Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 172

Chapter 164 – Usurping God (Part 1)

At the beginning of the morning, when Moros and Lolita came to the top of the barren mountain hand in hand, the fiery red sun just emerged from the horizon.

The red sun shone down on Moros and Lolita standing on the top of the mountain. The light seemed to emanate from them, making them look like individuals standing between the sky and the earth. Giants in general.

Seeing the sun jumping out of the sky, Lolita seemed very excited, she yelled and rushed forward a few steps, with her arms open as if to welcome the light and heat from the sun.

It’s just that Moros, who was standing behind her, had no time to look at Chuyang, and he still felt very uncomfortable under the warm sunshine.

At this time, his heart was full of surprises and surprises for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the stele of the holy words still stored the last trace of energy, it wouldn’t be shattered immediately, if it wasn’t for the arrival of the owner of the body he occupies now, if it wasn’t for the fact that this body fits well with his soul body, if…

If it weren’t for these ifs, he might really be completely wiped out, and the best result would be to stay on the top of this barren mountain and wait for death.

From occupying this body to waking up completely, Moros finally experienced the feeling of new life, which he had never experienced in such a long time.

Breathing the fresh air greedily, Moros’s chest heaved violently, and he was experiencing this novel touch like drinking rain in this ordinary body.

And Lolita, who was ecstatic and enjoying the sunshine in front of him, couldn’t help but looked back at him in doubt after she didn’t see Moros coming to him, and just when she cast her eyes on Moros’s face , I happened to see Moros’s strange state.

“Luke, what’s the matter with you? Why do I feel that you suddenly become a little strange?” Lolita asked a little concerned.

And as Lolita’s voice came, Moros, who was in a strange state, couldn’t help but wake up instantly, and his dark brown eyes suddenly regained their brilliance.

Looking at the petite and lovely Lolita in front of him, Moros couldn’t help but flash a sharp look in his eyes, but in less than a second, he quickly hid the sharpness deep in his eyes.

The corners of Moros’s mouth gradually curled into a nice curve, and he walked slowly to Lolita, put his arm on her shoulders lightly, and said with a smile, “You think too much, what’s so strange about me?”

Before Lolita could answer, Moros quickly held her tightly in his arms, and then said loudly: “We have seen the sunrise, now let’s look for the blood that fell just now What is in the red light?”

After listening to Moros’s proposal, Lolita looked up at Moros’s sharp face, and after a moment of pondering, she replied aloud, “All right!”


After getting a response, Moros smiled and glanced at Lolita in his arms, then took her hand and pretended to search around on the top of the mountain.

Feeling the gentleness of the man beside her as always, Lolita didn’t think too much for a while, but what she didn’t know was that in that short moment just now, the soul of his original boyfriend had been destroyed. Another existence she could hardly imagine had taken its place.

Although Moros knew that the blood-red light that Lolita saw was the stele of the holy words that led him to escape, and he also knew the exact location of the stele of the holy words, but in order not to arouse Lolita’s suspicion immediately, so Moros Rost led her around the top of the mountain a few times before coming to the vicinity of the stele of the Holy Word.

Seeing the stele of the holy words inserted obliquely in the gravel and soil from a distance, Moros deliberately expressed extreme surprise, pulled Lolita to stop, pretended to be very surprised, pointed forward and exclaimed: “Lolita , look at what that is?”

Hearing Moros’ exclamation, Lolita couldn’t help but quickly looked in the direction of his finger, but when she saw what Moros was pointing at, she couldn’t help showing a bit of surprise on her face.

Lolita looked forward with her mouth half open, and she saw a white stone tablet that looked a bit dilapidated standing firmly among the rubble in her sight.

If it was just an ordinary stone tablet, Lolita would definitely not behave like this, but when her eyes touched the white stone tablet, she suddenly saw a faint white light shining from the stone tablet not far away from time to time.

“Stone monument?”

Although Lolita was surprised, but not to the extent of surprise, she also pointed to the stele of the Holy Word, and asked Moros next to her, “Luke, why is this stele still dangerous?” With white light?”

“I have no idea.”

Moros shook his head pretending not to know, and then said aloud: “It’s just that I have never seen any stele that shines? Lolita, maybe this stele is still a valuable treasure, why don’t we Take this stele back, shall we?”

“Well, maybe it’s really something from before.” Seeing that Lie Xin was happy, Lolita also nodded.

After a lot of tossing, Moros and Lolita finally moved the stele of the Holy Word to the foot of the mountain and sent it to their old Ford car.

Driving the car, although Moros responded to Lolita’s question with a smile from time to time, but at this time his heart was as extreme as the severe winter and heat.

“Earls, Holy White Council, the most devout believer of Jehovah in this world?”

Moros felt cold in his heart, “It caused me such a serious trauma, and even almost wiped me out completely. If I don’t avenge this revenge, then what’s the point of me continuing to live?”

“Jehovah, Earls, and the Holy White Council, you forced me to do this. Only by giving you a devastating blow can the hatred in my heart be relieved.”

Moros was awe-inspiring and firm at the moment, and when he finished chanting these words silently, a crazy idea quickly popped up in his mind.

This is a crazy and absurd world, but it is a pity that most people are kept in this seemingly harmonious environment, and it is difficult to see the essence of this crazy and cold world.

A crazy world creates crazy people, just like Moros at this time, except that besides him, there is a more powerful person who is implementing his own crazy plan.

In the Vatican, above St. Peter’s Basilica, the boundless clouds covered the entire church as before dawn.

However, the time in the Vatican is now approaching noon.

Archbishop Andris in red walked out of the church slowly, looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and could not help cursing in a low voice: “Why is it such a strange weather these days? The sky is full of dark clouds, but why can’t even a drop of rain fall?” Can’t you fall?”

Unable to understand, Andris quickly lowered his head again, stretched out his hand to rub his red rosacea, and hurried away.

But just as he took a step forward, a thick bolt of lightning fell on the ground less than one meter in front of him.


The lightning struck that piece of floor tiles and broke them into countless pieces that flew around, and one of the broken stones just fell on Andris.

The crushed stones fell on Andris, which inevitably made him feel a sharp pain, but before he could wailed, there was another roaring thunder in his ear.

The thunder continued, perfectly covering up the wailing of Andris who collapsed on the ground.


But in the next second, another bolt of lightning hit Andris not far away, the floor tiles cracked, and gravel flew across. Andris was unlucky enough to be hit in the nose by one of the gravel. Pillars of blood spurted out from his nostrils.


There was another extremely painful wail, and Andris quickly covered his nose with his hands, but the blood still couldn’t stop flowing out, and under the severe pain, Andris’s old face was even a little distorted.

However, before he let the pain subside a bit, a series of more than a dozen lightning bolts fell one after another. Although none of these lightning bolts hit Andris, they made him feel boundless panic.

“What the **** is going on? Is it because I angered God, and God is punishing me?”

Life is seriously threatened under the lightning, and the physical pain is also unbearable for Andris, but in this case Andris still holds his head up and looks up at the sky.

However, just as he looked up to see the scene in the sky, his cloudy eyes couldn’t help but suddenly widened to the widest extent he could.

Because he saw a scene he dreamed of but never saw.

Following his gaze, one could see a ray of light suddenly emerging from layers of dark clouds above the high sky, dividing the gray clouds all over the sky into two sides.

And what happened next was what really surprised and horrified Andris.

I saw a blazing and bright white light suddenly appearing, quickly pushing the cloud to both sides, and within a few seconds, I saw a wide river formed entirely of blazing white light appearing between the clouds in the sky.

And within the great river of light, there appeared an illusory shadow.

Although Andris was a little old and dizzy, the scene in the sky at this time made him dare not blink, and stared at everything in the sky. At this moment, he even temporarily forgot about the physical condition pain.

In the eyes of Andris, there appeared a phantom of an extremely illusory and indistinct mountain.

The white light in the sky became stronger and stronger, and the overcast clouds just now occupied less than one-third of the sky.

Boundless blazing white light sprinkled from the sky, illuminating the entire St. Peter’s Basilica and even the entire Vatican, but at this time the sky could not see the shadow of the sun at all, as if the sun had completely escaped from this place. same as the block area.

Such a strange scene appeared in the sky above the Vatican. If only some people noticed it before, then now…

Everyone in the Vatican saw this scene in the sky, and countless people looked up at the sky, whether it was the Pope, several cardinals, or civilians living here without exception.

“My God, what happened?” Some people who just walked out of the room couldn’t help but exclaimed after seeing the scene in the sky.

“OHMYGOD! This… Could it be that God is coming to the world?” And these are the speculations of the devout believers who have noticed early.

And the fifty-seven-year-old Pope naturally heard the exclamations coming from his side after he walked into the open area, but when he looked up at the sky, he saw that only a very few people could see it. to something.

His eyes widened suddenly, and his body trembled uncontrollably. At this moment, the surprise on the pope’s face had reached an uncontrollable level.

And the performance of the cardinal archbishops who were standing next to the Pope was not much better than him.

They are in this state for no other reason than because they have seen something that they have looked forward to all their lives but have never seen.

At this time, above the high sky, the blazing and bright white light seemed to condense into a mighty long river with no limit. Endless rays of light sprinkled from the long river to the world, but in the middle of the long river, there seemed to be a slightly Obscure mountains.

This high mountain seems to have no apex in sight, and it stretches upwards, as if it wants to pierce the sky completely. At the foot of the mountain that people can see clearly, there are countless white palaces standing majestically.

Looking at the palaces at the foot of the mountain, people can feel the sanctity and inviolability even just by taking a look at them.

Quietly, a few minutes passed, and the sky at this time was completely covered by blazing white light, and there was no dark shadow in the sky, and every place in the Vatican where the light fell, all the shadows seemed to be It’s as if everything has space between heaven and earth has become a place of complete light!

The shadow of the high mountain in the sky suddenly became more solid, and the extremely holy palaces at the foot of the mountain were also very clearly visible to everyone.

But at this time, a loud singing voice suddenly came from the mountain palace group, and then countless singing voices followed, all singing voices gathered in one place, rising and falling together.

The loud and holy singing resounded over the Vatican and reached the ears of everyone who looked up at the sky.

All the people are listening to this sacred and beautiful singing, because of the singing, everyone can’t help feeling a burst of joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Listening to the sacred singing, the pope narrowed his eyes unconsciously. At this moment, he only felt that every part of his body had been purified, but before he could enjoy the joy brought by the singing, he But suddenly saw a scene that surprised him even more.

“OHMYGOD! My God, this is the real Temple Hill…”

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