Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 156 - Power of Power Ring

When O’Connor woke up, he saw a white ceiling. At the moment, he was sleeping intact on a recliner. The wound that was bitten by the piranha was invisible, and he was still wearing the clothes he used for the interview, even without a break.

This strange situation puzzles O’Connor, is everything just now just a dream

When O’Connor was panicking, a handsome teenager came to him and said with approval: “You are the first person to successfully pass the preliminary interview, congratulations.”

“You are Michael the War Angel” O’Connor recognized the teenager easily, and then could not help but exclaim.

Rody’s photos have been spreading on the Internet recently, but most of them are in the form of angels with wings, so they are very gentle and gentle.

“Actually, my name is Rodi Stark, and I have no religious beliefs,” Rodi replied a little helplessly. If Roddy chooses, he would rather ask for the Dragon Knight’s nickname, which would not be as good as Michael’s shame.

But for his momentum plan, he can only default to this very dislike nickname.

O’Connor was very emotional, as if there were a lot of words stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t wait to say them. It’s just that the words come to your lips, but you don’t know what to say.

Roddy has a good opinion of O’Connor’s peers, so I kindly reminded: “I know you have experienced many things in the illusion, so you need to calm down now and prepare for the second round after half an hour. Interview.”

“Imagination, you said that what I have just experienced is Illusion.” Although O’Connor has already noticed it, it is impossible for Shenra to dig such a huge artificial lake. But those vivid scenes still made him feel very real, even the severe pain bitten by the piranha.

“Of course it’s an illusion, this is just an interview, how could it be true that people are swimming in a lake full of piranhas. We are recruiting heroes, not killing people.” Roddy explained with a smile.

Interviewing with illusion can select the talents in the shortest time. The time in the illusion passes very fast, just like people dreaming, the experience of a few days is actually only half an hour in reality. With just a little guidance, you can see the personality and essence of the interviewer clearly.

With the resources that Shenluo now has, physical fitness is not a matter of consideration at all, even if you are terminally ill, you can be cured in minutes.

So Roddy pays more attention to the strength of the mind and will, which is the only criterion for interviews.

But this kind of interview method exhausted Roddy and Matt. If Roddy had not mastered the method of linking with other people’s thinking and sharing mental power, interviewing ten people at the same time would be the limit.

However, the twinkling stars in the sea of ​​knowledge give Rodi a huge spiritual support. As long as it is properly prepared, letting one hundred people enter the illusion at once is not a problem.

O’Connor did not know these details, but he was very happy to learn that he had passed the first round of interviews, and he was one step closer to his dream.

Half an hour later, O’Connor was taken to a place that looked more like a laboratory than an interview room, and four other applicants came in with him.

A hundred people interviewed, 95% was eliminated in the first round. This passing rate made O’Connor feel proud for a while, and at the same time felt more nervous about the following test.

“First of all, congratulations to everyone who passed the first interview. This shows that you have the potential to be a hero. Now is the second interview, or the second test. O’Connor, you are the first.”

Rodi handed Oconer a ring with a faint red light, and O’Connor could feel the warmth from the silk above.

“Bring it, and imagine the situation after you become a hero. What kind of ability you want to become, what kind of ability you can gain.” Roddy said to O’Connor.

O’Connor put the ring on his hand, and then turned the ring face under Rodi’s direction. Heat flow spread from his fingers all over his body in an instant, and O’Connor felt a pain in the palms of his hands, as if something had cracked.

When the palms were spread out, there was a light red scar on the palms of the left and right hands, but no blood ran out strangely.

“Try your abilities quickly.” Roddy was very interested. Looking at O’Connor’s situation, it should not be a simple evolution, but a more interesting ability.

O’Connor focused his attention on the scars on his palm, as if it was a blessing to his soul, and he instantly understood how to use this ability.

I saw O’Connor stretched out his right hand and pressed a false touch in the air, leaving a red trace. Then the red trace opened slowly, just like the eyes opened, but there was nothing dark in it.

O’Connor continued to stretch out his left hand and repeated the action just now, “opening” another black eye in the air.

“What’s this?” Roddy couldn’t understand a bit, and was about to ask, but he saw O’Connor put his right hand directly into one of the “black eyes.” Surprisingly, his arm came from the other. “Eyes” stretched out.

“This is a space channel.” Roddy couldn’t help but shock. Space and time are arguably the most unreasonable abilities. So far, Roddy has encountered this ability for the first time.

Only when O’Connor wanted to test his ability, he found that the ring on his hand was dimmed, and the red injury of the palm of his hand disappeared.

“It can only last for such a short period of time, at least the ability of the third level, O Connor you are very talented.” Roddy praised.

Only in this short test of twenty seconds, O’Connor felt like he had experienced a After the effect of the power ring disappeared, he couldn’t even stand up.

This is also the biggest problem for ordinary people to use the power ring, which will consume a lot of physical and mental strength. However, this consumption is nothing, as long as you continue to exercise, under the action of various drugs of Shenluo Company, you can quickly overcome it.

“O’Connor, tell me what you just thought is this the ability you want to gain?” This question is also crucial. This is an important parameter to judge whether the power ring’s function is controllable or random.

“I didn’t actually imagine any special ability, but just now I remembered a magic show that I particularly liked when I was a kid. The magician can make the contents of the box disappear and then put it back. I often wonder if there is one in the box that is missing. Space door”

O’Connor a little awkwardly explained the idea just now. After listening, Rodi patted O’Connor’s shoulder with great satisfaction. This experiment was undoubtedly very successful.

Then Rodi looked at the remaining four candidates with bright eyes. I don’t know what kind of surprise they would give Rodi.

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