Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 185: A sword in the hole. 2012 CE

Cleo was running to the top of the Stark Tower with the Sceptre still in hand. She was watching the sky above, the Chitauri kept pouring from the hole in the sky, relentlessly attacking Jeanne, who was the front line defence. 

She then turned to the city itself, many buildings were wrecked, Leviathan’s corpses everywhere, Chitauri were shooting at the arriving army and police below. It was a disaster, a disaster they couldn’t stop.

Suddenly, Cleo’s comms went wild, she heard Jeanne shouting from the sky above.

“I think I know how to stop all of them at once!” she said, with heavy firing in the background. “From the portal, I saw a big ship watching over the advancing army! I think we could stop the invasion from destroying that mothership!”

“And how do you know it will succeed?” Cleo questioned, hoping that this will just end quickly. “These aliens are practically endless, there’s already almost 20 of those space worms, who knows how many there are left.”

“At least we can try right?!” Jeanne answered as she continuously attacked the invading Chitauri. “Can someone cover for me?! I can’t attack the mothership if I am continuously surrounded like this!”

“None of us can fly, Jeanne.” said Michel in the comms. “At most I’ll be able to cover you from the ground, but I doubt that will help.”

“I could send some of these aliens to cover you,” said Anna. “But I don’t know if I can maintain it that long.”

“Alright, Anna, do that. Kojirou, you there?” Cleo spoke.

“Yes… I’m here…” Cleo heard Kojirou, he heard that he was gasping, as if trying to do something. “I’m afraid I’m a bit occupied right here… I– I’ve made a mistake…”

“What did you do?” Cleo frowned.


“We will deal with your mistake later, Kojirou.” someone spoke, it was Grodd. “I’ve brought reinforcements.”

Suddenly, blue lights flickered above the city, and many Thopters appeared out of nowhere, surprising the army, the police, and the Avengers alike.

As the Thopters appeared out of thin air, the police below were shocked at the scene. In their view, the sky darkens as more and more Thopters appear, attacking the Chitauri automatically. Soon, the mothership of the armada teleported. It was a big ass ship, almost as big as the Helicarrier, but it didn’t have any propellant at all, just a ring of blue lights below it, glowing brightly as it supported the full weight of the ship.

“Attention to all human personnel.” spoke the speaker from the mothership. “This is the Zimeran Air Force, I repeat, This is the Zimeran Air Force, do not engage, do not engage. As of this moment, the World Security Council has given us the instruction to deal with the invasion. Please, bring the civilians to safety, I repeat, bring the civilians to safety.”

Captain Stacy didn’t know what to think of the situation. Before they appeared, they could see the portal opening on top of Stark tower, they could see the bright light that was fighting the invading army, but now, it was covered by the Zimeran Thopters. Captain Stacy was fighting for his life as the Chitauri kept attacking, all the while trying to save as many civilians as possible, but the latter was hard to do because of how underequipped the forces were.

Suddenly, they saw pods starting to drop from the sky, and one even landed in front of Captain Stacy, who was with his colleague, escorting a group of civilians.

“Get back!” Captain Stacy as he pointed his gun at the pod, and the others followed suit. The pod then quickly opened, unsealing what was inside of it. Captain Stacy then saw that a Gorilla had come out of the pod, all geared up with this futuristic-like combat armour, armed with heavy weapons, melee and ranged alike.

“Do not engage Captain Stacy.” said the Gorilla, scanning the badge of George and that got his name. “I am here to support, there are food and other essential items in the pod, please help me bring it to the nearest safe point.”

Captain Stacy nodded warily as he walked slowly to the pod, but then, the Gorilla screamed.

“Take cover!” he yelled. The Gorilla pushed the other civilians and Captain Stacy to the back of the pod, and discharged his heavy plasma gun. A bunch of green streaks shot out towards the sky, hitting the Chitauri as it made holes in their bodies. Soon enough, the Chitauri soldiers dropped one by one like flies being gassed, and for Captain Stacy, it feels somewhat satisfying.

As the plasma gun overheated and smoke came out of it, the Gorilla turned to the others, “Everyone alright?”

Captain Stacy just nodded, still couldn’t believe what was happening.

Meanwhile, with Jeanne, she was fighting a swarm of Chitauri soldiers as countless light swords came out of her backs, targeting every single soldier that was near her.

“Reinforcements are here Jeanne, you can start to target the mothership.” a voice spoke in her comms. It was Grodd, and many Thopters suddenly started to open fire on the swarm near Jeanne, covering for her.

The Thopter started to surround her and protected her from the attack of the soldiers, and her burden was relieved a bit. Out of all of the Apostles, she was probably the most hurt, she stood in the front line as she was the only one that could fly without the use of a device or some sort, and her power really suited well for one v. many situations.

Jeanne then dashed towards the hole in the sky as the Thopters followed her suit, guarding her. She hovered in front of the portal, and her eyes started to glow brightly. She was sweating heavily, her face became purple from the pressure of the ring, and slowly but surely, a gigantic light broadsword started to appear behind her. She was focusing on the spell a lot as it takes a lot of energy from her.

The Thopters around her continued to protect her, plasma guns, gatling guns, even rockets were flying everywhere, the sounds of war cries of the Gorillas could be heard, and the swarm started to dwindle.

The sword eventually goes bigger and bigger, but from the looks of it, it wasn’t enough. So, Jeanne unsummoned her wings, and it made her free fall towards the ground.

“Jeanne! What are you doing?!” shouted Grodd as he saw her from the mothership.

Jeanne didn’t spoke, instead, she just continued to concentrate as her face turned purple more and more, she was crying in pain from the looks of it, and those tears started to turn to blood.

Eventually, the Gigantic Sword was complete. Jeanne screamed as she sent the giant sword towards the portal as she kept freefalling towards the ground.

The sword penetrated the hole in the sky and entered space, it was like in an instant, the sword sliced the command centre in half, and as Jeanne fell, she could see a beautiful firework inside the portal.

“Close it now…” she spoke softly, before passing out from peer pressure of her power.

As Cleo saw what just happened, she gulped, and turned her body towards the portal device. She quickly stabbed the barrier using the sceptre, and when it penetrated the barrier, Cleo quickly made the sceptre touch the device, and it overloaded, slowly closing the portal.

Cleo then threw away the sceptre as she was knocked down from the blast of the overloading, and sat down, resting her body as she saw the Chitauri falling one by one, losing connection.

Meanwhile, Steve was standing just right below the closing portal. He had seen the gigantic sword in the air, he had seen the Zimeran Armada, he had seen how the Apostles fought, and honestly, he was a bit overwhelmed.

“Stark, you seeing this?” said Steve to the comms.

“You’ve asked me that question at least 10 times this day, Cap.” said Tony. “Hold on, I think I see the angel falling towards the ground… huh… fallen angel… how poetic…”

Tony then rushed towards Jeanne, he grabbed her by the waist, and quickly landed near Steve. Sooner rather than later, Thor also landed, checking her condition.

Stark put her to the ground softly, and sat down beside her. “JARVIS, scan her condition.”

“Apologies sir… it appears that my system cannot detect her condition, as her body does not function like a normal human being.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Steve questioned.

“It means she’s not human Cap.” said Tony calmly. “Thor? Could you–?”

“Shock her? I doubt it would work.” said Thor. “I hit one of her kind once, my arm was torn off because of that…”

Tony was confused. “You know what? I’m not going to even ask.”

Suddenly, Jeanne woke up and took a deep breath, looking around on where she was.

“You alright miss?” Steve questioned.

“Oh… Rogers…” Jeanne sighed. “Yes, I just need rest, and then I’ll be able to heal you all after this.”

“Honestly Lucifer? You should take a rest. We’ll handle the rest.” said Tony casually as he stood up. Tony then flew away towards his tower, leaving Jeanne.

“You should go, Rogers,” said Jeanne, standing up slowly. “You too Thor. my mission here is done.”

“Where are you going?” Steve questioned in confusion.

Jeanne then walked away from Steve, and then, she spread her wings, surprising Steve. “I’m sure Michel had told you. We came from different times than these people, Rogers, it is not good for them to know that we are still alive. As for you? Let it be that you are the heroes, you can give all the blame to us, we’re used to it.”

Jeanne then flew away from Steve, leaving him and Thor alone.

“Never met her…” said Thor calmly. “But she seemed… wise…”

“Do you know her name?” Steve asked.

“I have no idea,” said Thor. “But perhaps we could know something from the others.”

Steve hummed. “I missed the times where the weirdest thing in the world was me.”

“It’s never been that way, Rogers.” Thor laughed. “It’s always been like this.”

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