Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Interlude: Prisoners of War

A man was sitting in a Prisoner’s cell in a facility. He had overheard that the owner of the facility wanted to blow up the entire facility to hide evidence, as the man, along with his men, were special in their own way…

They’re super soldiers, at least, an attempt to make one.

The man that was sitting inside the cell was Isaiah Bradley, and he was planning to escape this facility, before all of them got killed. He didn’t know when they would do it, but he needed to get out of here fast.

Suddenly though, he heard an explosion from the outside, making Isaiah despair, because he thought that it was the explosion of the bombs that the group that imprisoned them planted. He looked around the place, and he needed a way to get out of this cell quickly. He punched the bars, but it wasn’t working at all, the metal was too strong, which made him desperate.

He quickly heard the explosion outside was getting louder and louder, and also, he heard screams, which made him more and more desperate.

He repeatedly kicked the door cell to free himself, to no avail. But then, the explosion from the outside stopped, and it turned to roars of an… animal?

Isaiah was now confused, what is going on outside? He tried to see what’s going on, but he couldn’t. 

He could now hear the sounds of a chopper, but the sound it’s a bit different… like flapping wings…

Isaiah was now really curious, and was trying to find a way to peek from the outside, but then, the door to his cell room suddenly opened, rather roughly might he add.

A group of men then suddenly entered his cell room, all of them were wearing metal gauntlets in their left hand, and also… simians… There are Simians among them.

“What?” Isaiah questioned himself.

A man then suddenly entered the room. He looked Asian, Japanese specifically, and he was wearing a black cloak, and around his waist, a nodachi.

“Isaiah Bradley?” the man asked in English.

“Y-Yes…” Isaiah stammered. “Who are you people?”

“We are here to help.” the Japanese man said as he unsheathed his sword. The sword glowed crimson, and he used it to slash the bars that imprisoned Isaiah, freeing him.

“Follow me Mr. Bradley. We need to check your condition.” he said. “The experimental super soldier serum that these men experimented on is unstable, so we need to check if you’re at risk or not.”

“My men?” Isaiah questioned. “What about my men?”

“They’ve been loaded to the Ornithopters.” the Japanese man said. “Come on, Mr. Bradley, we don’t have much time.”

Isaiah just nodded, and followed the Japanese man outside the facility. Outside, he finally saw the destruction these guys made. Many soldiers that once guarded their prisons died like it was nothing, their heads have holes, missing hearts and opened stomachs, it was disgusting. Isaiah then saw some Simians carrying file cabinets towards the Ornithopters, and Isaiah was curious.

“You guys from that Zimera country?” he questioned.

The Japanese man stared at Isaiah for a while, before answering. “No, we are not. But our founders are from there, so there are influences.”

Isaiah hummed. “Where are you taking me, taking us?”

“There’s a facility that belongs to us near here, we will take you there. After a check up and treatment, we will give you a choice.”

Isaiah frowned. “A choice?”

“Either join us, or go home.” the Japanese man continued. “You are all remarkable people, Mr. Bradley, our organisation will welcome you with open arms.”

The two then entered an Ornithopters, where Isaiah was reunited with his men. They talked a little, before turning to the Japanese man again.

“Who are you people anyway? You didn’t answer my question back then.” Isaiah questioned once again.

The Japanese man smiled. “My name is Sasaki Kojirou, as for the organisation I’m with, I cannot tell you, unless you want to join.”

“What’s your organisation for?”

“Private Organisation, not currently working with any nation except the Zimerans, as for what we do? Nothing.”

“Nothing? Really?”

“Our mission is to guard the people of earth from threats that they couldn’t solve themselves.” he said. “Enough said, you all should rest, you’ve got a long night ahead of you.”

The Ornithopters then took off, leaving the now empty facility, before blowing it up entirely.

The next day, everyone had been checked, and it turns out, everyone needed treatment except Isaiah, who was strangely immune from the dangerous substance from the experimental serum.

He was now sitting in front of a woman, who looked to be a mix of Greek and Egyptian descent, sitting calmly in front of him.

“So, Mr. Bradley, what would it be?” she questioned.

Isaiah tapped his feet rather impatiently, before speaking. “I have a wife and a son.”

“If you decide to join, we will take care of that. Your family will be relocated to Zimera, where they will live among the other agents’ families.”

“Will they be safe there?”

“You can trust us, Mr. Bradley.” the woman nodded.

Isaiah hummed, before asking again. “What will I do?”

“I’m sure Sasaki had told you about our organisation's purpose…” said the woman. “You will be doing that. Although, we have a message from our founder that he’s looking for a man that has a high sense of justice. From the report of your life, Mr. Bradley, you fit the description, but in the end, it’s up to him.”


The woman just smiled. “Anyway Mr. Bradley, if you decide to refuse, we will escort you to your family’s home, and we will be giving you a new identity, but you need to choose now.”

Isaiah thought about it. He thought about how he became a prisoner of war, and his own countrymen wanted to kill him to hide the evidence. He clenched his fist so hard that blood dripped, as his nails were a bit long from the long imprisonment.

Then, he looked at the woman’s eyes, and he was filled with determination. “Okay, I’ll join you.”

The woman smiled once again as she stood up, offering her hand for a handshake. “Then welcome aboard.”

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