Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 160: The Gorilla in The Room. 2010 CE

It was a stormy night in New York. a day has passed since the opening of Stark Expo, it was a huge success, not counting the mess it created in the Company itself of course, but the public were happy about the expo, they got to see Iron man, fun attractions, good food, and a place to spend time in is always a plus.

But for now, the place is closed because of the rain, and the expo will continue tomorrow, where it will go on for the rest of the year.

Or so everyone thought.

A man was waiting in a room that is overlooking the runway of a military airport near New York, he was wearing an eyepatch, black, and bald. He put his hands on his back and watched as the rain poured from the sky above on this cold spring night.

“Any news on our VIP?” the black man with a suit questioned his subordinate.

“E.T.A. 5 minutes.” a woman’s voice sounded from behind his back.

“Watch the surroundings,” said the man. “We don’t want an extremist suddenly launching RPGs at their aircrafts.”

“Already done that director.”

The man hummed. These two, are of course, Nick Fury and Maria Hill. They've been tasked to secure the Zimeran VIPs that will be coming to the Stark Expo to give a speech. They didn’t expect that those Simians accepted the invitation, because they tend to not interfere in any affairs, and had this semi-isolationist policies. They still have contacts with the other countries, but limited, like yearly visits to countries, humanitarian aids, and most importantly, peacekeeping.

So while the Zimerans are not as isolated as, like say, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, you still won’t find Simians walking around New York casually.

“VIPs are approaching.” noted Hill.

“Understood. let’s welcome our guests, shall we?”

Nick Fury was standing in the Aeroplanes parking lot, the rain was still pouring above, and there’s limited light surrounding him. He was soaked from head to toe, there weren't any raindrops dripping from his hair because he doesn’t have it, and he was staring at the dark skies above.

In the dark, Fury saw specks of light approaching the airport, it was certainly eye-catching in the middle of a black sky, and Fury could already hear the iconic buzzing sounds of Zimeran Ornithopters in the middle of the loud rain.

The Ornithopters were approaching Fury, and it quickly landed. There were around three Ornithopters, two were the usual dragonfly design, while the other one was bigger, much bigger.

It was the size of the usual airbus, but equipped with insect-like wings instead of jets, and the buzzing sounds were much louder than usual.

The door in the back of the thopters opened as they landed, and not a second later, gorillas started to pour out. The first one to get out was the biggest one, and Fury knew it was the king.

Grodd looked at Fury and gruffed. He walked towards him, into the rain, making his fur soaked, and he stood in front of Fury, towering the director of SHIELD.

“King Grodd, my name is Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD.” Fury introduced himself. “Welcome, to the United States of America.”

“Quite a wet welcome.” said Grodd, pointing at the skies above.

Fury shrugged. “Well, we can’t help that.”

Grodd scoffed. “Primitive…” He turned around to his subjects, and made signs to them. The gorillas slammed their chests, and entered the thopters once again, making Fury worry.

Suddenly, an antenna came out of one of the thopter, and it shot a blue light towards the sky. It was not loud at all, in fact, it didn’t make any sound, but, not a second later, the rain started to stop, making Fury surprised.

“Better.” Grodd hummed. “Tell your men to haul the things we’ll be showcasing to the expo director, don’t bother to steal them, it’ll explode on contact if touched by an unauthorised person.”

Fury frowned. “Are you saying that you’re bringing dangerous explosive materials to our country, king Grodd?”

Grodd looked at Fury, and winked. “Just a precaution, you of all people should know.”

Grodd then started to walk to the airport, and Fury followed.

“We have already set up a place to stay for you and your subjects to live for the next couple of weeks,” said Fury.

“No need.” said Grodd, making Fury surprised again. “Just give us a place to stay, we’ll make it ourselves.”

“King Grodd, with all due respect, but we have already—”

“Director, have you ever studied how my kind lived?” Grodd questioned casually. “From the way you act right now, it sounds like the USA wanted to show off, and the place will be a fancy place, with fancy decorations. We are not like that Director, we are simple beings, and the beds you made are probably too small anyway.”

Fury sighed. “Fair enough, King Grodd, we will find a place for you to settle shortly.”

Grodd hummed, Fury was scanning Grodd’s body, the king towered him by a couple feet, he had straight backs, looks like the other Gorilla is too now, and they are capable of speech.

Their development is alarmingly fast… Fury wondered how that was possible, but then, as his gaze arrived at Grodd’s hand, he froze, making Grodd confused.

“Is there something wrong director?” Grodd questioned curiously.

“Not really, king Grodd. It’s just… do you know Mr. Smith?” Fury asked calmly, but his brain was running wildly right now.

“Mr. Smith?” Grodd repeated, he turned his gaze to his hand, where Fury was looking. He was looking at the glowing blue ring around his finger. “Jonathan Smith?”

“Yes, owner of Smith Enterprises.”

Grodd smiled mysteriously. “You should stay away from other people’s business, Director, it’s not good for your health.”

As Fury heard it, he cursed in his mind. To think such a dangerous man living in New York casually, and they could do nothing about it…

“Well then director, shall we?” Grodd asked, breaking Fury’s imagination.

Fury nodded. “Let’s go, King Grodd.”

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