Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 – Return To Earth

Patch’s spiritual body dissipated into the void, forming a torrent that passed through the barrier of the dark world, and followed the traces of coming back to Patch’s body in the small building of the Void Exchange.

“A disgusting dark and chaotic atmosphere.” After the spiritual power returned to the spiritual sea, Patch could not help shaking his head uncomfortably when he felt the breath of the dark world in the spiritual power, and launched a spell to The breath was expelled.

“I feel much better now.” With a long breath, Patch shook his head, feeling refreshed all of a sudden.

After regaining his sanity, Patch couldn’t help but think of what Dormammu said to him in the dark world just now.

“What the hell, you want to set me up?” Snorted to himself, Patch sneered and said to himself, “I don’t know who the two of us are plotting whom?”

After finishing this endless sentence, Patch immediately turned around and sat cross-legged on the bed again.

Although his spiritual power has recovered a lot through the double superposition of soul medicine and meditation these days, it is still less than half recovered, so he will continue to increase his spiritual power through meditation in the next few days. Add it back.

Moreover, Patch’s trauma in his own mental pool has not been completely repaired. If he wants to completely repair it, he may have to spend a lot of effort.

It is predicted that some big things may happen on the earth next, and some of the hidden things he arranged on the earth have not yet played a role. If Patch is going to do something now, then the situation is urgent, so there is not much time left for Patch now.

Five days later, the outside of the Void Exchange building.

Patch hugged the cute little loli Elizabeth with a happy face, but after seeing the **** he created in front of him, he couldn’t help but start to have a headache.

I saw Owen looking at Patch excitedly with a big package on his back, looking excited.

The stone colossus Habu and the demon Orianna looked at Patch expressionlessly with a paralyzed face, unable to tell what they were thinking.

And the shadow demon Cullens turned into a cloud of black smoke and got into Patch’s pocket, but fortunately, shadow particles have no mass, as long as he doesn’t put his hand into his pocket, Patch can’t feel it. Karen’s presence.

“Owen.” Patch first called out Owen, a hanging wire knight who had no chivalry at all.

“Master, what’s the matter?” Hearing Patch calling his name, Owen raised his head and asked impromptuly.

“Uh…” Paqi’s expression froze for a while, and he stretched out one hand to point to the large bag of luggage on his body, and asked aloud, “What are you carrying?”

“It’s nothing!” Owen blinked and replied, “It’s just some luggage.”

“It’s just some luggage?” Patch shook his head, put Elizabeth down, pointed at Owen and asked sharply, “Where the **** did you put the space ring I gave you? You don’t know about the luggage, right?” Put it in the space ring?”

“You have to know that we didn’t come to the earth to escape!” When he yelled the last sentence, Patch’s voice suddenly increased by dozens of decibels.

“Uh…Master…I didn’t do it on purpose!” Owen lowered his head in shame, and said in embarrassment: “Because I accidentally lost that space ring, so…”

“Lost it?” Hearing this sentence, Paqi became furious instantly, and jumped up and shouted: “Do you know how much this space ring is worth? If it were placed on the earth, it would be a priceless treasure? “

“Master, I can’t blame me for the loss of the space ring!” Owen said aggrievedly.

“If you don’t blame you, who else can you blame? You can lose things on your body, me too…me too…” Patch gasped heavily and was almost speechless. At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel A sense of powerlessness.

God! Come and save me! How the **** did I come up with such a bastard!

But when Patch was tearful and speechless to ask the sky, the little loli Elizabeth walked up to Patch with a frightened face.

“Father, don’t blame Brother Owen, he accidentally lost his interspatial ring when I was playing with it.” Elizabeth looked at Patch innocently with a pair of big moist eyes, timidly. Said.

“Elizabeth…” Seeing Elizabeth voluntarily stand up and admit, Patch’s thousands of words finally turned into a helpless sigh: “Since you lost it, then I will not pursue it.”

Stretching out his hand to touch Elizabeth’s long black hair, Patch let out another long and helpless sigh.

Owen, on the other hand, took time to glance at Patch, with a bitter expression on his face, thinking to himself why the gap between people is so big?

On the other side, Patch let out a long sigh, then turned his head to look at Owen, and said with a cold face: “It’s just that I am very dissatisfied with Owen’s performance this time, so your date to go out with us has been postponed infinitely. You can come out when I am happy!”

Hearing Patch’s words, Owen felt as if a thunderbolt struck his head instantly, and his face froze instantly.

“Master! You can’t be so ruthless!” Owen grabbed Patch’s wizard robe and pretended to cry: “If you leave me here alone, I will really go crazy!”

“Uh…” Patch pulled the wizard robe out of Owen’s hands with a cold face, and UU Reading said aloud: “Did I tell you to stay here alone?”


Just as Owen was about to speak, he was interrupted by Patch mercilessly, and he said helplessly: “I thought about it just now, it seems that my place can’t accommodate everyone, so I decided to let you, Habu and Owen Leanna stay here for now, and I will take you out together after I find a place.”

Patch said these words not to play sloppy with Owen, he really thought about it just now, it is obviously impossible for so many people to live in his humble hut, even if only a magic stone giant Habu goes in, It can almost take up half of the entire hut.

So before finding a suitable place, Patch decided to let Owen and the three of them stay in the Void Exchange for a while!

“Master, is what you said true?” But after hearing Patch’s words, Owen obviously didn’t believe it, and asked him with a bitter face.

“Of course it’s true, can I still lie to you?” Patch snorted.

That’s not sure, you lied to me not once in the two sessions. Owen thought to himself, blinking his eyes and looking at Patch bitterly, but he didn’t dare to say these words.

Ignoring Owen’s gaze, Patch turned his head to look at Habu and Orianna who were standing aside, and told them: “You stay here for a while, and let you go out after I find a place. “

“Yes, master.” Hubb and Orianna obviously didn’t have as much trouble as Owen, and nodded to Patch in response.

“Okay, Elizabeth, let’s go first!”

Touching Elizabeth’s head, Patch hugged her up, and then stepped across the void and chaos, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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