Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 169

Chapter 161 – 1 Twists And Turns Of The Battle


After dismantling the spear into dots of light in the sky, Earls quickly raised his head to meet Moros’ gaze, frowned slightly and said, “How dare you attack ordinary mortals? My lord has set a plan for the angels.” Have you forgotten all the precepts? Or…”

“You even dare to offend the majesty of my lord after throwing yourself into the darkness?”

Staring intently at the angel Moros in mid-air, Earls’ sonorous and forceful words were full of questioning.


But Moros couldn’t help snorting coldly after hearing Earls’s words, and said in a cold voice that seemed extremely contemptuous: “I don’t need you to remind me yet, and what qualifications do you, Jehovah’s lackey in the world, have to question me? “


Nick Fury, who was standing behind Earls, and a group of researchers all heard a very crucial name in Moros’s words, and everyone couldn’t help but suddenly widened their eyes, and exclaimed in their hearts said: “God?”

Nick Fury, on the other hand, obviously thought more than others. While he was horrified when he heard the name of God Jehovah, he couldn’t help but secretly guessed in his heart.

Looking up at the angel Moros, who didn’t seem to be very holy, Nick Fury muttered secretly in his heart, “An angel who came to the world, and this angel also mentioned the name of God, could it be that this angel came from the kingdom of heaven? here?”

“It’s just that Earls and the Holy White Council claim to be believers in God, but why did they destroy such an angel from heaven? Is there some secret I don’t know?”

Nick Fury, who was caught in deep doubts, couldn’t help but frowned, and looked at the one-eyed eyes of Earls and the angel Moros, full of puzzlement.

However, he was staring at Earls with Moros, but he didn’t notice Nick Fury’s doubts at all, but the extremely contemptuous words that Moros said just now reached his ears.

“A lackey of the Lord?”

Hearing this sentence, Earls, who was originally expressionless, ignited raging anger in his eyes, his face suddenly became cold, and he roared in a deep voice: “Moros, you are a sinful guy who is falling into the world. How dare you call my lord, your Father God, by the name after darkness!”

“I, Earls, my Lord’s most loyal believer in the world will never allow you to violate His majesty, here…”

Just as he was speaking, Earls’ voice suddenly increased by more than ten decibels, and he declared like a pilgrimage: “I announce that you will be judged!”

As soon as the sonorous voice fell, Earls straightened his body and suddenly put his hands together.

A burst of dazzling white light suddenly erupted from between his hands, and the endless holy light burst out suddenly. The dazzling light blinded Nick Fury and all the researchers who were standing behind Earls.

It’s just that Moros, who was suspended in mid-air, was not affected at all. His pair of light blue eyes stared at Earls through white light, and he sneered unconsciously, and said with a snort, “I want to judge me!” ?”

After saying this, Moros suddenly showed a hideous look on his face, and shouted loudly: “I’m afraid you can’t do it yet.”

And at the same time as he said these words, he stretched out his hand and made a move towards the void, and suddenly a burst of brilliant white light rushed towards him.

It’s just that the white light he gathers is quite different from Earls’s. The light around him is not as holy and pure white as Earls’, but has a bit of monster blood.

But in the blink of an eye, a white light with a little blood color gathered around Moros, and the blood-colored white light surrounded his body, which seemed to have an indescribable strange feeling.

When the blood-colored white light completely stabilized, Moros waved his hand abruptly again, pointing at Earls with his flawless fingers.

“Humble ants, today, death will be your only destination.”

Glaring at Earls, Moros had a chill on his face. With his wave of his hand, the blood-colored white light suddenly churned up, and the endless blood-colored light instantly turned into countless sharp spears.


Moros shouted with a ferocious expression, and following his order, the countless spears that had just condensed suddenly flew towards Earls.

Dozens of hundreds of sharp spears made a sound of piercing through the air, and they came to Earls in the blink of an eye, and they were about to pierce countless holes in his body.

And how could Earls fail to notice Moros’s movement, the moment the **** white light turned into a spear and flew towards him, Earls reacted instantly.

Eyebrows frowned, Earls suddenly pressed the holy white light between his hands towards the void in front of him, and suddenly an extremely thick white barrier appeared out of thin air.

“Boom~~~” “Boom~~~”

And at the moment Earls stood up the white barrier, countless violent impact sounds suddenly entered the ears of Earls and everyone present.

The countless blood-colored spears projected by the angel Moros collided fiercely against the white barrier, but the moment the blood-colored spears touched the white barrier, they instantly disintegrated, turning into dots of light and dissipating in the air, and The white barrier only rippled insignificantly.

The hundreds of spears in the first round disappeared in the blink of an eye, but Moros, who saw this scene, did not stop the next attack.

He waved his hand towards the **** light group beside him again, and immediately saw countless **** spears shooting out from the light group, piercing straight towards Earls like lightning.

It’s just that this round of spears has changed a lot compared to the first round. There are more spears, at a glance, there are hundreds of them, and this time there are hundreds of spears It also looks thicker and sharper.

“I want to see how long your holy light barrier can last in my hands.”

Frowning slightly, Moros seemed to see Earls behind him through the white barrier, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

But the next thing that surprised Moros happened again!

I saw a holy white light gathering again between Earls’s hands, and after the white light was completely formed, Earls threw the ball of light into the white barrier in front of him.

The white barrier suddenly thickened a bit after it merged into the ray of light.

However, it is still difficult for Moros to care about these things. What really surprised him is…

The hundreds of **** spears he shot just now encountered the same situation as the spears in the previous round after they touched the white barrier.

Even though these blood-colored spears looked thicker and sharper, they turned into dots of brilliance in the blink of an eye the moment they touched the white barrier, floating in the air.

But this time, not even a single ripple appeared on the somewhat thicker white barrier.

“how is this possible…”

Looking at this scene, Moros couldn’t even believe his eyes. Even in the kingdom of heaven, only a dozen or so high-ranking angels could resist the two waves of attacks just now, but now…

This mortal who was extremely humble in his own eyes was still intact after blocking these two waves of attacks.

“Moros, stop wasting your energy…”

Just when Moros was astonished, Earls’ voice sounded slowly: “With your power of holy light full of darkness, you still want to smash my holy light barrier, hehe, I should Are you ignorant or overconfident?”

Even if Moros didn’t listen carefully, he could feel the irony in Earls’ words, so after listening to this sentence, Moros inevitably had a sullen look on his face.

“Humble mortal, you are looking for death…” Moros roared loudly, unable to restrain the anger in his heart.

But just when he was about to launch a more violent attack, something happened suddenly…

I saw that the white barrier erected in front of Earls suddenly burst into light, and endless gorgeous white light suddenly bloomed from the barrier.

This time, under the brilliant and holy white light, Moros felt that his eyes were a bit unbearable.

The dazzling light shone straight into Moros’s light blue eyes. Moros, who hadn’t expected this situation, quickly covered his eyes with his hands, but the tingling feeling in his eyes still couldn’t help but make him grin. The color of pain.

“A mere middle-level angel who fell into darkness, and appeared in front of me with a broken soul body, Moros…”

But at this time, Earls’ voice came into Moros’ ears again, “You are destined to escape my trial today!”

As soon as Earls’ voice fell, the angel Moros, who was hanging in mid-air, keenly felt an indescribable sense of death attacking him quietly.

Resisting the pain in his eyes, Moros struggled to open his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound, which was where Earls was.

But just as he was concentrating, he saw Earls below him press his hands on the white barrier, and then he saw his hands snapped together.

The thick white barrier instantly solidified, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a wide sword and appeared in Earls’ hands.

And after Earls grasped the wide giant sword tightly, he suddenly looked up at the angel Moros above, with a biting chill in his eyes bursting with white light.

At the same time, Earls’ figure suddenly moved. He kicked on the ground with one leg, and immediately raised his huge sword and shot it towards Moros.


Although all that Earls did seemed extremely cumbersome, it was all completed in an instant. Seeing this scene, Moros, who saw Earls attacking him with a huge sword and murderous intent, finally couldn’t help hissing in horror.


Moros’s terrified cry did not make Earls hesitate at all, and he raised the broad sword above his head, and Earls only waited to give Moros a fatal blow in the next second.

Earls’ figure was ejected from the ground like lightning, and when he reached the top of Moros’ head, the wide sword that was raised above his head was swung down heavily.

The surface of the giant sword is covered with cloud patterns, and there is a bit of killing breath in the holiness. The moment Earls swings down the wide giant sword seems to bring out afterimages. This speed has completely exceeded the reaction of human beings.

But just as Earls swung the giant sword, a place he didn’t notice at all, something he didn’t pay attention to suddenly flew over at this moment.


A violent roar suddenly sounded!

Layers upon layers of sound waves rushed into the ears of everyone present unsuspecting.

Nick Fury only felt that his eyes suddenly went black, and his consciousness completely froze at this moment, and his body stood stiffly in place, making it difficult to make any movements.

At this time, Wilson, Bella and other researchers standing behind him, as well as the four members of the Holy White Council who followed Earls, had the same experience as Nick Fury.

Among all the people present, only Earls and Moros could react.

Staring at the thing in front of him, Earls’ eyes suddenly widened. The scene he expected to split Moros’s soul body in half did not happen. Instead, he was completely overwhelmed by the thing that suddenly appeared Let Beng Fei fly out.

Just now, when Earls slashed down fiercely with his sword, the white stone tablet suspended at the feet of the angel Moros flew up to meet the giant sword that Earls slashed down.

As soon as the fierce impact carried by the two collided, Earls was sent flying.

And that white stone tablet was no exception, and it was shot backwards suddenly under the huge impact of the big sword.

But when the white stele flew upside down, a scene that was unacceptable to Earls happened.

After the angel Moros, who was safe and sound, squinted his eyes and gave a strange smile to the soaring Earls, he turned around and turned into a **** light and entered the white stone tablet.

After the blood-colored light transformed by Moros merged into the white stone tablet, the speed of the flying stone tablet seemed to become a bit”

A bang!

I saw that the white stone tablet smashed a big hole in the wall behind the research room with a huge force, and disappeared without a trace from Earls’ sight.

But at this time, Earls could only watch this scene happen. The impact generated by the giant sword and the white stone tablet just now made him still soar in the air. At this time, he could not stop him from taking Moros The white stone tablet that left.

Using his own abilities, Earls managed to counteract the impact on his body.

The moment the bent legs crashed to the ground, Earls immediately stood up and straightened up, but when he raised his eyes and saw the big hole where the white stone tablet disappeared, Earls still couldn’t help showing a deep sense of annoyance. color.

However, before Earls was upset for a while, a figure walked towards him head-on, and Earls looked at the face of the comer with a little doubt.

“Earls Field, Mr Field…”

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