Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 101

Chapter 100 – Curtain And Visitors

As Patch swung his right hand suddenly, he saw that the extremely huge meteorite carried a terrifying power, from the initial slow movement, to the momentum of thunder and turned into a crimson streamer towards the dimension below aggressively The world rushed away. Bayi Chinese? Chinese Network?? W? W (i) W?. ? 8 (viii) 1? Z? W (i) . COM


Seeing the huge meteorite in the void turned into an extremely huge ball of fire due to violent friction and hit towards her own world, the white-robed woman Ao Shutu couldn’t help screaming loudly in shock and anger.

Immediately afterwards, Oshutu turned his distorted and shapeless face again, gave Patch a vicious look, and said slowly to him in a hoarse voice: “You will pay the price for this.”

After saying this, the white-robed woman Ao Shutu turned around and turned into a stream of white light, chasing after the giant fireball made of meteorites.

Seeing Oshutu turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the pale world, Paqi, who was in the void, couldn’t help shaking his head slowly, and said to himself with a mocking face: “Hehe! I’m waiting for you.”

While talking to himself, there was a weird smile on the corner of Patch’s mouth.

And after saying this sentence, Patch’s spiritual body in the void began to slowly turn into dots of colorful brilliance and gradually disappeared into the invisible.

“That guy, he… how dare he do this!”

In the pale world, the bald man Agamotto and the white-haired tiger Hoggs standing on the white snow-like land looked up at the giant fireball rushing through the gap towards the world they were in. They all changed their colors and whispered together in unbelievable tones.

“No…we have to stop this thing from falling.”

But after one person and one tiger finished saying this in a low voice, the bald man standing on the left quickly woke up, turned his head and frowned, looked at the white-haired tiger and said loudly: “Hogarth, we have to stop this beast!” The fall of a meteorite.”

However, just as Agamotto finished speaking, there was a flash of light, and the white-robed woman Ao Shutu suddenly appeared beside them.

“Hogarth, Agamotto, hurry up and help me, relying on the power of the three of us to intercept this meteorite.” Ao Shutu looked at the man and the tiger eagerly, and said quickly Said.

“Okay.” Hearing Oshutu’s words, Agamotto and Hoggs nodded quickly and responded aloud.

After getting their response, Oshutu turned into a stream of white light and rushed into the air, followed by Agomotto and Hoggs.

The two and one tiger finally stopped after climbing several thousand meters, forming a triangle suspended in mid-air, looked at each other, and then started to move.

I saw Oshutu, Agomoto, and Hoggs, who were floating in the sky in a triangular shape, raised their hands at the same time, and as the ten fingers of their hands gradually closed, filled the pale world. The white light clusters gradually condensed and turned into three turbulent white torrents rushing over their bodies with a rolling roar.

And when the three mighty white torrents condensed and formed, the huge fireball that crossed the gap seemed to overthrow them all in the blink of an eye. Almost out of breath.

It was at this time that the white-robed woman shouted anxiously: “Agomoto, Hogarth, hurry up!”

Immediately afterwards, Ao Shutu suddenly waved her raised arms towards her body. At the same time, the roaring white torrent like a mountain and river above her head immediately gushed out, and the endless white light group turned into a raging torrent. Sheng, carrying bursts of roar, rushed towards the giant fireball that was about to fall.

Agamotto and Hoggs in the other two directions also did the same movements as Ao Shutu, and the white torrent above the heads of one person and one tiger also galloped towards the giant fireball.

The three turbulent white torrents are like rushing rivers, rushing straight towards the giant fireball, and the sound of the two colliding with each other is like several loud noises that shake the sky, making Oshu stand in three directions. Tu, Agamotto, and Hoggs couldn’t help but frowned.

However, after these loud noises passed, the falling speed of the giant meteorite burning with raging flames gradually slowed down.

The three white torrents seemed to support the giant meteorite, and the falling speed of the meteorite gradually slowed down until it completely stagnated in mid-air, and the raging flames ignited by the violent friction around the meteorite gradually disappeared. .

“Hold on! Put this meteorite down slowly.”

Oshutu’s arms hanging in front of her body suddenly tightened, and at the same time she shouted at Agamotto and Hoggs.

After being reminded by Ao Shutu, Agomoto and Hoggs nodded quickly, and one person and one tiger stepped up their efforts at the same time.

I saw the three white torrents supporting the giant meteorite nearly 100 kilometers away suddenly flashing a burst of blazing white light, accompanied by Oshutu, Agomoto and Hogarth, who moved extremely slowly towards the pale as snow below. Land falls.

“Crack…” “Crack…”

But before the three white torrents carried the huge meteorite down to hundreds of meters, suddenly several strange cracking sounds entered the ears of the two and one tiger.

Ao Shutu, the woman in white robe, turned her head to look at the giant meteorite quickly, and saw several deep cracks on the surface of the meteorite.

Seeing this scene, Ao Shutu’s complexion couldn’t help but suddenly changed, and he quickly turned into a stream of light and retreated towards the distance, and shouted in surprise: “Agomoto, Hoggs, back away…”

It’s just that when Agamotto and Hoggs heard her reminder, it was obviously too late.

“Crack…” “Crack…”


Agamotto and Hoggs just heard the sound from the giant meteorite, and when they were about to turn their heads to look, a roar that resounded through the sky and the earth suddenly rang in their ears.

I saw the giant meteorite held up by three white torrents in mid-air, after a sudden contraction, it exploded with a loud bang.

The aftermath of the explosion forcefully and completely dispersed the three white torrents. The huge meteorite blasted countless stones covering the sky and covering the sky. Every piece of broken stone fell downward with the billowing airflow and roaring sound. The bald man Agamotto Hoggs and the white-haired tiger are just under the overwhelming gravel.

Seeing this scene, the empty eyes of Ao Shutu, who was floating alone in the sky in the distance, could not help but open to a strange point, and screamed:


Oshutu’s hoarse scream resounded throughout the pale world…

On the other side of the earth…

Patch’s highly concentrated body turned into bits of light and dissipated in the void, forming a torrent passing through the barrier of the pale world, and returning to his real body located in the highest library of the New York Temple~www.mtlnovel .com~God? I really don’t know what to say. As soon as the mental power returned to the spiritual sea, a bright light suddenly flashed in Paqi’s eyes, he shook his head slowly, and smiled disdainfully.

But after saying this, Patch couldn’t help being dazed again, as if thinking of something, the disdainful expression on his face gradually became weird, and he murmured in a low voice.

“It’s just that I took advantage of others and ran to other ancestors’ homes and slapped them in the face. Isn’t it a bit too much!”

Although Patch said so on his mouth, the expression on his face was completely opposite. A narrow smile slowly rose from the corner of his mouth, and he squinted his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

He stood there for a long time as if contemplating, and Patch’s eyes just returned to the original clarity. With a strange smile, he lightly shook his sleeve robe, and the whole person suddenly disappeared from the library in a cloud of hazy smoke. , across a distance of tens of kilometers, appeared in his wizard tower in the suburbs of New York.

However, just when Patch returned to the wizard’s tower and was about to take a good rest, he saw two unexpected guests that he didn’t really want to see.

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