Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 191

Chapter 180 – Crazy Careerist

For Elizabeth’s decision, Patch is not surprised at all. In fact, she had already shown this strong desire a long time ago, but Patch didn’t talk to her about it until he found a solution. .

But now, there are already solutions. Although the two methods are not perfect, they have given Elizabeth great hope.

Moreover, although the shortcomings of these two methods are difficult for Patch to solve now, at a certain time, Patch thinks that there should be a way.

After Elizabeth chose the second option proposed by Patch, Patch described the important points of the seal to her in detail.

Finally, more than ten minutes later, after Elizabeth adjusted her state, she nodded emphatically at Patch.

“Dad, I’m ready.”


Paqi responded lightly, and then looked up into the void. Only he could see the main god’s space exchange panel, raised his hand lightly, and Paqi slid on it a few times, and found what he wanted.

“True god-level seal formation diagram: from, it can be forcibly suppressed under the same power, no matter whether this power acts on a living body or a certain place, but because of the ubiquitous law of time in the universe, this formation diagram Theoretically, it only has a service life of one thousand years. If an emergency occurs, the service life of the array map is very likely to be reduced, but it is still a rare and precious item. It is worth 14,800 Exchange point, confirm exchange: yes/no.”

“Confirm the exchange!” Without any hesitation, Paqidang even said silently in his heart.

“The exchange is complete, and the host will deduct 14,800 exchange points.”,

“The balance of the host exchange point is 6,200.”

After finishing these two mechanically synthesized voices, Patch suddenly saw the virtual panel in front of him flash a burst of dazzling colorful light, and then something was thrown out of the void and landed in his hand.

“Scroll? The seal formation is actually a scroll?” Looking at the thing that fell into his hands, Paqi frowned slightly, because he really didn’t expect the seal formation of the true **** level to be sealed in this small place. on the scroll.

But it didn’t take long for Patch to discover something unusual about the scroll in his hand.

“This scroll doesn’t seem to be made of any animal or Warcraft fur. This texture… seems to be somewhat similar to human skin.”

Spreading out the scroll in his hand, Patch stroked it lightly. Although the scroll was covered with all kinds of weird magic patterns and felt a little uneven, the feeling told him that it should be made of Made of human skin.

“Although it is made of human skin, there seems to be an extremely powerful power of law hidden in these magic patterns on the scroll. The original owner of this removed human skin is probably stronger than me. …”

Patch’s eyes faintly revealed a strange light. This kind of existence that is more powerful than him will be taken off the human skin as a material to make a seal array. One can imagine how dangerous the so-called wizard world is. If his current strength reaches that world, I’m afraid it will be nothing more than delivering food.

It’s just that this idea was quickly thrown away by Patch as soon as it came to mind, because it is almost impossible for him to go to the wizarding world now, and the most important thing for him now is to manage his affairs in the Marvel world.

“Fortunately, although the Marvel world is also very dangerous, but this kind of danger is hidden in the dark, and as long as my plan goes smoothly and my strength improves, these dangers are not a big deal to me.”

After taking a deep breath for a while, Patch stopped thinking about these things, but turned his head to look at Elizabeth who had already got off the bed and came not far from him.

Seeing the perseverance written on Elizabeth’s immature face, Patch couldn’t help but smiled gently, and asked slowly:

“Are you ready?”

“Hmm!” Elizabeth didn’t say much, but nodded emphatically.

“It will probably be extremely painful when you seal the power in your body later, Elizabeth, you must keep your mind and endure the pain, or your soul may be completely annihilated.”

After saying this, Patch thought for a while, and then opened his mouth to add: “Remember, you must stay awake at all times.”

“Dad, I got it! Let’s start!” Elizabeth nodded decisively, but there was no trace of fear on her face.

“Okay.” Seeing Elizabeth’s resolute expression, Patch nodded slightly, and then completely transferred his own power into the seal formation in his hand.

Patch’s expression looked extremely serious, and I saw that the white scroll slowly floated above Elizabeth’s head, and the scroll that was spread out was covered with wonderful magic lines of different colors, and within these magic lines was a powerful force. The power is about to penetrate faintly.

As Paqi poured 80% of his own magic power into the seal formation, after a while, countless magic patterns slowly emerged from the human-skin-like scroll. The magic patterns formed a peculiar pattern. Before looking at this pattern for a while, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Because it is at a critical juncture, even if the discomfort is extremely strong, Patch can only grit his teeth and hold back, driving the few magical powers in his body, Patch slowly pulls the magic pattern that emerges from the scroll The pattern goes towards Elizabeth below.

The wonderful magic pattern shone with colorful light, and gradually fell on the surface of Elizabeth’s skin, and the moment the magic pattern came into contact with Elizabeth, it suddenly moved, and kept rushing into Elizabeth’s body, as if meeting Something that lures into it.

“Although two forces of the same level will attract each other, they are not of the same origin after all. As long as they come into contact, they will definitely collide violently. Under this kind of collision, Elizabeth will receive an inhuman shock.” pain.”

Patch didn’t seem to be surprised by this situation. He stared at Elizabeth in front of him, frowning slightly, with an extremely worried look on his face.

And in the next second, the thing that Patch was worried about happened immediately. After seeing those magic lines jumping into Elizabeth’s body like parasites, she immediately held the Queen of Frost tightly and screamed in pain.


Elizabeth’s voice sounded like a howling cub, and her pink and tender face quickly twisted due to the sudden pain.

In just a few tens of seconds, Elizabeth’s forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and the sweat slowly condensed and fell down his cheeks. Patch could clearly hear the sound of crystal beads of sweat falling to the ground.

Frowning tightly, Patch hurriedly came to Elizabeth’s side, put his hand on the back of Elizabeth’s head, and slowly transported the last trace of magic power in his body into her body, helping the seal formation to suppress the power in her body. strength.

But Patch knew that what she could do for Elizabeth was limited after all, and she still needed to get through this hurdle with her own will in the end.

But Patch still tried his best to do everything he could, frowned and looked at Elizabeth, and said in a serious voice: “Elizabeth, remember my words, you must keep your mind and stay awake at all times.” In such a state, it only takes ten minutes for the sealing array to suppress the power in your body, and the pain will be greatly reduced by then.”

Elizabeth clearly heard Patch’s reminder to her, and strictly followed his request. She pursed her lips tightly and clenched her teeth. Although the sweat on her forehead was still dripping out, she was now I was able to hold back this soul-piercing pain, and didn’t let myself cry out again.

Time passed bit by bit, Elizabeth seemed to have exhausted her physical strength, her body trembled uncontrollably, her pretty face became completely pale, and her tightly pressed lips became even paler horrible.

And Patch standing beside Elizabeth at this time is not much better than her, because the magic power in his body is about to be exhausted, so Patch inevitably shows fatigue and weakness on his face, similarly, his face is also extremely pale, There was hardly any blood on the whole face.

But all of a sudden, Patch seemed to meet a critical moment, he bit his tongue and forcibly pulled himself together, and sent the last bit of magic power in his body that was almost exhausted into Elizabeth’s body.

“Finally sealed…”

But Patch’s state of being energetic just now is like a flashback. In just a moment, he returned to the tired and weak look just now, and now he seems to be more serious, and he finished speaking weakly. After saying this, he suddenly fell back on the ground with a “plop”.

And not long after Patch fainted, Elizabeth’s distorted face immediately returned to normal, but she, who was exhausted, suddenly threw her head up and fell to the ground.

However, in the wizard’s tower, when Patch and Elizabeth both fainted to the ground one after another, a major event happened in a place far away in the Middle East.

On the edge of the barren desert, there is a rare open space among more than a dozen barren hills that are only more than 100 meters away. Because it can shelter from the wind and sand, a mysterious terrorist organization uses this place as its temporary base.

In the open space between the barren hills, dozens of tents were stationed and… some weapons and equipment such as missiles and grenades were scattered on the ground.

At sunset and dusk, I saw some people coming out of the big tent located in the middle of dozens of tents. The first ones were some young Arab men in worn-out combat uniforms. There were about twenty of them.

After the twenty or so people walked out of the tent, they lined up on both sides. All eyes were fixed on the exit of the tent, as if they were waiting for an extremely important person.

In less than ten seconds, following the line of sight of these people, the exit of the tent was slowly opened, and a sturdy man of medium build came out.

The man’s gray and mid-length hair was combed behind his head, and he looked old. He seemed to be no less than sixty years old, but it was worth noting that the ten fingers on the hands of this strong old man They all wore rings of different colors and unique shapes.


As soon as they saw the old man walking out of the tent, more than 20 young men lined up on both sides shouted respectfully.

But the old man who heard their voices, the man named “Mandarin”, didn’t say anything, he just straightened up with a serious face, and his eyes quickly scanned the faces of the young men on both sides.

After scanning, the “Mandarin” and these young men were silent for a few minutes, and then he slowly opened his mouth to speak.

“You should be clear about the task I gave you just now, right? If there is no problem, you will set off for me immediately tomorrow morning. Pay attention… I only want that person to live. If that guy dies, then you are worthless Got it, got it?”

The man with a tense face had extremely sharp eyes, and his voice was particularly gloomy.

“Understood!” More than 20 people responded loudly.

“You also have to remember that if you are caught by the military once the mission then you should end yourself as soon as possible. I don’t want anyone to leak what I said, even the slightest bit about it. no.”

The sharp eyes like eagle owls swept over the people lined up on both sides again, but the cold and ruthless words of the Mandarin did not make the twenty people feel the slightest fear, on the contrary, each of them had a flicker in their eyes. The glow of excitement.

“Okay, you guys go to rest first!”

After saying this, the gray-bearded Mandarin turned around and walked into the tent without hesitation, and the more than twenty people outside the tent dispersed one after another.

After the Mandarin re-entered the tent, he sat on a chair facing the exit. The jet-black wooden chair looked no different from the Huaxia Grand Master’s chair, and the Mandarin also showed a domineering look when he sat on it. Prestige.

At this time, there was no one in the tent except Mr. Manchu. After a while, Mr. Manchu, who was sitting on the grand master’s chair, restrained his sharp aura and eyes just now, and turned his head down to think deeply. While thinking, he He frowned unconsciously.

“If it wasn’t for meeting me, I might not even know that there are such terrifying people on the earth. It turns out that apart from the super soldiers of the US military and that monster, there are also some superpowers with magical powers on the earth. …It may not even be a powerful life form of the people on Earth, what are we so-called terrorists compared to the power of those people? It’s just…”

The mandarin’s old but not cloudy eyes suddenly flashed a strange light, “I finally know these secrets… and S.H.I.E.L.D….”

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