Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Ready To Do Something

On the most conspicuous position of the newspaper, there was a photo of an upper body portrait. This person seemed to be in his thirties, and next to the portrait was a line of English words in bold and bold.

Tony Stark, the helm of Stark Industries, was kidnapped by terrorists at a US military base in Afghanistan! This is what the bold and bold English text at the top of the newspaper refers to.

At first Patch didn’t feel anything when he saw the bust, but he couldn’t help being stunned when he saw this line of writing.

“Tony Stark has been kidnapped!” After regaining his senses, Patch thought to himself, and he couldn’t help thinking about it.

Thinking back to the remaining memories of the movie plot in his mind, Paiqi remembered that Tony was entrusted by the military to go to Afghanistan to show them the new missile recently developed by Stark Industries.

But after showing the new missile, the military jeep that Tony was riding in was attacked by a local terrorist organization, and Tony was also arrested by this group of terrorists because of this attack.

“It seems that Iron Man should be born soon.” Patch thought with his eyes narrowed.

The latter thing is what impressed Patch the most. Patch clearly remembered that after Tony was kidnapped by these terrorists, he pretended to help the terrorists make new types of missiles on the surface, but he relied on a pile of broken missiles in the cave. The first generation of steel armor was created by tinkering with copper and rotten iron.

Thinking of this, Patch couldn’t help but admire Tony Stark from the bottom of his heart. He not only has a lot of high education, but also has a brain reserve of knowledge and strong hands-on ability. Compared with him, Patch feels that his previous life Those top students in Huaxia and top students in the college entrance examination are so weak.

This is a real hard-working talent!

In fact, a long time ago, after Patch knew that the world he came to was the Marvel Universe, and thought of the stalk of Tony Stark being kidnapped, he had the idea of saving him.

In this case, if he rescued Tony Stark, not to mention much, at least Tony would still give him a mansion! Let me talk about the grace of saving my life again, and he is rich and powerful, so he is not short of such a small amount of money, is he?

If there is a mansion, Patch can immediately take over the big guy Harb, Owen and Orianna from the Void Exchange.

But after some careful consideration, Patch quickly dismissed this idea.

Although the idea is good, it’s so unrealistic for Patch!

Although Patch knew that Tony was kidnapped in Afghanistan, Afghanistan is not small. The ghost knows where Tony was kidnapped in such a big place.

And even if Patch found Tony and succeeded in rescuing him, but you, a person who is not related to you, ran so far from the United States to rescue him for no reason, there is no guarantee that Tony will not have any bad thoughts, maybe Tony thinks This kidnapping was done deliberately by Patch!

Don’t talk about luxury houses at that time, maybe when Patch wakes up the next day, he will see a room full of American soldiers with guns.

Although Patch is not afraid, but after thinking about this kind of thing that is obviously thankless to do, he still thinks it’s okay!

It’s just that although there is no hope for the mansion, Patch still has some ideas about another thing.

Squinting his eyes and showing an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, Patch knew that he would have a lot of things to do soon.

After paying the bill at Aunt Grant’s small supermarket, Patch took Elizabeth in one hand and returned to his cabin with a large bag of daily necessities in the other.

Once back in the cabin, Patch saw Elizabeth’s eyelids start to fight.

Although Elizabeth is a magical life created by Patch, in essence she is very different from Orianna and Owen. It can be said that Elizabeth is almost the magical life created by Patch that is closest to normal humans.

And this afternoon, Patch took her around New York for a long time. Elizabeth felt a little tired after the excitement of coming to Earth.

“Elizabeth, are you tired?” Patch reached out and hugged Elizabeth after asking this nonsense.

Elizabeth nodded sleepily in Patch’s arms.

“Then I’ll take you to bed!” After receiving Elizabeth’s response, Patch carried her to the bed and gently put her on the bed.

Gently taking off Elizabeth’s shoes, Patch covered her with a thin quilt.

“Daddy, good night.” Before going to bed, Elizabeth yawned and said to Patch.

“Good night.” Patch smiled slightly, kissed her forehead lightly, and stretched out his hand to pull up the thin quilt on Elizabeth’s body a little more.

Standing quietly by the bed, after Elizabeth’s breathing gradually slowed down and she fell into a dream, Patch turned and walked away from the bed.

Picking up the cup and pouring himself a cup of coffee, Patch slowly sat down on the chair in front of the desk with the cup in hand.

As soon as he sat down and took a sip of his coffee, Patch’s eyes began to roll, and he couldn’t help thinking about the big news he had just read in the newspaper.

“Tony has been kidnapped, and Iron Man is about to be born, and the period in between will be very fruitful!” Paqi thought to himself, and UU Reading’s slightly pursed lips couldn’t help evoking a strange arc .

“It’s just that I have to think carefully about what to do specifically.” Frowning slightly, Patch picked up his cup and took another sip of coffee, his mind spinning rapidly.

After sitting at the desk for more than half an hour, he had already finished his cup of coffee before Patch slowly stood up.

Glancing back at Elizabeth who was sleeping soundly, Patch gently opened the door and walked to the aisle outside the cabin.

But as soon as he walked out of the room, Patch immediately frowned again.

Because he felt several peeping eyes cast on him again.

Patch’s spirit spread out, and he quickly found the people who were watching him around. As expected, these peepers were still the same ones when Patch came back during the day.

“These guys are really dedicated, don’t they even need to go to bed at this late hour?” Patch shrugged, shaking his head, complaining helplessly in his heart.

“If it wasn’t for not being able to move you for the time being, I really want to burn you all to ashes with the fire of purgatory.”

Shaking his head again, Patch then waved his hand and released a spell of fog barrier, covering the entire aisle he was in.

Because of the next few things, Patch doesn’t want some outsiders to see, so…

Necessary precautions are still in place.

Although the spell of this fog barrier has no effect, it can only simply cause some visual errors to people outside the range of the spell, but it is obviously very practical for Patch now.

After taking simple precautions, Patch immediately shouted into the air: “Culence!”

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