Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – Predecessor


Melinda asked with some uncertainty: “Mr. Meiwes, you said you are a wizard?”

“That’s right.” Patch nodded, and then asked in confusion, “Ms. Mei, is there any problem?”

“Is it the kind of wizard who can use magic in novels or movies?” Coulson couldn’t help asking.

“Yes, but there are still some differences between us wizards and those magicians.” Patch nodded again and explained clearly.

Being affirmed again, Coulson and Melinda couldn’t help but look at each other. What’s the problem? That’s a really big question, Coulson thought.

It is conceivable that if something as mysterious as magic is confirmed, it will have a big impact on today’s technological world. Before this kind of thing that could not be explained by common sense, Coulson had always thought it was a fiction in fairy tales or novels and movies.

But after seeing Patch’s demonstration just now, Coulson could no longer find any reason to explain the source of Patch’s ability, perhaps just as Patch said, it was the power of magic.

“Oh my God…”

Coulson stroked his forehead and yelled, then looked at Patch and said, “Mr. Meiwes, I don’t think I should come to visit you today. After listening to you, I feel that my entire world view has completely collapsed. “

“Colson, although magic may indeed exist, science also has its importance, and it’s still the age of technology, isn’t it?” Melinda seemed to see Coulson’s distress, and patted his shoulder, said aloud.


As soon as the voice changed, Melinda suddenly turned her head to look at Patch, and asked with a frown: “Mr. Meiwes, don’t you think these words of yours are too vague? Although you have shown unparalleled strength, But I still have deep doubts about whether magic really exists.”

“Ms. Mei, you don’t seem to have believed my statement from the very beginning.”

Staring at Melinda, Paqi suddenly smiled mysteriously, and continued: “It’s just true, it’s really difficult to understand the mysteries of the world and even the universe with your shallow knowledge.”

“But the power of magic is completely different from today’s technology.” Melinda asked again.

“Ms. May, and Mr. Coulson.”

Calling Melinda and Coulson, Patch began to say seriously: “I think your ideas have been wrong from the beginning.”

After thinking for a while, Patch continued, “Maybe I should explain it to you in a more intuitive way.”

“You guys come with me.”

Just as he was talking, Patch pushed his hands to the edge of the desk, stood up, and walked slowly towards the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room.

“Mr. Meiwes, be careful…”

Seeing that Patch was about to hit the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Coulson hurriedly reminded him, but the scene that appeared in his eyes immediately made him swallow the next words abruptly.

I saw Paqi rushing towards the floor-to-ceiling mirror, as if there was no obstacle, waves of ripples appeared on the mirror, and Paqi disappeared without a trace.

Coulson and Melinda’s eyes widened in disbelief, and shock was written on their faces.

Ever since they entered this hut, everything seemed so strange. They had been provoked countless times, and it was really difficult for them to express any other expressions other than shock.

After a while, Coulson came back to his senses and asked Melinda, “May, should we go in?”

Melinda lowered her head and considered for a while, finally nodded and said: “Go in! I want to know how Mr. Meiwes will explain the existence of magic to us.”

After speaking, Melinda and Coulson walked towards the floor-to-ceiling mirror together.

When their bodies crossed the mirror, both of them felt a slight barrier, but they had no time to think about other things when they saw the next scene.

shock! Absolute shock!

What Coulson and Melinda saw was an incomparably vast cosmic void, the surroundings were like a night, and the boundless stars seemed to be shining in their hands, and they could pick them up at their fingertips.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, watching all this as if in a daze.

“Ms. May, Mr. Coulson.”

A greeting sounded in their ears, and the two of them came back to their senses in an instant and turned their heads to look together.

“Mr. Meiwes…”

Patch, who was wearing a black robe, was walking slowly towards them in the dark and dark void.

“Mr. Meiwes, can you tell me where this is?” Coulson hurriedly asked when Patch approached.

“This place is outside the earth, and it is a space field that belongs to me alone, and that mirror is the starry sky gate that marks the location of this space.”

Beyond Earth? Space field? Stargate?

After hearing Patch’s answer, Coulson and Melinda couldn’t help but look down, only to see a blue planet sitting at their feet.

“This…how is this possible?” Coulson looked at Patch in disbelief, and asked again: “This is the cosmic vacuum outside the earth? Isn’t there no oxygen in a vacuum environment? Then we…”

“This is the greatness of magic!” Coulson hadn’t finished speaking, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Patch was the first to answer.

Looking at Coulson and Melinda with a smile, Patch said slowly: “Although the power and magic I use are different, the ultimate goal I want to achieve is the same.”

“The mighty power of heaven, earth and even the universe is beyond our imagination, and we wizards need to absorb this great power to strengthen ourselves or borrow this power, so as to grasp the deeper mysteries of the universe, and finally achieve the qualitative change of life forms.”

“And this power—is magic!”

“As for this place, I used magic to open up an area.”

While talking, Patch suddenly turned to look at Melinda: “Ms. Mei…”

“What’s the matter? Mr. Meiwes.” Melinda, who was in a daze at what Patch said, immediately looked at Patch after hearing her name.

“Ms. Mei, come here and see this, now do you believe in the existence of magic?”

Do you believe it?

Melinda couldn’t help being dazed for a while, a tangled expression appeared on her face, don’t believe it? It’s a pity that she couldn’t find any reason to refute Patch. believe? That means that she has to abandon all her previous concepts and completely subvert her worldview.

“Ms. Mei, in fact, you don’t need to worry about it at all.”

Just when Melinda was extremely contradictory, Patch’s voice sounded again.

“In fact, there is not much difference between magic and science in essence. Isn’t science also borrowing the power of external objects in nature to strengthen itself? If there is a difference, then I can only say that science is the realization of the power of the group, And the magic…”

“It is to realize the strength of the individual!”

“It’s just that magic is a few steps ahead of science…”

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