Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Agents In Action (Part 1)

Not far from Patch’s small room, a black off-road vehicle slowly stopped, and the black windows prevented outsiders from seeing the scene clearly.

“May, Melinda.” The white man sitting in the driver’s seat called out to a slightly older Asian woman next to him.

It can be seen that the Asian woman named Melinda was a little out of shape. She didn’t react until the white man yelled a second time, and suddenly turned her head and asked, “Colson, what’s wrong?”

“Mei, you can’t perform the task in this state, why don’t we rest for a while?” the white man Coulson asked gently.

“Anyone who is called back from a flight on vacation is probably going to be a little out of sorts.”

After Melinda complained, she asked Coulson, “What do you think?”

Coulson smiled awkwardly, but did not speak.

Of course he knew that the reason for Melinda’s absence was not because she was suddenly recalled during her vacation, but because of something else entirely.

It’s just that in order not to stir up the part of memory that Melinda didn’t want to bring up, Coulson chose to remain silent.

“You’re really boring.” After Melinda said this to Coulson, she shook her head and clapped her hands: “Okay, there’s no problem now.”

“By the way, Coulson, what is the field mission this time?” Immediately, Melinda asked Coulson again.

“Negotiate with a somewhat special person.” Coulson said, and handed Melinda a file bag with a red cover.

“Huh? Level-5 authority, it does seem a bit special.”

Melinda took the file that Coulson handed over, opened it, and read softly: “Patch Meiwes, whose parents are unknown, was abandoned shortly after birth, and was passed by Sister Meiwes Sent back to Paramount Orphanage and raised.”

“I didn’t speak my first sentence until I was three years old. Before that, I was even considered to be an intellectually disabled child.”

“Ah…” Patch, who was preparing for a big event in the outskirts of New York City, couldn’t help but rubbed his nose, wondering, “Who mentioned my name?”

After a pause, Melinda went on to read: “But after that, Patch Meiwes showed extraordinary talent. At the age of fifteen, he taught himself biology, biology, and Electronics, mechanics and other related knowledge, and also received a Ph.D. in biology from Harvard University.”

“I left the Paramount Orphanage when I became an official adult at the age of sixteen, and now lives in a rental house at No. 198, Thirteenth Street, New York, and works for Hammer Industries.”

“Two months after Patch Meiwes came to Thirteenth Street, the street law and order unexpectedly improved, and daily crimes dropped sharply. Then a person called ‘The Cloak’ was discovered. Because of the ‘Cloak’ Because, up to now, Thirteenth Street has become a forbidden place for New York street gangsters and gangsters.”

“Oh? From this point of view, this Patch Maiwes should have a lot to do with the ‘Cloaked Man’. Even if it’s not him, it’s definitely someone close to him.”

Melinda couldn’t help but ask after reading this: “Colson, I admit that Patch Meiwes and the ‘Cloak Man’ are really capable, but we shouldn’t let us two senior agents carry out this task together.” on a mission?”

After thinking about it, Melinda immediately added: “And the title ‘Cloaked Man’ is really low in my opinion.”

If Patch could hear such a sentence at the scene, he would definitely hold Melinda’s hand excitedly, and shout excitedly: “My confidant!”

Although it is very likely that before holding Melinda’s hand, Patch will be thrown to the ground by her.

You must know that as a senior combat agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Melinda May is an extremely fierce character, which can be seen from her cold expression in the car from the beginning to the end.

At the age of seven, Melinda May was specially recruited into SHIELD by Peggy Carter, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., because of her extraordinary talent. If you dare to call her that in person, you must be prepared to be beaten to the point of paralysis by her.

And Coulson next to Melinda is not a simple person. As the right-hand man of Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson can basically be regarded as a role model for all agents. Later, he took over Nick Fury’s position and became the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In Melinda’s impression, the Caped Man who punished the gangsters and gangsters on the streets of New York is really not particularly powerful. In fact, these gangsters are not strictly gangs at all, and at most they are more organized than street gangsters. Just a little.

Even a retired U.S. military veteran who is fully prepared can definitely make them eat badly.

To use a popular sentence in Patch’s previous life, Melinda just wanted to say: I can do it if I fuck.

As for Patch Meiwes, an orphanage boy who taught himself biology, electronics, and mechanics, although Melinda admitted that this boy did have some talent, it was only limited to a little talent.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D., there are countless cutting-edge talents like Patch Meiwes, UU Reading www. There are many geniuses who are more monstrous than him. Melinda had seen a lot, so she wasn’t surprised at all.

Facing Melinda’s humor, Coulson smiled silently, and then said: “Let’s read on…”


Although Melinda looked nonchalant, she didn’t think that Director Nick Fury would be idle, thinking that a neighborhood vigilante and a temporary employee of Hammer Industry could pose a great threat to them, so the two A person, or a person at all, definitely has a special place that she doesn’t know.

Shaking her head helplessly, Melinda continued to read the content just now.

“It’s normal, there’s nothing special about it.” Melinda turned her head and said to Coulson: “Leaving the orphanage at the age of sixteen, I rented a hut in the thirteenth street. Others have dealt with or had disputes. The social security and tax bills are complete, and they are a standard good citizen of New York.”

“If it wasn’t for the ‘Cloak Man’, there shouldn’t be any possibility that such a person would be targeted by us, right?”

“Yes.” Coulson responded, and then said: “A typical hidden incident, a young man with special abilities and a strong sense of justice, but unfortunately he still didn’t hide deep enough, and was discovered by us in a recent accident Some of his heels.”

If Patch himself were here, he would definitely helplessly spread his hands to Coulson, “I’m not a passionate young man with a sense of justice, but I’m just too short of money, or you think I’m just doing nothing to help New York City. The police reduce their workload to do such boring things as neighborhood vigilantes?”

It’s a pity that our senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson, doesn’t think so.

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