Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Interlude: Siberia


A Thopter was flying through the cold skies of Siberia as the ramp was opened. On the ramp, two men stood on top of it, hanging to a rope near the edge of the ramp.

“First time?” the Asian man questioned the black man.

“What? Jumping without a parachute? Yes…” the black man murmured.

“Well, you get used to it.” the asian man hummed.

These two men were of course Kojirou and Isaiah Bradley. They were fully geared, all black with a hood, and they were staring at the ground below.

“Remember, don’t do anything, you land, destroy, get out. I’ll handle the information extraction.”

“Roger that.” Isaiah said.

Kojirou then looked at the bronze ring at Isaiah’s finger. “You okay?”

“Hm? Yes… just… feels strange… it’s like my body is young again…” he said calmly.

“Yeah well, it’s one of the perks I guess.” Kojirou nodded. “Alright, on three. One. Two. Three!”

The two then jumped from the thopter, towards the ground below quickly. Isaiah could feel the cold snow hitting his face, the rush of air touching his skin, and he decreased the friction by diving face first.

He could then see the base that Kojirou was talking about. It was a HYDRA base, and Isaiah happily accepted the mission because of that.

He continued to dive, and suddenly, his hands began to glow. As he neared the roof of the base, he slammed his hand towards it, gaping a big giant hole in the base.

Isaiah landed on the bottom of the base, and he instantly saw some soldiers pointing their guns at him. Isaiah’s eyes turned bronze, and he scanned the entire room.

All of them were judged to be sinners by his eyes, and his arms glowed again. The barrage of bullets then travelled to Isaiah’s body, but it didn’t work, he continued to walk towards the men and attacked them.

Isaiah’s punch was so hard that when it hit a man’s head, the damage was like a hammer coming down on the man, obliterating the head entirely.

When the men saw it, they were shocked for a quick second. The room was dark as the roof collapsed, only the dim light of the half moon above lit up the place, but Isaiah’s body stood out, his glowing arms, his bronze eyes, he was like a spirit of vengeance, ready to haunt the men inside the base.

After that, A massacre ensued inside that damned base, killing the entirety of the workers and soldiers, as Isaiah’s eyes have deemed them sinners.

When Kojirou finished his mission on the other side of the base, he found Isaiah sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall, bathed in blood.

“I assume you’ve finished your mission.” said Kojirou casually as he stood in front of him.

Isaiah was looking at the snow below him, his nose dripping with the blood of his enemies. He then looked up, staring at Kojirou right in the eyes. “Yes.”

Kojirou hummed. “That’s it?”

Isaiah frowned. “What do you mean that’s it?”

“You’re not going to question anything?”

Isaiah was confused. “Can I?”

“You’re not a soldier anymore,” said Kojirou as he offered his hand. “You’re our brother.”

Isaiah looked at Kojirou’s hand, and grabbed it. He stood beside him, and walked with him towards the outside of the place. “Then what’s the point of this mission?”

Kojirou took out a flashdrive. “Names.”


“HYDRA infiltrators.” Kojirou said. “We’re going to hunt them all.”

“Like right now?” Isaiah questioned.

Kojirou chuckled. “Not right now, no. We need planning. HYDRA is tough to root out, even for us.”

The Thopter then landed in front of them, picking them up. “The cost of freedom is high, Isaiah.” continued Kojirou. “HYDRA won’t give us the satisfaction that easily.”

“Then more fights…” Isaiah murmured.

“Are you tired of fighting, Isaiah?” Kojirou questioned. “If yes, I will tell father to release you.”

Isaiah shook his head. “No, after everything I’ve been through, and with you saving me and my men… I’ll fight, it would be a waste if I give up now.”

Kojirou chuckled as he patted Isaiah’s back. “Good. it’ll be worse from now on, a war is coming Isaiah… the promised time is nigh.”

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