Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 162

Chapter 154 – Beginnings Of Chaos (2 In 1)

“Sacred objects from heaven, revelations from the gods, no matter what it is, I must hold it in my own hands.”

Aside from being excited, the officer couldn’t help but clenched his fists as he looked at the empty and empty front.

After saying this inwardly, the officer quickly waved to everyone who came down from the surrounding area, and said aloud, “Everyone spread out and search, and let me know as soon as there is news.”

“Okay, sir.” Hearing his order, everyone responded in unison, and then quickly dispersed in all directions.

In less than thirty seconds, the personnel from the aviation department left in twos and threes, exploring deeper into the pothole, leaving only the officer who gave the order just now.

The officer was standing alone in the same place at this time, looked around, and after finding that there was no one else, he slowly put his hand into his bosom, and carefully took out something.

When the whole thing was exposed, it turned out to be a book with a black cover covered with strange and strange patterns.

“The Book of Revelation is rumored to be a record left by an unknown saint who communicated with God. I didn’t expect this thing to be true, but now the prophecy of the holy thing from heaven has come true. Then it is completely possible to confirm the authenticity of this “Apocalypse”. But…”

While Wuzi was muttering softly to himself, the officer suddenly felt a sense of boredom. He reached out and took off the hood of the protective suit, revealing an ordinary face in his thirties.

I saw that after he took off the hood, his eyes never moved away from the black book in his hand, which is what he called “Revelation”, and he was staring at this seemingly extremely strange book , an inexplicable light suddenly appeared in the officer’s eyes.

“Since the things recorded above are true, it means that the so-called God that has always existed in the minds of believers is also real! And I got this “Apocalypse”, and what follows in the Apocalypse The recorded sacred objects will also fall into my hands, if I master these two things, is it possible for me to become the saint closest to God?”

“Holy one, um! Anyway, I want to get this holy object.”

Just as he was speaking, the young officer in his thirties suddenly nodded his head emphatically, then put the black book in his hand into his arms again, put on the hood, and headed towards the further front of the pit up.

And when everyone in the space department was searching in the deep pit, a bright red convertible classic car was galloping on the road with four or five armored vehicles a few kilometers away, and judging from their appearance, it seemed that the destination was exactly this yesterday A deep pit that was smashed out by an inexplicable object in the middle of the night.

“An unknown object that suddenly fell from outer space, and the Department of Space and Space did not report to the upper echelon in time after discovering this unknown object, but acted alone, so there must be some secrets in it, or the group of guys from the Department of Space You may have received a secret instruction from someone.”

In the big red open-top classic car in front, a beautiful and irresistible **** woman in the passenger seat is holding a stack of documents and watching carefully. I saw that the **** woman read all the documents and closed them. , turned to look at a middle-aged man in a suit with a straight back in the driver’s seat next to him, and said slowly.


However, after the middle-aged man listened to the **** woman’s words, he pursed his lips in embarrassment, glanced at her briefly, and then responded helplessly: “You know, although the space department seems to be I am engaged in scientific research, but the relationship inside is extremely complicated. If there is no one instigated by the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space, I really don’t believe it, but…”

While talking, the voice of the middle-aged man suddenly changed, “We have nothing to do about the internal relationship network of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space, and even if we have a way, it is estimated that it will be difficult to implement it successfully, so let’s not worry about it now. For anything else, as long as you complete the task assigned by the director and successfully take over the mysterious object from the people of the Space Department.”

“Of course I understand our mission.”

The **** woman, that is, the woman named Natasha nodded lightly, and responded lightly, but after saying this, she saw Natasha staring at the middle-aged man with a strange expression, and smiled. He said out loud, “Colson…”

“Ah? What’s the matter?” Hearing Natasha’s call, Coulson, who was concentrating on driving, couldn’t help subconsciously responding.

“Kolson, I remember that you were not like this before. You never said ‘no way’ before, why did you suddenly change now?” Staring at Coulson, Natasha grinned asked.

“Changed? I haven’t changed, I just changed the way of handling things.”

Hearing Natasha’s words, Coulson smiled indifferently, and then responded aloud: “I only recently realized that the way I used to deal with things was too rigid, although most of them can achieve the ultimate goal. , but it is impossible to do the best. Now, with a different way of thinking, I carefully recalled the previous actions, only to find that there is a better solution to the matter.”

“So you have become more mature?” Hearing Coulson’s answer, Natasha couldn’t help chuckling again.

“Yes, if you think so, then so be it!”

Coulson still answered with his consistent faint smile, and after answering her question, Coulson tilted his head to look at Natasha again, and then immediately turned his head to look at Natasha. Straight ahead, and slowly put your foot on the brakes.

“Okay, here we are.”

As Coulson’s words sounded, the classic convertible car he was driving stopped slowly.

After the car stopped, Natasha didn’t say anything more, she just reached out and opened the left and right car doors together with Coulson.

After the two got out of the car and assembled, the armored vehicles behind the convertible classic car also stopped, and dozens of combat personnel in black combat uniforms also got out of the car one after another.

“It seems that the people from the space department have been here for a long time.” When the combatants gathered towards them, Natasha pointed to a dozen cars parked not far away and said aloud.

“And there are quite a few people coming from them. It seems that we have to act as soon as possible. We must not let them secretly send that mysterious object back to the Ministry of Space and Space.” Coulson also nodded seriously and responded aloud said a word.

After saying this, Coulson immediately turned his head to look at the assembled fighters behind him, and said loudly, “Leave a small team here to guard, and the others will go down with me.”

But after Coulson gave this order, no one responded. Most of the fighters tightened their gear and trotted to the side of the deep pit. Only one team of five remained in place. .

Seeing that everyone was in action, Coulson didn’t say anything more, but turned his head to look at Natasha, and said softly, “Let’s go down too!”

After saying this, Coulson also trotted towards the pit, and Natasha followed closely behind.

The former young officer of the Space Department was still slowly walking towards the central area of the pit, and as he got closer and closer to the central area, the expression on his face couldn’t help becoming more excited.

At this moment, he only felt that the black book clinging to his chest seemed to be alive, and as he approached the central area of the pit, it began to beat slowly along with his chest.

A trace of warm heat spread through his chest and spread throughout his body. The young officer only felt that he became more energetic under the washing of this heat. At this moment, he seemed to feel that there was a wave of Infinite power in general.

“This feeling, finally experiencing this feeling again.”

Constantly feeling the vitality and power brought by the enthusiasm, the young officer showed an unconcealable ecstasy on his face, and whispered to himself: “The sacred object that landed here is definitely not an ordinary thing, maybe this This thing might just have fallen from heaven.”

While talking, the young officer’s footsteps did not stop at all, and his walking pace became even faster.

“The sense of “Apocalypse” has become stronger, and the sacred object must be not far from me.”

The young officer’s pace couldn’t help being a little faster, and gradually turned into a trot, and the expression of excitement and ecstasy on his face when he was trotting was even more exaggerated…

When the young officer ran forward for hundreds of meters, he stopped abruptly, his eyes suddenly widened and he stared straight ahead, as if he had seen something unimaginable .

“This… this is…”

Eyes widened to the extreme, looking at the thing not far away, the young officer seemed almost speechless with excitement.

Following his gaze, he saw a white stone tablet with a missing corner quietly suspended in the air seven or eight meters away from him.

There is nothing unusual about the white stone tablet, and it is even more nondescript when a corner is missing. The surface of the stone tablet is extremely rough, covered with dense marks, and those marks look like…

It is the same as what is left when the knife and ax cut it up.

However, these are not the key points. What really shocked the young officer’s heart was a phantom that appeared on the stone tablet.

A tall and blurry phantom looms on the stone tablet, with a pair of wide wings fluttering from time to time, like the shadow left by an angel.

But a normal angel would not let the young officer behave like this. Under his gaze, he saw that the pair of wings that should have been extremely white behind the phantom of the angel above the stele were now broken. It was unbearable, and there were still many criss-crossing scars and spots of blood on the wings.

“Which angel left behind this shadow? How did this angel suffer such a serious injury? The kingdom of heaven…”

Looking at what was presented in front of his eyes, the lips of the young officer couldn’t help but began to tremble, “What happened in the kingdom of heaven?”

The dilapidated pure white stone tablet, the scars all over the body and the phantom of the blood-stained angel, all of these shocked the young chief, and at the same time, he came up with many conjectures that he couldn’t believe.

His body was stiff, and he stayed in place for seven or eight minutes before the young officer came back to his senses from the violent shaking of the black book on his chest.

His eyes became clear again, the young officer gritted his teeth secretly, and muttered to himself in a deep voice: “It doesn’t matter how much, let’s take this stone tablet first.”

While talking to himself in a low voice, the young officer suddenly raised his head to look at the broken stone tablet floating in mid-air, and immediately moved his body…

“The mighty power of our Lord has created this world and countless creatures, but some humble existences are not only ungrateful for the fraternity and greatness of our Lord, but instead try to defile the holy world of our Lord.”

On an open grassland, Earls, wearing a pure white long trench coat, inspected the dozen or so people who were listening attentively, and said loudly:

“And last night, a thing full of sins escaped from my Lord’s sight and fled to our world—the earth. Darkness and evil have quietly come to the earth. We must do something, so you say, what should we do?”

“Destroy, completely destroy that thing! Let me wait to defend the supreme majesty of our lord!” Before everyone could answer, Earls shouted quickly and then loudly.

“Destroy! Destroy!”

“The majesty of our Lord cannot be violated!”

“All right…”

As Earls raised his arm falsely, the excited voices of a dozen people around him suddenly stopped, and Earls turned around slowly after being quiet.

Pointing to the huge pothole in front of him, Earls’ voice sounded again:

“The scene in front of me is caused by that thing, and that thing is still in this All we have to do is to find it and purify it, so that this evil thing can be completely wiped out from the earth disappear.”

“Rayleigh, Andy, Gavin, each of you lead a few people to search from different directions. Once you find that evil thing, destroy it immediately, no matter who blocks it.”

Frowning slightly, Earls stared intently at the deep pit with an extremely serious expression, and said in a deep voice to the three people standing beside him.

“Okay, Speaker!”

As the three voices came at the same time, when several black shadows passed in front of Earls’ eyes, there were a few “bang” sounds in his ears, and he saw a few jumping into the pothole and then ran forward quickly. For those who went, within a second, his surroundings had become empty.

“A lot of people seem to be here today! It’s just…”

Looking through the void, Earls seemed to see something, his face suddenly turned cold, “No matter who it is, it is impossible for me to stop what I am going to do next.”

“And the name of the Holy White Council will be known to the world from today on!”

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