader gulped as he tried to approach the window, taking cover beside it. He wanted to see who did it, but as soon as he peeked, a light sword appeared again, grazing his cheek slightly.

The man was now afraid. The hunter is now the hunted, by an unknown force no less. He took cover beside the wall, fearing his life if he tried to pick.

But then, a light sword suddenly stabbed through the wall that the man used for cover, almost hitting him.

The man backed off, scared for his life as he pointed his gun at the wall, shooting frantically.

As he shot the wall, someone kicked the wall roughly, and it made the wall fall, revealing a woman with glowing eyes, holding a sword with a furious face.

“W-Who are you!?” shouted the man, afraid. The man was still shooting, but it bounced off of the woman’s skin.

The woman didn’t speak, instead, she approached the man slowly, a sense of dread filled the man’s head, and he pissed himself.

The woman then suddenly changed her pace, and she dashed towards the man, stabbing a small light dagger through his heart.

“Piece of shit.” the woman cursed, pulling the dagger from the man’s heart, leaving him to die.

The woman then turned to the mother-daughter pair, who were scared as fuck. The woman’s face then turned bright figuratively, a warm smile suddenly enveloping her face, and she offered her hand towards the two of them.

“Hello, I’m Jeanne.” she said, her voice was like that of a saint. “I am here to help you.”

The mother gulped in fear, the massacre in front of her was no joke, yet this woman shrugged it like it was nothing, smiling warmly at them, but, the mother felt like she could trust her, the paragon aura of the woman in front of her was mesmerising, like… she was talking to an aneel.

The mother suddenly felt that Tandy released her hug, and approached Jeanne.

“Tandy!” the mother shouted in panic, but then, as Tandy approached Jeanne, her hand glowed brightly, like those light swords that were nailed to the wall.

Jeanne's smile went brighter at the sight. She touched her hand, and the light went brighter. “See? That wasn’t so bad…”

“Y-You’re like me… when the car happened… I- I did this…” she sobbed.

“Shush… it’s okay…” Jeanne cooed as she caressed Tandy’s head. Jeanne turned to her mother, who was surprised at the sight. “Mrs. Bowen, we have no time, the police could be hear at any second, or worse, SHIELD ....”

“W-Who are you?” the mother stuttered.

“I told you Mrs. Bowen.” said Jeanne with a smile. “I’m here to save you.”

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