Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 126 - Punisher

  Ps: Important notice, the editor informed me that the shelf time became 12 o’clock in the evening, but the fat cat promised more and more, and today I am compensated, and it will break out tomorrow, I am sorry!


   As night fell, the originally prosperous New York City became depressed and silent, and the presence of lizardmen made the people panic. Some more gangsters and criminals took advantage of this opportunity to continue to commit crimes, adding more pressure to the police.

  A woman in a hurry is walking towards her home quickly. Today she needs to work overtime very badly, so she can’t go home until night. She understands that this time is very dangerous, so she can only rush to the road and pray in her heart.

   It’s a pity that God didn’t seem to hear her prayers, but was stopped by a few gangsters when he walked through an alley. The shining blade touched her cheek, and all the money on her body was scrapped by these gangsters. What made him feel even more desperate was that these little **** began to tear her clothes.

   “God, please help me.” She called out loudly, but in such an environment, it was impossible to pass by.

   Just as the woman was about to be insulted, a young man with flowing hair carrying an artboard on his back, full of artistry, walked to the alley. The paintbrush in his hand lightly hit the wall, making a clear sound.

   “Boy! I advise you to get away! Otherwise I will open a few holes in you.” A little **** cursed loudly.

  The art youth took off the drawing board and made a gesture of painting. This behavior made the little **** even more angry. He took a knife and rushed to the young man to teach him a lesson.

  The art youth sketched a few strokes on the drawing board without hesitation, and then threw out the canvas. The canvas, which was originally thin and light, changed drastically during the flight. It turned into a giant tiger and flew towards the little fool.

   This kind of change surprised the little **** and was thrown to the ground by the tiger without any defense. The tiger’s heavy claws slapped on the little gangster’s head, and he added a few scratches to him, and he fainted by the way.

   The remaining three gangsters were so frightened that they fled in panic. The art youth again turned out a canvas, and a few pistols drew a pistol. When the palm was pressed on the drawing board, it turned into a real pistol.

   The art youth’s marksmanship is very good, and it knocks out a few small gangsters to the ground without a hit. The bullets were not fatal, and they were all hit on the thighs of these little bastards.

  After finishing this, the art young man would leave when he put away the drawing board, but he heard the rescued woman ask behind her, “Thank God, who are you?”

  The art youth smiled back and said to the woman: “I am Lubbock Laks, or you can call me another name-the punisher, I am the messenger sent by heaven to punish the evil.”

  Lubbock Laks, one of the mutants recruited by Matt, has the ability to turn pictures into objects. Although it can only be maintained for a short time, as long as you carry multiple pictures with you, you can cope with many different situations.

   Similar scenes were staged in various places in New York City. The employees of Shenluo Company called themselves punishers and severely cracked down on those criminal acts.

  At the moment when crimes are rampant, the appearance of heroes is often sung in the first place. In just one night, the employees of Shenluo Company only helped less than a hundred people, but the reputation of the Punisher has spread throughout New York City.

Various community forums are frantically reprinting information about the Punisher. Although a large part of it is based on rumors, the ability of the mutants is exaggerated without limit, but at this turbulent moment, the emergence of the Punisher undoubtedly gave the public a cardiac.

   The scented media immediately discovered that this was a good topic of attack on the government, and they all suffocated to prepare for a black round of New York City police today. After all, they have been busy for so long.

   But before it was time to issue the document, the New York City Police Department issued a statement saying that it had found a one-time solution to the Lizardman problem.

   The police have mastered the antidote for this mutation, and only need to use the Osborne company’s Canary device to spread the antidote across the city. Even if the lizardmen hide in the sewers, they cannot escape the coverage of the potion, and all lizardmen will return to normal people.

   This news made all the media preparing for the black police go wrong. This news is more explosive than the appearance of the punisher. After all, criminals are just trivial things, and lizard talents are a real event that really threatens the entire human society. Since the police dare to announce in public, the credibility of this news is very high.

  Then even more explosive news is still coming, Sgt. Stacy stated very clearly in the report that the use of the Canary device has very strict requirements and requires a lot of preparation time. In order to prevent the Canary device from being destroyed by the lizardmen before it was officially launched, the police asked mutants who called themselves Punishers to participate in the defense work.

   This news appeared, the keyword of punisher once again detonated the entire Internet. This is the first time that the official responds positively to this kind of folk hero and sends a message of willingness to cooperate.

   Actually, if it were not for the lizards, the scourge was too great, and the government could never agree to this form of cooperation. Because this represents the government’s inability to recognize itself, it is a heavy blow to the credibility of the ruling officials.

   But Roddy exerted pressure through three giant companies, Stark, Osbourne and even used military power, this time letting the government bow his head. This is also the most important step in Rody’s plan. Only when it is officially recognized can the Punisher plan be justified, and only in this way can the mutants truly walk to humanity without scruples.

  After reading the news, Luodi knew that his first step plan had been successful. Now only need to deal with the Lizardmen, the rise of the mutant will be unstoppable.

   Street lights are on, ten hours have passed since the press release, and everything seems to be ready.

   On the top floor of the Osborne Building, the Canary device is fixed to the spire, and only the corresponding potions need to be put in to form a cloud to cover the entire city. But the expectation of the Canary device takes a long time, and this is also the most dangerous moment.

  Countless policemen and employees of the Shinra company have already set aside their positions, waiting for the arrival of the lizardmen.

   “Rody, do you think those monsters will come?” Peter asked nervously.

   “Of course it will come, even if only 1% of the possibility, Nell Garfage dare not gamble, because he can not lose.” Roddy said very surely.

   The voice just fell, and the sewer covers outside the Osborne building were lifted one by one, and countless lizardmen poured out from inside. The police who were waiting for it shot immediately, but unfortunately they could not effectively kill the powerful lizardmen.

   “It’s time for us to play, this is the first battle of the Punisher, let these big lizards taste awesome!”

   Roddy grew a pair of huge wings behind him, and flew into the night.

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