Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 196

Chapter 183 – Out Of Control (Part 2)

After asking the soldiers under his command to send the British guy to the No. 1 tent of the base, the Mandarin went out to give some orders, then sat sideways on the Taishi chair and took a nap for a while, but he was on time at around three o’clock in the morning. woke up.

As soon as they walked out of the tent, they saw that many torches had been set up around the base and several headlights were lit. The bright light reflected the open space between the canyons as if it were daytime.

More than a hundred soldiers are busy packing up everything in the base, most of them are carrying the weapons and equipment that were originally placed near the tents, while a few of them are injecting gasoline into each car.

As for the dozens of tents that were originally stationed here, except for the big tent behind the Mandarin and another tent, the others have long since disappeared without a trace. It seems that these soldiers should have dismantled them and put them into armored vehicles. .

Dismantle the tents, move the weapons, and evacuate the base. This is the order that the Mandarin gave these soldiers a few hours ago.

Although the British guy who was forcibly kidnapped has no amazing identity, even if the British and Iranians want to track it down, it may not be possible to find it in a short while, but this person is extremely important to Mandarin now. A little error is allowed in this matter, so…

He gave an order to all the fighters under his opponent that they must evacuate this place before sunrise the next day.

And after seeing the British guy successfully captured, the Mandarin is also eager to take him to another place to implement his next plan.

“The experimental base in Altura has also been built. Now, as long as the No. 1 experimental body is brought there, the relevant experiments should be carried out simultaneously.”

Standing in front of the tent, after Mr. Mandarin finished thinking about these issues, he happened to see a soldier carrying weapons and equipment approaching, so he quickly called him over.

“My lord, what are your orders?” The soldier with a black turban on his head asked respectfully.

“Go and inform Faisal and Rahman that we have to leave in half an hour and tell them to tell everyone to move faster.” The Mandarin glanced at him and said expressionlessly.

“Yes, my lord.” The warrior responded with his head held high, and then immediately turned and ran away.

After the Mandarin sent someone to notify, the actions of all the soldiers suddenly accelerated a lot, and the tent of the Mandarin and the No. 1 tent next to the Briton were quickly dismantled and installed in a short period of time. car.

Twenty minutes later, there was no one in the entire canyon, and there was nothing left except for a few extinguished torches on the ground.

And in the desert a few kilometers away from the canyon, a convoy of more than thirty armored vehicles rolled up waves of dust and roared forward.

Five days later, a convoy carrying Mandarins and nearly 200 soldiers drove into a dilapidated town on the Pakistani border. There were no civilians in the town, only 400 to 500 armed men. Like soldiers, they are all members of the Ten Rings Gang, and they are all subordinates of the Mandarin.

After the convoy stopped, more than a hundred other people scattered, and Mandarin and a few people came to an underground experiment base in the center of the town. Of course, the captured British guy was among them.

Walking down the newly repaired wooden stairs and entering the metal gate on the ground floor, a small laboratory of two to three hundred square meters appeared in front of the Mandarin and everyone.

The laboratory is full of various experimental instruments, and seven or eight researchers in white coats are sorting out the test tubes, beakers and other tools on each table.

One of the short, bald old men greeted him with a smile when he saw the Mandarin and others coming in.

“My lord…” The bald old man bowed respectfully to the Mandarin.


The Mandarin responded flatly, and after glancing at the laboratory, he fixed his sharp eyes on the bald old man in front of him, and said, “Altura, it seems that you have already done all the preparations. , the laboratory should not lack anything now, right?”

“Yes, my lord.”

The bald old man named Otura nodded respectfully, and opened his mouth and said: “The relevant experimental equipment and all the equipment have been transported. Now as long as there are experimental subjects, we can start the corresponding experiments immediately.”

“very good…”

Mandarin smiled in satisfaction, then turned to look at the hooded and unconscious British guy between Faisal and Rahman, and slowly opened his mouth and said, “This is the No. 1 experimental subject I got not long ago. .”


Otura had already noticed the hooded man when he saw the Mandarin and other people coming in, and vaguely guessed his identity, but after hearing the confirmation from the Mandarin himself, he couldn’t help being a little surprised, and his eyes were burning. Looking at Master Mandarin, he quickly asked, “My lord, what kind of abilities does this experimental subject have?”

“Ice…or temperature…”

The Mandarin hesitated for a moment before responding, but as soon as the sentence fell, he quickly continued: “It’s just that this person doesn’t seem to be able to control his abilities well, maybe Even he himself doesn’t know what he is capable of.”

“Anyway, I have already sent you the experimental subject. It is up to you to figure out his abilities and use him for related experiments. I will not interfere with your work. I am also not interested in knowing the process of your experiment. There’s only one thing needed…and that’s the end result.”

Just as he was talking, the Mandarin suddenly turned his head to look at the two freedom fighters who were supporting the British guy and opened his mouth to order: “Faisal, Rahman, you will take this experimental subject later. Hand over to Dr. Altura…”

After pondering for a while, he continued to speak aloud: “In addition, you should send some more people to protect the safety of this laboratory. I don’t want any accidents to happen here.”

“But you should also pay attention to one thing, don’t affect Dr. Otura’s work.”

“Yes, my lord.” The two who received the order stretched out their hands and beat their chests, and responded loudly.

Gently nodding to the two, the Mandarin turned slightly sideways to go out, but when he just took a few steps forward, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Faisal, Rahman, and Dr. Otura, who were still standing still, couldn’t help turning their heads to look at him after hearing the sound of the Mandarin’s sudden stop.

Just when the eyes of several people were on the back of the man, his voice suddenly sounded:

“Altura, I have arranged everything for you. In a month’s time, I hope to see some preliminary results… I think you should understand what I mean.”

As soon as the voice fell, the Mandarin did not stop for a second, and immediately left the underground laboratory.

In the laboratory, after hearing these words, the bald Dr. Altura, who was slightly bowed, couldn’t help but dripping cold sweat from his forehead.

After that day, the Mandarin did not enter the underground laboratory again, nor did he look for Altura again, but the time was still slowly passing, and more than twenty days had passed unknowingly.

The reason why the Mandarin didn’t go to the laboratory was very simple, because he didn’t want to see those failed experiments with his own eyes, he was waiting…waiting for the day when Altura would personally tell him that the experiments were successful.

Fortunately, this day did not make him wait too long…

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