Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 11 - Encounter terrorists

  Although this was already anticipated, looking at Pepper’s worried expression, Rodi thought of her missing parents and was particularly able to understand her feelings.

   “You don’t have to worry, Tony will be safe.” Rodi comforted Pepper and said that he was ready to rescue Tony as soon as possible.

   Pepper is also a strong woman, and quickly calmed down. Tony’s disappearance has a huge impact on Stark’s business, and she needs to go back to preside over the big picture.

  Rody washed his face and ate lunch after a long time, and came to the underground laboratory. What appeared in front of him was the renewed green demon armor, or it should be the black demon armor at this time.

   The dull black and bright silver decoration is very consistent with Rodi’s aesthetic. The newly designed helmet is streamlined, abandoning the original demon shape, and now looks more like a knight helmet. Rodi put on the Green Demon armor with satisfaction, retested various functions, and was more confident in the mission of rescue Tony.

   “Jarvis, list the data of the Ark Reactor. I want to add this new power source to the flying skateboard.” Roddy immediately went to work.

  To cross the mountain to rescue Tony, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the existing energy system of the flying skateboard. Fortunately, Tony had completed the prototype of the Ark reactor before he left, and Roddy was just debugging. Although it is a bit difficult to convert to a flying skateboard, Rodi is still competent.

  With the help of Jarvis, a super intelligent system, Rody spent half a day, finally transforming the flying skateboard.

  When everything was ready, Rody was in black armor and was on a flying skateboard.

   “Javis, didn’t you still lack the extreme flight data before, now make up this test.” Roddy said with a smile.

   “Mr. Rodi, I have to remind you that this is a very dangerous behavior without a long time and multiple safety simulation tests.” Jarvis faithfully performed the duties of strict butler.

   It’s a pity that neither Tony nor Roddy, these two are not persuasive masters.

“Jarvis, Tony often said, do it first. For science, it’s always a bit adventurous. Isn’t that how Franklin caught the lightning?” Roddy finished and directly started the flying skateboard and disappeared. In the night sky of New York.

   The first long-distance flight did not feel very good, especially when the speed was close to the speed of sound. Even with the protection of the Green Demon armor, the huge wind pressure made Rodi chest tight and short of breath, which only slowed down.

“The Green Demon armor is not suitable for long-distance flight. The bionics materials are flexible enough, but the protection against compression is low. It seems that it needs more adjustments to integrate with the steel armor.” Rodi tested the relevant data while flying. Prepare for future improvements.

  If Tony can cooperate with Norman Osbourne, what spark will it hit? If you add the Hulk Banner, Dr. Octopus and Lizardman super scientists, it is estimated that it has almost the same function as the Doraemon.

   “This is the rhythm that can be summoned by scientists to summon the dragon?” Roddy Tucao said.

   But this is just a joke. These people are not lunatics. They want them to study together. It is estimated that the difficulty is not so great.

  Dr. Hulk Banner will join the Avengers in the future, but there is a chance to fight for it. The other two were similar to the terrorists. Roddy was probably killed if he didn’t even speak in cooperation.

   But these are all words, now rescue Tony is the first priority.

  Although Rodi chose to leave at night and had been flying close to the sea, it was still detected by the M country’s military. Fortunately, however, it was only a cruise ship that could detect Rodi, unable to intercept Rodi flying at almost sonic speed.

  When the cruise ship called the carrier’s carrier aircraft to track, Rodi had already flown to the high seas. A human-sized flying machine is too small for the vast sea, and even the most powerful satellites can’t find Rodi.

  According to Jarvis’ calculation, it would take 17 hours to reach Tony’s location. Fortunately, there is automatic navigation, and the green demon armor has a magnetic adsorption function, so Rodi can even sit on the flying skateboard to rest.

   After almost 13 hours of flight, Rodi finally saw the land. Roddy landed on the soft sand and couldn’t help but stretch out a lazy waist comfortably.

   “Jarvis, how far is it from where Tony was attacked?”

   Jarvis opened an electronic map in front of Rodi, marking the relevant location and distance.

   “This location is not far from the military base. The terrorists must have been prepared. Jarvis, can you find the terrorists nearby?”

   “Sorry, the local forces in the Middle East are changing too fast, and there is no relevant information.” Jarvis’ answer gave Roddy a little disappointed.

   But this is normal. If the strength of the terrorists is already known to the country M, a few missiles will be solved. Where is such trouble. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

  According to the plot of the movie, the fragments of the bomb entered Tony’s chest, and then the tragic supporting character of Ethan used a magnet to help him prevent the shrapnel from entering the heart. This time difference will never be too long, otherwise Tony will die long ago. And this Ethan was imprisoned in a cave, and Roddy vaguely remembered it as being near a small valley or disk.

   If inferred in this way, the range can be narrowed a lot. There are two locations that are relatively close to the missing location of Tony and conform to the terrain. Unfortunately, it is not clear from the satellite map whether there is a secret base like a cave.

  Rodi chose the nearest one, and then stepped on the green demon skateboard to fly to the target. Although it was the closest location, it took Rodi three hours to fly. Along the way, Huangsha Wanli is simply a deserted and jedi. If oil is not produced in this place, country M would not have come to garrison the place where the bird is not shit.

   was sighing, and there was a fierce gunfire not far away. Roddy came to find terrorists this time, but no one expected that someone would come to the door so quickly.

   “Jarvis, can you see the situation over there?” Roddy asked as he hurried over.

   “This is a picture from a satellite.” Jarvis projected the situation of the gun battle, not so much a gun battle as a one-sided slaughter. In a small settlement, several terrorists took AK47 and fired around, not even women and children.

  Although different races, Rodi still can’t stand this cruel behavior. The Green Devils skateboard was fully open, and in just a few tens of seconds, Roddy came over the settlement. Dozens of terrorists are still killing, but they do not know that death is coming.

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