Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 219: Club Fest. 2016 CE

In the afternoon of the day, Helios sat in the Robotics club corner, with Baymax seemingly standing beside the table, waving at everyone that passed. Besides Helios is Gwen, looking bored as hell.

“Hello~ I am baymax— hello~ I am—” Baymax kept repeating his greeting words to everyone he saw, twirling his palm towards them. He attracted a lot of freshmen that were interested in him. If anyone wanted to ask some questions, Gwen directed them towards Baymax to answer it, not the two members of the club.

“This is boring.” Helios sighed.

“Tell me about it.” Gwen grumbled.

The boy looked at Gwen weirdly, confused on why she’s acting like that. “You okay?”

“What? I’m fine.” she said, suddenly standing up. “Let’s walk around, don’t you have another club to go to?”

“What? Media club?” confirmed Helios. “No, Betty’s dealing with it, besides, the highschool club seems to be more focused on TV news stuff rather than moviemaking.”

“Really?” Gwen said, raising her brow. “Still, you should help them somewhat.”


“You being there is enough.” Gwen answered flatly, making Helios chuckle.

“Alright, so you want me to go there or what?” asked Helios jokingly.

Gwen was about to answer, but then, a certain someone came to the Robotics Club corner. It was Liz Allan, along with her decathlon ‘entourage’, Cindy, Betty, Sally, and many other girls.

“Hi Theo.” Liz greeted. “Gwen…”

“Hello.” said Theo casually. “Need anything?”

Liz pushed her hair away from her face a little bit as she peeked towards Gwen. “Um, yeah, I was wondering if you’d be… willing to join the academic decathlon team this year.”

Helios looked confused. “But you already have Peter?”

“The more the better.” Liz answered, forcing a smile.

Helios could only sigh. “I mean… Why me? Could’ve asked Gwen instead, or Betty, she’s good with pop culture trivia…”

“Well, if you don’t want to, I’ll ask someone else. But I was hoping you could join.” Liz continued, acting shy, Helios could feel Gwen groaning besides him.

“Sorry Liz, not interested.” Helios leaned on his chair, shrugging. “Gwen, wanna join?”

“Nope, I’m busy enough as it is… with all the homecoming dance committee and stuff.” Gwen said calmly. “We’re going to have a meeting this evening, right Liz?”

“Yeah.” Liz smiled. “Of course, how could I forget about it…”

“Okay… now that that’s settled, need anything else?” asked Helios.

“Um, no… I guess I’ll see you around?”

Helios just raised his shoulders carelessly. “Why not?”

“Great… bye.”

Liz and her gang then left the stand, leaving Helios alone with Gwen.

“Awkward…” Gwen murmured.

Helios sighed. “Shut up.”

“Dude, I’m not even the one talking, and I got second hand embarrassment.” Gwen chuckled. “Anyway, I think we should go before any of that stuff happens again.”

“Alright, rooftop?” asked Helios as he took out a metal case from below the table. “Need to test this new thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Heat signature detector,” he said. “Just some side project stuff. Peter mostly did the work for it last summer, it’s for his ‘costume’.”

“Gosh you never ask me to join one of your ‘projects’ anymore.” she said as she stood up from her seat, rolling her eyes.

“Sorry, boys only.” Helios smirked, also standing up.

“I’m not one of your ‘boys’ anymore?” She raised her brow.

Helios scoffed, walking through the corridor with Gwen. “Says the girl who said she wants to be ‘more girly’ yesterday.”

Gwen and Helios were now sitting on the rooftop as the students below hurried along. Some played football on the field, some were sitting on the benches around the school, some sat on grass, listening to some music, and some just doing nothing.

In front of the two were a laptop, and a camera placed behind it. The camera was directed to the city, and Helios was calibrating the device, trying to find a good spot.

As the two were doing the calibrating, Peter was walking through the football field with his headphones, trying not to be noticed, but then he saw the two on the rooftop, and he instantly knew what they were doing, as he had worked on the device previously.

He quickly found an empty spot that no one was looking, and climbed to the rooftop undetected, walking towards the two.

“You’re calibrating?” asked Peter suddenly, scaring the shit out of Gwen.

“Peter!” she shouted. “You scared me!”

“Sorry…” Peter murmured, kneeling besides Helios. “Is it working?”

Helios, who wasn’t even scared, just hummed. “Just a second… and done. It’s working.”

The laptop then displayed what the camera was seeing. A lot of heat signatures appeared on the screen, from the students, the smokes of the city, pipelines, everything.

“Wow, didn’t know it’ll work that well.” Peter murmured.

“What’s that?” Gwen asked, pointing at a strange heat signature in the middle of the city.

“Probably the Smith Energies building. Heard they’re developing some new energy generators there.”

“And that?” Gwen pointed at another location, this time, at the edge of the city.

“I… don’t know…” Helios murmured. “Wait, let me check.”

Helios tried to focus on the abnormal readings, and scanned the building. It looked like an abandoned warehouse, and from the camera, there was no one in that place, well, he really can’t tell, because the entire place was generating strange heat signatures, so the detector can’t tell if there’s any humans in it.

“Irradiated place maybe?” Peter pointed out. “Whatever it is, it has a strong signature.”

“It’s probably not radiation.” Gwen said. “If it is, the government would swarm the place.”

“I don’t know Gwen, even the government is sometimes blind.” Helios hummed. “Wanna check it out?”

Gwen instantly snapped her head towards Helios. “Theo, don’t.”

“What? It’s harmless.” he shrugged. “Aren’t you curious?”

“No. What if it’s dangerous? I mean, if it is radiation, then—”

“Gwen, I think you forgot that me and you are different.” Helios said flatly. “As far as I know, I’m immune to it, just like my dad, just like my mom.”

“You and your parents are biologically different, as you have explained to me.” Gwen raised her brow. “So I think it’s safe to assume that—”

“Okay, guys, guys, we’re not going there.” Peter cut both of them off. “We just chill, we’ll report it to the police, and they can take care of it.”

Helios didn’t say anything, but sigh. “Alright, we’ll report it to the cops.”

Gwen looked at both of them suspiciously, her gaze traveled from Helios to Peter back and forth, seemingly trying to read both of their minds.

“I’m watching you.” she said.

“Relax Gwen, you can trust us.” Peter smiled. “Right Theo?”

Helios hummed. “Sure…”

[In the middle of the night]

Peter and Helios are now right in front of the abandoned warehouse that they were talking about this afternoon. Again, on the outside, it looked empty, no one’s in there whatsoever, but who knows what they might find there.

“You ready?” asked Peter, putting on his mask on top of the street light.

“Yep.” said Helios. “Let’s just not tell Gwen what happened today, and it’ll be peaceful tomorrow, deal?”


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