Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 179: Poisoned Mind. 2012 CE

[On top of Stark’s Tower]

A Thopter was hovering on top of the tower, its back facing a device that was surrounded by pure energy, the Thopter’s ramp was opened, and a Japanese man was standing on top of the ramp.

“Doctor, you need to snap out of it.” said Kojirou to an old man that was inside the barrier.

“It can’t be stopped,” he said fuzzily. “She wants to show us something… A new universe…”

Kojirou clicked his tongue, and then spoke to the comms. “You sure I can’t just beat this guy up? There’s no way we can pass that barrier.”

“Even with your power?” spoke a woman from the comms, it was Cleo.

“It’s the Space Stone Cleo.” said Kojirou, jumping towards the roof. “Unless there’s a similar energy, it can’t be penetrated.”

“How about calling father?” said Jeanne from below.

“We shan’t disturb him.” Cleo answered. “He gave us this task, we’ll be finishing it.”

“Fine.” said Kojirou. He walked towards the doctor and grabbed him by the arm, pushing him towards the edge, threatening him to let him fall.

“Doctor, please tell us how to pass the barrier,” said Kojirou.

Erik sighed. “It’s too late… the gate to a new universe will open….”

“Damnit.” Kojirou cursed, throwing Selvig towards the floor of the roof. “We’ll get nothing from him, go to Loki, see if he knows something.”

“Roger that.” said Cleo, before the comms went silent.

Cleo walked on the penthouse of the Stark tower casually as she saw Loki with his sceptre watching her.

“Well well, who do we have here?” he grinned smugly, opening his arms. “Daddy’s girl has come to save the day…”

Cleo’s eyebrow twitched as she heard the insult. “Your mind is poisoned Loki. Who did this to you?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” said Loki dismissively. “I’ve come here to rule… as a king…”

“Are you not afraid of father?” Cleo frowned. “I heard he beat you up pretty bad when you were a child…”

“That was a long time ago…” Loki smiled rather mysteriously. “Right now… he is nothing but an ant to me… for I am a god! I have weapons that are not within Mortals’ reach! If he comes, I will deal with him eventually.”

“You are naive!” Cleo shouted. “Do you really think you could beat father? The lord of all that is golden? Do you even know what that means? His legion will tear you apart limb by limb…”

“I also have an army of my own.” he sneered. “The Chitauri are coming, nothing can stop it now.”

“You think it is enough?” Cleo scoffed. She then looked at the sceptre on Loki’s hand. “What is that in your hand anyway? You really think you could beat father with that?”

Loki chuckled, but then, before he could speak any further, a man landed on the balcony wearing an Iron suit. It was Tony, and the suit was being disassembled when he walked towards the interior of the tower.

“Well look who’s here too.” sneered Loki. “It seems it has become a party in this place huh?”

Tony looked at Cleo, who was staring at Loki at all times. “It seems someone beat me to it.”

“What are you doing here Stark?” Loki questioned casually. “Planning to stall me like this lady over here?”

“Actually, I’m here to threaten.” he said, going to his bar.

“Loki, snap out of it.” said Cleo calmly. “I’m not going to say it twice.”

“He’s not going to listen lady, I mean look at him.” Tony shrugged. “It’s like he’s in a withdrawal state or something, have you taken some Asgardian drugs Loki? Is that why you’re doing this right now?”

Loki scoffed. “Your mocking is not going to work, Stark.”

Cleo walked towards the window of the tower. “Alright, I’ve run out of patience, give me the sceptre.”

Loki raised his eyebrow in mockery. “Then come and get it.”

Cleo scrunched up her face, and she clenched her fist. Suddenly, chains started to sprout from the ground, and it went deep within Loki’s skin. Loki screamed in pain, and dropped to the ground, but he still held onto the sceptre.

“H-How dare you?!” Loki spat. “I am a god!”

“You are not a god.” said Cleo, slowly walking towards him. “You are just a simple, frost giant, not even loved by your own family.”

Loki’s face turned to anger as he heard it, he tried to break free, but couldn’t.

“Wow, now I know why Uncle said that you liked to play with chains.” Tony whistled as he walked towards them, his bracelets on. He was bringing a bottle of whiskey, and they were now standing in front of Loki.

“I do not like to play with chains…” Cleo murmured bitterly. “It’s my power…”

Loki kept trying to break free. “You… will all… kneel… BEFORE ME!”

Loki then raised his hand that was grabbing the sceptre, and a blue beam suddenly shot out from the sceptre, attacking Cleo and Tony. Cleo knew that Tony would not survive if he got hit by it, and she wasn’t focused and quick enough to do magic, so she blocked the beam using her chains and her body and protected Tony from it. It was too strong however, the force knocked the chains out, and it slammed towards Cleo’s body. Cleo was thrown out of the Tower along with Tony, who got pushed alongside her.

They are now falling towards the ground. “Fuck, that hurts.” Cleo cursed.

“Jarvis deploy!” said Tony in panic. “DEPLOY JARVIS! DEPLOY!”

A mobile Iron man suit then was shot from the tower, towards Tony. and it quickly wore itself, suiting Tony, and he dashed towards the sky, leaving Cleo to her loneself.

Cleo clicked her tongue. “Son of a fucking donkey..” she said, before dropping to the ground, he cloak fluttered from the force, and the asphalt below cracked from the impact.

The pedestrians panicked as they saw Cleo drop down, and went to check on her. They were surprised when they saw her alive and well, with only her cloak a bit dirtied.

Cleo pushed the pedestrians away from her, and looked at the sky. “Oh I will fucking kill those two fucks…”

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