Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 217

Chapter 202 – Renewed Dispute

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Between the boundless universe and the dimensional world, the chaotic void occupies every inch of this place, and the gray void matter fills this place , Occasionally unimaginable void turbulence will occur due to collisions with each other, and these void turbulences will always exist in some void gaps.

And in the turbulent flow of the void, some powerful and strange void creatures will appear from time to time

Such a place is a forbidden area for most intelligent life, and probably no planet or organization in the entire universe would think of coming to such a dangerous place.

But today, at this moment…

A young man in a white robe suddenly appeared here. He was suspended between the gaps in the void, holding a book in his hand, as if he was looking for something. Finally, when he came to a certain direction, the book in his hand The simple and unsophisticated book suddenly burst into golden light, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of the young man’s mouth.

“The “Book of Cagliostro” connects the worlds of those three guys. Does this mean that they personally opened the door to their world for me?”

Patch showed a sneering smile, and then said nothing, but looked down at the book in his hand, and a faint white light slowly spread from his hand.

When the light penetrated into the simple book, the golden light that bloomed from the book suddenly became stronger, shining on the surrounding empty space, and completely dyed everything golden.

Immediately, the golden light on the ancient books suddenly refracted hundreds of meters in front of Paqi, and gradually expanded into a huge golden space channel with the appearance of a golden origin.

“Oshutu, Agamotto, Hogarth, today will be the day of your complete destruction.”

The moment the space channel appeared, there was a deafening roar from the void in the distance, and then the boundless darkness rushed towards the dispatcher, but in the blink of an eye, the entire void was completely covered by mottled darkness. Shrouded, the only thing left is the golden space channel.

Then, a huge head suddenly emerged from the darkness, appearing not far from Patch.

After Dormammu arrived, he stared at the ever-expanding golden passage in front of him for a long time, and finally said: “Maiwes, I’m afraid those three guys would never have imagined that the descendants they left on Earth in the past hand, but now it is the beginning of their death.”

“Yes, they really didn’t expect that after today, the three magic gods and their world will no longer exist.” Paqi opened his mouth and replied, but when he finished speaking, his eyes were on the ground. Inadvertently flashed a strange brilliance.

Hearing this, Domamu suddenly laughed sullenly twice, and then fell silent again.

More than ten minutes passed, and when the golden space channel in front of Patch and Domamu expanded to a range of several kilometers, Patch’s voice sounded again.

“Dormam, I’ll go in first. After about ten minutes, this space channel will expand to accommodate your entry. I think you should know what to do at that time.”


After hearing the response from Dormammu’s dull voice, Patch didn’t hesitate for a second, and his body suspended in the boundless darkness suddenly flew up, rushing straight towards the space channel ahead.

With a slight blockage and then a sense of unobstructed, everything Patch saw instantly changed, and everything in front of him was completely covered by a snowy white, so much so that here, he even Can’t tell the direction.

But Paqi ignored the loss of his own senses, and spread his mental power to the surroundings in an instant, slowly advancing forward with a faint smile.

And the moment Patch came to this world, on a high mountain rising from the sky in the center of the world, two people, a man and a woman who were meditating, plus a giant white fur tiger suddenly opened their eyes.

“An outsider broke in!”

A bald man who opened his eyes first cast his gaze into the distance on the high mountain, and after a while he frowned and said a word.

“Outsider? Is it that outsider from before? Agamotto.”

The two of them seemed to have detected something, and their eyes widened in an instant, while the woman among them turned to look at the bald man Agamotto and asked aloud.


Agamotto nodded, and responded in a deep voice: “He didn’t borrow a spirit body this time, but came in his physical body, and…”

“And what?” the white-haired tiger suddenly spoke out.

Agamotto hesitated for a while before opening his mouth to respond: “And I also saw a portal on the void barrier not far behind that outsider.”

“What? Portal?” The woman was startled.

“It’s impossible. How could he, an outsider, open a portal in our world, and we don’t even know it.” The white-haired tiger grinned.


Agamotto shook his head, and said in a deep voice: “Nothing is impossible, do you remember how that person from outside the region came last time?”

“He came here through the imprint left by the “Book of Cagliostro”?” the woman asked in surprise.

“should be.”

Agomoto turned his head to look at Ao Shutu, nodded and said, “If I’m right, the disappearance of Gu Yi and the loss of contact with the Time Stone a while ago are all related to this guy.”

“He is using the “Book of Cagliostro” to open the portal and come here. He certainly won’t apologize to us because of what happened last time. I think the war should come.”

Ao Shutu and Hoggs were silent for a while, and then they frowned and murmured in a low voice: “War…”

What I see in front of me is a pale It seems that there is no end, a majestic energy wanders wantonly in the pale world, even at Patch’s current level, he can’t help but feel a little uncomfortable.

But Patch didn’t stop because of this, he still closed his eyes tightly, with a faint smile, and walked forward relying on the guidance of spiritual exploration.

But, suddenly…

Patch’s footsteps stopped suddenly, some ripples began to appear between his brows, and his eyes slowly opened and looked into the distance.

There was a mist in front of him, and the pale mist filled the whole world, and in the mist not far ahead, Patch clearly saw three black figures walking towards him.

“haven’t seen you for a long time…”

When the strange combination of a woman, a bald man and a white-haired tiger appeared in front of him, the corners of Patch’s mouth slightly raised, and his voice followed.

“Wizard, you are not welcome in this world!” The two of them stared at Patch closely and roared in unison.

“I’m not welcome? Hehe…”

Patch sneered, and continued to say: “I still remember the last time I came here, but now…”

“It’s time for me to recover this debt!”

Before the words fell, Paqi quickly added another sentence: “By the way, there is another guy who wants to settle with you.”

“Destroy!” As soon as Patch finished speaking, a roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the surrounding mist was suddenly completely dispelled, and a patch of mottled black appeared behind Patch. In less than an instant, the entire space behind him was completely shrouded in darkness.


And in the darkness, with the second roar, an incomparably huge head suddenly appeared in front of the two of them and the tiger.

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