Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 – 9 Snakes?

“Everyone, I have to say that your ideas are very good, but it turns out that you really think too much.”

Patch walked slowly in front of those people, and said this sentence unhurriedly.

“Who? Who are you?”

The men in suits sitting around stood up in an instant, and they all put their hands into their clothes, took out their pistols and aimed at Patch.

“Who am I?” Patch laughed, spread his hands and said, “I’m the Patch Meiwes you sent people to kill, but it’s a pity that all of your people should have been flushed into the sewer by now. “

“In the sewer?” One of them was stunned, and shouted in disbelief: “How is that possible? That’s a small group of well-trained fighters?”

“It’s impossible, I’m not the kind of trash you imagined.” Patch pursed his lips, then glanced at everyone with cold eyes, and said slowly: “And gentlemen, please Don’t point a gun at me because it’s going to make me very upset, and when I’m upset…”

“The consequences are serious.”

After saying this, Patch instantly walked behind the middle-aged Caucasian man who was previously called Bach, and put his hands on his shoulders.

The other men in suits only felt that their eyes were dazzled, and Patch disappeared from their sight. When they saw him again, they saw him putting his hands on Bach’s shoulders with a lazy face, and turning his head to face him. They smile.

Quiet! Deathly quiet!

All the men in suits looked at Patch with fear, and the hand holding the gun dropped unconsciously, not daring to say a word, and not daring to make any more movements.

“Gudong!” Someone swallowed, and it was very clear in the quiet basement.

“Haha!” Patch couldn’t help laughing, and said to them: “Gentlemen, you don’t have to be afraid. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I came here just to prove something.”

Just as he was talking, Patch suddenly put his mouth next to the ear of the middle-aged man Bach, and said softly: “Mr. Bach, I think you should be able to tell me the answer, right?”

Feeling Patch’s cold hands on both sides of his neck, Bach couldn’t help breaking out some small cold sweats on his forehead. After hearing Patch’s question, he quickly responded: “Mr. Meiwes, you If you want to know anything, I will definitely tell you without reservation.”

“Very good.” Patch nodded, and then asked aloud: “Where did you get the matrix cube you are talking about? Do you have anything similar to the matrix cube?”

“Switzerland, we got the matrix cube from Switzerland. This is the only thing we don’t know the purpose of.” Bach wiped the cold sweat from his head and responded quickly.

“Switzerland?” Hearing Bach’s answer, Patch couldn’t help thinking, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Patch frowned, and asked again: “Well, so you only have one such thing?”

“Yes, sir.” Bach nodded.

“Then let me ask you one last thing. You should know these three words…” Paqi inspected the stiff men in suits around him, and then shouted: “Hydera!”

All the men in suits suddenly opened their eyes wide after hearing these three words, and instantly raised their pistols again, aiming at Patch.

Bach’s body also trembled suddenly, and he turned his head to look at Paqi with a look of horror.

That’s right! Fear is fear!

If they just showed a little fear of Patch’s strange ability just now, now it is fear combined with surprise.

“Mr. Meiwes, where did you hear this sentence?” Bach looked at Patch with a bloodless face and asked aloud.

Bach looked at Patch with not only fear in his eyes, but also a trace of inexplicable fear. And his bloodless face fully demonstrated this.

The reason why he showed this appearance was all because of the three words that Paqi suddenly popped up – Hydera.

Hydra is the Hydra in Greek mythology, and it is also another name for the Hydra organization.

The eight men in suits present, including Bach, were members of Hydra. After World War II, most of Hydra was destroyed by Captain America and the military. The great man of Hydra, Red Skull, also died with Captain America ( At least most people think so), so Hydra had to lurk and recuperate.

Although the current Hydra has gradually recovered its previous strength, there is a mountain of S.H.I.E.L.D., so far, Hydra still dare not act rashly. Of course, it can also be said that they are waiting for a king to return the right time.

But Paqi suddenly yelled “Hydra” in front of them at this time, which had to make them terrified.

Although Hydra has developed enough to be powerful, UU Reading But if it is exposed and known by S.H.I.E.L.D. The catastrophe of extinction, the Nazis have been destroyed, and the power of Hydra alone can absolutely not withstand the blow of the entire world.

And he—Marshall Bach, what kind of consequences he would face as the culprit who exposed Hydra, he can guess without thinking.

“Do you think it’s necessary for me to tell you?” Patch sneered silently, then opened his mouth and shouted a strange word that no man in a suit had ever heard before.

After hearing this strange voice coming from Paqi’s mouth, seven or eight men in suits, including Bach, felt a sudden blackness in front of them, and then a sense of unspeakable groggy came over them, and they fell to the ground involuntarily. .

“I didn’t expect there to be a secret base of Hydra in Hell’s Kitchen. This wave is not a loss.”

After all the men in suits fell to the ground, Patch slowly paced on the spot, and then regretted: “It’s a pity that the obelisk was confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D. Otherwise, the harvest of this trip will definitely be more abundant.” .”

“It’s just not bad.” Looking at the eight middle-aged men in suits who passed out on the ground, Patch showed a strange smile: “With this information, it seems that some of my follow-up plans can be implemented in advance .”

For the eight men in suits, Patch didn’t cast a devastating spell on them, they fell to the ground and just fell into a slight coma.

Although Patch is in urgent need of soul crystallization, he knows that the souls of these eight men in suits are definitely not of good quality without looking at them, and if they are kept, Patch will be of greater use.

After waving his hand, he cast a spell of “Erasing Memory” and “Spiritual Branding” on them, and Patch disappeared in place.

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