Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Who Moved My Heart

After hearing this extra heartbeat, all the muscles in Melinda’s body tensed up instantly, she turned over and took out the pistol equipped on her waist, held it tightly in her hand, and pointed forward with a flat grip.

Cautiously squatting, Melinda scanned the surroundings extremely cautiously, in order to prevent the imminent danger.

Coulson immediately pulled out his pistol, bowed slightly, and leaned against Melinda back to back.

“This room is very weird.” Coulson said softly, holding a gun and staring at the front.

“Yes, I felt this way when I came in.” Melinda replied softly, looking around cautiously.

After all, Melinda and Coulson are experienced agents. If the third person had hidden here early, they would not have discovered it. The only possibility is that the person just came here.

But in this unobstructed hut, that person was able to escape their observation and sneak in silently, which made them nervous instantly.

“This Mr. Meiwes is not ready to show up yet, is he going to be beaten into a sieve by us?” Melinda said a not so cold joke.

“His ability to move in an instant, it is very likely that the bullets we shoot will not touch him at all.” Coulson was obviously not as optimistic as Melinda, his whole body tensed, and he said in a deep voice.

“How do you know if you don’t try it?” Melinda answered.

Without hesitation, they judged the extra person as Patch Maiwes. After all, after watching the video, they also had a rough understanding of Patch’s ability, only his teleportation The ability to escape the senses of Coulson and Melinda, and sneak in silently.

It’s just that according to the routines in movies and TV shows, and Melinda Coulson’s personal experience, after they draw their guns, the hidden people shouldn’t come out with their heads in their hands and shout “I surrender”, or carry a gun. Shooting submachine guns at them without any scruples?

But now the script seems to be a bit wrong!

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The heartbeat was getting louder and faster, even when Coulson and Melinda were talking, they could clearly hear it.

“Mei, this heartbeat is too abnormal.” Coulson couldn’t help frowning and said.

“Hmm.” Melinda replied lightly, “It is absolutely impossible for a normal human’s heartbeat to be so loud and fast. I have only seen this kind of situation on a big green-skinned guy.”

“Hulk!” Coulson couldn’t help exclaiming, and then said: “How is it possible? If that’s the case, we are likely to be in big trouble.”

Of course they would not think that the Hulk Hulk was here, but such a violent heartbeat inevitably made the two of them feel terrified. Even if the person hiding is not the Hulk, it is definitely not human.

“Kolson, listen carefully. The sound of the heartbeat seems to be coming from the closet.” Carefully, Melinda quickly judged the hiding place of the person through her ears and experience.

Coulson listened quietly for a while, confirmed Melinda’s judgment, and after nodding to her, the two began to walk slowly towards the closet.

When the two of them were close to the closet, Melinda took a pose, and after obtaining Coulson’s consent, she quickly kicked a ferocious side kick towards the closet door.

With a “click”, the wardrobe door was broken into two pieces by Melinda’s kick and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Melinda and Coulson met eyes, quickly moved closer together, and pointed their guns at the inside of the closet.

But what happened next left them stunned.

Because the closet was empty, there was no one at all.

“What’s going on?” Melinda looked at Coulson with a face full of surprise, she was very sure that her judgment just now was absolutely correct.

“May, have you forgotten Patch Meiwes’s ability?” Coulson reminded aloud.


Melinda suddenly realized that it was very likely that Patch Meiwes had already escaped by using his ability.

But the next voice that came into their ears quickly overturned Melinda’s thoughts…

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The rapid and dull heartbeat sounded again, but the place where the heartbeat sound came from was still…


“Colson, be careful.” Melinda yelled to the relaxed Coulson.

Hearing Melinda’s shout, Coulson’s spirit was shaken suddenly, his attention was instantly concentrated, he quickly raised the pistol, and aimed it at the inside of the closet.

The two approached the closet again, but there was still nothing in the closet.

“This is so weird.” Melinda muttered something in Chinese to herself, she still didn’t relax her vigilance, her eyes carefully inspected every corner of the closet.

“Mei, what are you talking about?” Coulson couldn’t help asking without hearing what Melinda said.

“Colson, don’t talk.”

Melinda made a gesture, squatted down, and looked at the bottom corner of the closet with her head tilted.

“Eh?” When looking at a corner again, Melinda seemed to have some unexpected gains, and stretched a hand into the corner.

“Mei, what are you doing?” After seeing Melinda’s actions, Coulson couldn’t help asking nervously, and quickly prepared to stop her actions.

But Coulson was shocked by what Melinda brought out before he could stop it.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

A pitch-black jar was held in Melinda’s hands, and inside the jar came the rapid and dull heartbeat they had just heard.

Coulson’s expression froze all of a sudden, and he shouted in amazement with his mouth half open: “My God, how is this possible?”

Glancing at Melinda, Coulson obviously felt her shock, and quickly squatted down, looking at the dark jar in Melinda’s hand.

The old jar looks like a piece of pottery, UU Reading www. was pitch black with no trace of luster visible, and a piece of paper covered with strange symbols was sealed on top of the jar. Uh… It’s somewhat similar to the brownish-yellow paper they saw on their desk not long ago.

“Nothing is impossible, Coulson. Haven’t we encountered many strange incidents in S.H.I.E.L.D.?” After calming down, Melinda stared at the black clay pot and said aloud.

After hearing Melinda’s response, Coulson relaxed a little, but there was still an expression of disbelief on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Coulson asked curiously, “May, should we open it?”

“Yeah.” Melinda nodded.

She also wanted to see what was in the jar. Was it true that what they heard was a person’s heart?

“Coulson, get ready, I’m going to open it.” Melinda reminded Coulson, and then covered the layer of paper above the jar with her hand.

Coulson hurriedly half-bowed, pointed his gun at the jar, and stood ready.

Glancing at Coulson, Melinda tore the paper without hesitation.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

The unexpected scene did not appear, but Coulson and Melinda couldn’t help being stunned after seeing the scene inside the jar.

A complete heart was floating in the jar, beating and making trembling sounds. The blood vessels and veins of the heart were clearly visible.

If it was just that, it wouldn’t surprise these two seasoned agents. What really surprised them was that the heart turned out to be blue.

Deep blue like the ocean.

“Who, who moved my heart!”

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