Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 – Cheap Magic Tools

magic! Magic! These are two completely opposite things in nature!

The essence of magic is to pursue the mystery of the supreme laws of the universe, transform the power of these supreme laws into one’s own power, thereby comprehend the origin of the laws of the universe, and finally obtain a road of infinite promotion and infinite sublimation.

It can also be said that magic is a way to achieve self-transcendence!

And magic…

On the contrary, the source of divine art is the gods who have obtained the highest power. Those who use divine art are just borrowing the power of those gods to achieve their own goals. This power does not belong to themselves but completely depends on those gods s help.

Although the lower limit of divine arts in the initial stage is higher than that of magic, it can be said that the powers that magicians and magicians can use at the same stage are completely out of proportion. Divine magicians are stronger than magicians who pursue their own path at the beginning It is more than one step higher, and it is easier for a magician to improve than a magician.


The gap in the initial stage can’t explain anything, because the final upper limit of the two can also be called the distance of heaven and earth!

Because magicians rely on the power of those gods, no matter how powerful they are, it is impossible for them to surpass the gods who borrowed their power at the end. own way.

Although the vast majority of people here are unlikely to have the opportunity to obtain supreme power.

But magic is completely different. It can be said that magic is a smooth road to the highest, the road of magic is endless, and the level of those so-called gods is just a relatively high stage on the road of magic.

As long as one has enough talent, enough perseverance, and has been following this path, the level of the gods will not be a delusion, and it is even possible to surpass the gods and reach a higher stage.

Although there are only a handful of sporadic people who can see the mystery of the supreme law and thus gain god-like power, this does not prevent the comparison between the two.

“Magic? Divine art? So there is such a secret hidden.” Putting the magic book in his hand on the table, Patch smiled.

In fact, when he was in Kama Taj, Paqi had some guesses in his heart, but now, he just confirmed this guess.

When I was in Karma Taj before, although the contents of the books inside were all magic books handed down from ancient times, when I saw those apprentices practicing magic in their spare time, Patch felt something was wrong.

Because the energy fluctuations emitted by those apprentices practicing magic seem to be quite different from the energy fluctuations of magic. The energy they use does not seem to come from themselves, but from a place that Patch cannot explore.

And now, after reading these magic books, Patch finally knew the source of the magic power of those apprentices.

In the era of the origin of magic, the trinity of the three gods of magic is the only belief of Kama Taj. Patch knows that the source of the magic power of those apprentices is definitely taken from the high-dimensional world created by the three gods of magic, and what they borrowed It is definitely the power of the three gods of magic.

“I didn’t expect Karma Taj to have such a secret…”

Patch shook his head with a light smile, and muttered to himself: “But if that’s the case, what’s the difference between the mages of Kama Taj and the black wizards they hate? Is it just a difference of belief?”

Patch stroked his forehead and began to think. After a while, a horrifying thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Could it be that the purpose of the three gods of magic is to make Karma Taj into an existence similar to the Holy See?” Paqi was stunned by his sudden thought, and couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice.

But after the sudden surprise, Patch couldn’t help but began to bow his head and meditate again.

After a long time, Patch suddenly raised his head, frowned slightly and said to himself: “This situation is not impossible, after all, if they want to go further at their current level, it seems that there is nothing wrong with them if they don’t have too many encounters.” It’s possible, so it’s understandable for them to take some alternative paths.”

“It’s just that they can’t be clear about the hidden dangers of believing in conferring gods, so what are they thinking…”

Talking to himself alone, Patch couldn’t help but have more doubts in his heart again.

But after thinking hard for a long time and still not getting an answer that was well-founded and in line with what he thought, Patch fortunately stopped thinking about these questions.

After all, there is still a big gap between the level of the three magic gods and Patch, and their plans really have nothing to do with Patch. Why should Patch ask for trouble because of others?

Standing up from the chair with both hands, Patch got up and opened the door of the library, and slowly walked downstairs along the stairs. Now he has to do another important thing.

Walking to the hall on the lower floor of the library, Patch went to the dining table and poured himself a cup of coffee, then sat down with the coffee cup in his hand, and looked up at the things that filled more than half of the hall in front of him.

The floor below the Library Pavilion is where the mages in the New York Temple spend their daily activities, but it also has another name—the storage room.

What is stored here is not ordinary things, but all the magic tools preserved by the mages of the New York Temple in the past. In the future, a key magic equipment of Doctor Strange – the magic floating cloak is placed here, and it happens to be in the Not far in front of Patch.

A crimson cloak was quietly suspended in a glass cabinet in front of Patch.

It’s just that Patch glanced at the magic floating cloak and immediately moved his eyes to other places. His eyes kept circling the magic tools made of metal, and there was a trace of unspeakable regret in his eyes.

Of course Patch didn’t covet these magic tools, and now, as the guardian of the New York Temple, he could use them to his heart’s and he didn’t have to covet them, Patch actually felt sorry for these magic tools.

That’s right! It’s a pity!

Oh! …To be precise, it should be a pity for the materials used to make these magic tools.

“Such a precious material is forged into such a thing. How low is the level of Kama Taj alchemy?” Paqi frowned and shook his head helplessly.

After drinking the coffee in the cup in one gulp, Patch got up and walked forward, took the short stick-shaped metal magic product closest to him in his hand, shook his head and sighed to himself: “Mithril, Aojin plus fire element crystallization can only produce such a thing that is not much better than a semi-finished product, oh…”

Just as Patch shook his head and sighed, a burst of footsteps and another voice suddenly entered his ears, and Patch couldn’t help looking behind him.

“Your Excellency Meiwes, are you going to come here to pick out a magic tool?”

At the same time that the voice reached Patch’s ears, a tall white man with white hair and beard walked towards him.

Seeing the person coming, Patch smiled, nodded immediately and responded aloud: “Master Atley, yes. I’m going to choose a magic tool, but…”

Puckering his mouth, Patch glanced at the things placed around him, then shrugged helplessly, shook his head and continued: “There doesn’t seem to be anything that satisfies me here.”

“There is nothing here that satisfies you, Mr. Maiwes?”

Hearing this, Alite, the old white man with white hair and beard, couldn’t help showing doubts on his face, and then asked again.

“Then Maiwes, are you going to…”

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