Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 – Tony’S Adventures

But just when Tony thought that the bald man had discovered his secret, and his heart suddenly tensed, what the bald man said next made Tony’s tense body suddenly relax.

The bald man stared at Tony with a slight frown, and said slowly, “Stark, do you know why I let you live until now?”

“Isn’t it just for you to make missiles for you to carry out terrorist attacks?” After suddenly relaxing, Tony returned to his nature, pursed his lips, and shook his head in his heart as he muttered silently.

Seeing Tony’s silent appearance, the bald man raised his mouth slightly, stared at him, and said aloud: “Genghis Khan used to rely on longbow and iron cavalry to conquer almost half of Eurasia. At that time, the Mongols had an area even larger than Rome The empire will be twice as big.”

“Of course, that is just a product of the era of cold weapons, but now we are in the era of hot weapons. Science and technology are the key to winning a war, and you…”

Just as he was talking, the bald man suddenly took a step closer to Tony, stared at him and opened his mouth slowly and said: “Tony Stark, the most outstanding inventor and weapon genius in the world today, is the most precious talent at the moment.”

“With you and your technology, I believe that this world will be conquered by me sooner or later.”

“This guy’s ambition is really not small! Conquer the world? I’m so crazy…” After listening to the bald man’s words, Tony’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and then he shook his head in his heart and said He taunted the bald man mercilessly.

Of course, he wouldn’t say these words, after all, even his own life is in the guy’s hands now? Although Tony admitted that he was a little arrogant, he never thought he was that stupid.

It’s just that it is obviously impossible for Tony to say some compliments to the bald man, so listening to the bald man’s words, Tony just stood there with a calm face, looking at him silently, quietly Watching the bald man pretending to be aggressive in front of him.

Just as Tony looked at the bald man in silence, his voice sounded again.

The bald man’s pupils contracted slightly, he stared at Tony Stark, and continued to open his mouth, “It’s just that before I can achieve my great goal, we still have to eliminate the threat that exists now.”

“So Mr. Stark, you have to speed up the process of the Jeffrey missile I asked you to make.”

As he was talking, the bald man glanced at Tony, then turned around abruptly, turned his back to Tony and said, “Mr. Stark, I’ll give you another day. I have to see the finished work by this time tomorrow.” Jeffrey Missile.”

“I hope you don’t let me down!”

As the last words slowly reached Tony and Ethan’s ears, they saw the bald man leading a group of terrorists leaving the cave one after another.

Of course, they certainly didn’t forget to lock the door again when they left.

“Stark, it seems we have to hurry up.”

After the sound outside the door completely disappeared, the bald man with glasses put down his hands on his head, turned his head to look at Tony, and said aloud.

“Yeah!” Tony nodded, and then said: “One day, plus if we work overnight tonight, we should be able to complete the steel armor.”

But just when Tony finished saying this, and Ethan and Ethan were about to return to the work place just now, a strange voice suddenly entered their ears.

“Steel armor? What…”

“Who?” Tony and Ethan’s faces changed instantly when they heard the voice, they both exclaimed in a low voice, and turned their heads to look at the source of the voice.

In the cave, in a dark corner that the two of them hadn’t noticed before, a man dressed in black who looked extremely thin came out.

After seeing this person, Tony and Ethan couldn’t help but frowned instantly, and both of them became nervous and alert at the same time.

“who am I?”

The thin man in black slowly walked in front of Tony and Ethan, and the strange voice sounded again: “Tony Stark, my name is Orianna, and I’m here to save you.”

“The person who saved me?”

Hearing Orianna’s words, Tony’s brows could not help but tightened. He looked up and down at Orianna who was hidden in the black cloak, and asked suspiciously: “What are you kidding? If If the military can find my location, they probably rescued me a long time ago, and it is impossible to wait until now to send people over.”

“Besides, this cave is heavily guarded, and it is impossible for normal people to sneak in, so…”

With eyes fixed on Orianna in black, Tony said in a low voice, “You’re lying to me!”


Orianna shook her head and chuckled, and then responded again: “Tony Stark, as you said, it is indeed impossible for normal people to sneak into this cave, but…”

“I’m not a normal person!” After saying this Orianna immediately lifted the hood on her head, showing her strangely shaped head in the eyes of Tony and Ethan .


After seeing Orianna’s appearance clearly, Ethan, the bald bespectacled man, was shocked instantly. He raised a finger tremblingly and pointed at Orianna, and asked in shock, “What are you?”

I saw Orianna’s hair made of metal, and a pair of blue eyes flickering slightly on her stiff and delicate face. Of course, what both of them felt the most weird was that there was still a silver light floating quietly above Orianna’s head. metal sphere.

Orianna’s strange appearance probably would have surprised anyone who was a normal person, so Ethan’s behavior wasn’t too strange.

It’s just that compared to Tony, the behavior of the bald bespectacled man Ethan seems a bit too fussy.

On the other hand, the well-informed Tony was obviously calmer than Dr. Ethan after seeing Orianna. After a moment of surprise, he walked to Orianna with great interest.

After Tony circled around her for two or three times, he asked slowly, “Are you the latest highly intelligent robot developed by the military? Or…”

But before Tony could speak halfway, he was interrupted by Orianna’s sharp electronically synthesized voice.

Orianna’s blue eyes flickered a few times, and she fixed her eyes on Tony who was observing her carefully, and said aloud, “Tony Stark, I seem to have said it just now.”

“My name is Orianna, and I am a magical life form that is more perfect than your human life form.”

When she said this, Orianna’s voice suddenly increased a few decibels, and her pair of blue eyes couldn’t help flickering violently a few times.

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