Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 – In Danger?

“Wait… be careful.”

Orianna’s voice suddenly sounded, and the sharp electronic synthesis made the relaxed bodies of the other three people in the jeep tense instantly.

Hearing Orianna’s voice, the young soldier in the driver’s seat suddenly slammed on the brakes. After the jeep stopped, the young soldier and the two S.H.I.E.L.D. Gun, point the muzzle out of the car window.

“What… what’s wrong?” The three asked in unison.

The young soldier didn’t forget to turn his head and glance out the car window when he asked the question aloud.

It was just such a look, but the young soldier was so frightened that his immature face immediately changed color.

The young soldier stared out of the car window with his eyes wide open. His originally rosy face suddenly turned extremely pale. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he had seen something particularly terrifying.

Following the young soldier’s gaze, I saw a missile in the distant sky, dragging gusts of airflow and making the sound of “whoosh” piercing the air, whizzing towards the jeep they were riding in. Come.

Seeing this terrifying scene, thinking about what would happen next in his mind, the young soldier couldn’t help but subconsciously put his head in his hands and hissed and closed his eyes tightly.

After hearing the screams of the young soldiers, the two field agents in the back seat suddenly saw the missile carrying a long stream of air in the sky.

After seeing this scene, their reactions were not much different from those of the young soldiers. The expressions on their faces froze instantly, their eyes widened suddenly, and they stared blankly at the missile in the sky that was getting closer and closer to them.

Obviously, these two field agents who had received special training from S.H.I.E.L.D. had a much better understanding than the young soldier just now. Even in such a situation, they were not immediately frightened.

It’s just that when the missile was about to approach the roof of the jeep, the two field agents couldn’t bear it anymore, and showed the same reaction as the young soldier just now.

I saw the two field agents screaming, throwing away the guns in their hands, covering their heads with their hands and closing their eyes tightly, crying in pain.

But before the three of them cried and howled for a few seconds, they heard a “bang”, a deafening explosion, and at the same time a huge impact hit, and the jeep was instantly thrown into the air.

Quiet… deathly silence…

“Uh… what’s going on? Am I not dead yet?”

After a long time, the young soldier in the jeep and the two field agents opened their tightly closed eyes when they realized that they were still conscious.

The three of them touched their bodies subconsciously, and found that not only their bodies were intact, but even the clothes they were wearing were not damaged at all. After a burst of inexplicable surprise and surprise, they had time to turn their eyes. to other places.

But the next thing they saw immediately, the three swore that they would never forget it in their lifetime.

After realizing that they were not injured, the three of them couldn’t help but look at Orianna on the co-pilot of the car…

I saw the black cloak wrapped around Orianna emitting a dim light, and the hood covering her head fell behind her, and Orianna’s strange face shape and head structure also fell into the eyes of the three.

Orianna’s palms were tightly pressed against the roof of the jeep, and she could only see a dazzling blue halo continuously evaporating from Orianna’s hands. At the same time, the silver metal ball above his head was also going crazy. spinning.

The faint blue halo emanating from Orianna’s hand covered the entire body, forming a semicircular blue shield.

“This… this is…”

The three of them stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of them, and they were instantly shocked by what Orianna showed.

The scene that happened before their eyes was something they had never seen in their life, not only Orianna who didn’t look like a human at all, but also the faint blue shield covering the car.

But after reacting from the initial shock, the three of them knew that it seemed that the blue shield made by Orianna successfully resisted the bombing of the missile, so they were not damaged in the car.

Without this shield, they can imagine the damage a missile falling on this Jeep would do. They are likely to be completely smashed to pieces because of this sudden missile, and disappear into this world together with this car.

It’s just that the mysterious power displayed by Orianna still left the three of them in a state of shock and bewilderment…

Just as the three of them stared blankly at Orianna, her weird electronically synthesized voice rang in the ears of the three of them again.

“Humble human, damned ants!” Although Orianna’s electronically synthesized voice didn’t seem to have any emotional fluctuations, the three people in the car could clearly feel the chill emanating from her.

Feeling the cold breath emanating from Orianna’s body at close range, the young soldier and the two field agents couldn’t help shivering slightly.

“You stay in the car, I’ll deal with those despicable little mice.” Orianna turned her head and glanced at the three people who were looking at her in shock, and ordered them aloud.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the three of them to respond, Orianna suddenly withdrew one of the hands that had been clinging to the roof of the car, and Orianna swiped with one hand, only to hear a “bang”, UU Reading www The car door was instantly smashed by her and flew onto the sandy ground in the distance.

Then the three people in the car felt their eyes blur suddenly, and Orianna in the co-pilot disappeared from their sight in an instant.

Slightly stunned, the three of them quickly cast their gazes into the distance, and saw Orianna wearing a black cloak on the sandy ground running towards a dune at high speed, and near the dune was a group of people wrapped in guns. Silhouette in black turban.

Orianna, who was running, took a step and was four or five meters away. Her fast running made the black cloak on her body flutter in the wind.

The metal ball on top of Orianna’s head was spinning rapidly. At this time, Orianna was on the verge of erupting in anger. Although she still had the face of a zombie from the beginning to the end, she had returned to the heart in her chest. But it was beating rapidly.

Staring at the group of people near the sand dunes not far away, Orianna’s blue eyes were full of murderous intent.

Ever since Patch created her, Orianna has never encountered such a provocation like a group of ants. Although the missile that flew over her head did not pose any threat to her, Orianna couldn’t bear the pain in her heart. The anger that was about to burst forth.

Not far away, the group of people beside the sand dunes saw Orianna rushing towards them, they couldn’t help raising the guns in their hands, aiming at Orianna and pulling the trigger.

It’s just that it’s obvious that the bullets ejected from the muzzle of the gun can’t do any harm to Orianna, even most of the bullets can’t hit her while running. Even if some bullets hit her, it’s completely impossible for Orianna No trace left on her body, the bullet was already bounced off by the black cloak she was wearing when it was about to fall on Orianna.

“Humble ants, you should die…”

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