Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 152 - The role of life cards

Rodi looked at this “evolution bag” a little speechlessly, except that it was huge enough to fit people into it, and it looked really no different from ordinary Nepenthes.

“Is it…putting people in and then being able to evolve into mutants?” Roddy asked awkwardly.

This technique is beyond his imagination, and it looks really disgusting.

“Of course not to put people in. This evolution capsule can produce a special liquid. Subjects only need to take a certain amount of this liquid, and then receive radiation from the life card, they can freely control the direction of evolution. “Dr. Connor was afraid that Roddy could not understand, and simply made an experiment in front of him.”

Dr. Connor selected three little white mice and placed them directly near the life card, while placing some food above the experiment box. Under normal conditions, mice can’t take food from high places. In this case, Dr. Connor exposed the three mice to the evolutionary radiation of Life.

“If you use gamma rays on the life card, you can let the life card emit a lot of evolutionary radiation and accelerate the evolution of the creature.” Dr. Connor said that he used gamma rays to bombard the life card.

Over time, these three little mice have evolved differently in front of Rodi.

A little white mouse began to walk upright, a pair of front paws became more flexible, and his head began to grow larger. Through X-rays, Rodi can see that the brain of this little mouse is starting to grow bigger, and the intelligence seems to have greatly improved from the action.

The size of the second mouse became very large, even larger than the average cat, teeth and claws became sharper, more powerful, and even the body shape changed towards the hunter.

The third mouse has the most weird changes, and even has completely lost the shape of the mouse, but has become a balloon-like creature suspended in mid-air. After testing, it was found that this mutated creature can store helium in the air by breathing and use the buoyancy of the air to achieve the suspension effect.

As a result, only the third mouse could fly above the test chamber and eat the food.

“If you directly contact the life card, the low-level mammals will undergo uncontrollable evolution, and it is impossible to predict the direction of evolution. If you take a small amount of liquid produced by the evolutionary sac before receiving the radiation radiation of the life card, you can make this disorder. Evolution is under control.” Dr. Connor once again selected three mice and fed five milliliters of liquid.

This time, Dr. Connor still placed some food above the test chamber.

Stimulated by food, two of them became balloon-like creatures, while the other one evolved a pair of wings. Although the three little mice still have evolved in different forms, they have undoubtedly gained the ability to fly.

“Obviously, after feeding this special liquid, the white mouse can control its own direction of evolution. Under the stimulation of food, the white mouse has chosen the direction of evolution of flying ability.” Dr. Conner said to Luo Di explained.

“You mean that if human beings take these liquids and then receive the evolutionary radiation of the life card, they can control the direction of evolution by themselves? Isn’t that what kind of ability you want to get?” Roddy said. This conclusion was taken aback.

The stimulation of the magnetic energy enhancer is to activate the X gene that humans have, but this also causes the ability to be random. If poor Kelly was elected again, he would never be willing to become a humanoid jellyfish.

If human beings can control the direction of their evolution, wouldn’t they be able to manufacture Omega-level mutants in batches? Imagine if the power of the Phoenix can appear in batches, or the chaotic magic of the Scarlet Witch has also become a conventional force, then the tyrant is a hammer? The five gods of the universe are here and will be taught to be humans in minutes.

Roddy consulted the data of all the experiments with excitement, but all the experimental results show that this evolution is only the above. But did not find any real “power”. Not to mention elemental abilities like ice and fire, even mental powers have no signs.

The evolutionary direction of all the experimental bodies is only upward, which may be an extra organ or changed the shape of the organism, but these follow the existing physical and biological principles, but have not evolved similar mental power, flame, Superpowers like stealth.

“This evolution is just an enhancement?” Rodi couldn’t help but disappointed.

“We have not found a human-like X gene in other organisms, so I can’t judge whether this evolution has affected humans. All of this requires human experiments to get the desired data.” Dr. Connor said Roddy said.

“Human experiment? Can you guarantee safety?” This is the most concern of Rodi.

“Not for the time being. Some subjects died abnormally after receiving the evolutionary radiation of the life card. Therefore, if they are used in human experiments now, there is a great risk. However, this risk will always exist. If human experiments are not conducted, this subject will have no results.” Dr. Connor put this question of torture before Rodi.

Dr. Connor finally added: “If necessary, I know that Osborne Enterprises can help us find some ‘volunteers’, all on death row or criminals. They also hope to get a commutation through these experiments.”

And Roddy just thought for a few seconds, and he said without hesitation: “There is more than one path to the dream, I will not choose the fastest path that I will regret in the end. Continue to study, before guaranteeing safety, absolutely Human experiments cannot be conducted, even criminals and death row prisoners.”

Human testing is a shortcut, but it is also a road full of blood and sin. Even if the National Mutant’s plan fails, Rodi will not allow himself to embark on such a path, which is his principle.

But this is finally good news This kind of effect has been achieved in a short time, and Roddy has been quite satisfied. The evolution of the species was originally the greatest miracle of nature. Roddy was not in a hurry. He believed that this day would always come.

Some people are happy and others are worried. After Rumno was escorted to SHIELD, the whole person was on the verge of collapse. From Pentagon to SHIELD, for Rumno, it was just a new cell. He couldn’t imagine that he would do such a stupid behavior. What happened to the red skull illusion in his mind?

While Rumno was puzzled, a man in a green suit holding a weird scepter suddenly appeared in front of him. This man seemed to be invisible, and he didn’t know where it came from. The agent of SHIELD, who was responsible for guarding Rumno, couldn’t find him.

In the entire cell, only Rumno could see this person.

“Who are you?” Rumno asked nervously.

I saw that the mysterious man did not answer, but just extended his right hand, and the tip of the scepter was gently placed on Rumno’s chest.

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