Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 164 - Rocky News

“Missile? Why didn’t you guy say earlier, how long will it take to arrive?” Roddy was also taken aback by Lord Luo Fei’s words.

“There are about thirty seconds left, and now it’s too late to hide.” Lord Luo Fei said indifferently.

“Run your head, stare me at this funny scientist, and let me deal with the missiles.” Seeing Lord Luo Fei looked fearless, Luodi could not help slapping him.

However, due to time constraints, Rodi did not dare to delay the wings behind him and flew towards the roof. Before breaking into the roof, Rody’s hands were divided, and a large hole in the steel-cast basement was torn by Rody’s magnetic energy.

Countless steels were twisted by Rody into a huge drill bit and burst into the ground at an alarming speed. When Rody came back to the ground, he saw a five-meter missile flying head-on.

If this missile is allowed to explode, it is estimated that at this distance, Rody will directly crush the bones, and there is no chance of recovery. Under this pressure of life and death, Rodi felt his concentration was extremely concentrated.

The starry sky in consciousness shone brightly, but this time it did not provide a lot of spiritual power, but a special change in Rodi’s spiritual power.

Rody mobilized all the mental power, and covered the magnetic lines around the missile. The missile was originally flying at supersonic speed, but it was slowly decelerated under the layers of magnetic lines, and finally stopped in front of Rodi.

Touching the hot missile head with his palm, Rody couldn’t tell whether it was magnetic power or metalized power for a moment. Anyway, the detailed structure inside the missile was sensed in an instant, and even the flow of electrons could be hidden. catch.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful, like a moment, there is no difference in all kinds of abilities. Whether it is magnetic force, metallization, lightning, or any other ability, it has become the instinct of reaching up and raising your legs, and you can achieve it naturally without thinking.

In this case, Roddy keenly sensed the special radio waves coming from afar. As soon as the striker inside the missile moved, he was bound by Rody’s magnetic force. In this way, even if the remote controller issues a self-destructive command, it will have no effect.

The missile that was enough to destroy the entire training camp gradually became deformed in Rodi’s hands, and was finally dismantled into pieces, whether it was the metal shell or the ingredients inside. Roddy couldn’t tell whether it was a magnetic force or a mental force. Anyway, at this moment, he thought of it, and then he did it.

This feeling is very wonderful, the power becomes an instinct, everything is as natural as heartbeat breathing, and it is unbelievably relaxed.

If you want to describe this state, then there is only one sentence-together under control.

The only pity is that this state only lasted for less than a minute, and Rody felt a sudden pain in his head, even the wings behind him could not be maintained, and fell off the air together with a large number of missile parts.

By the time the severe pain disappeared, the feeling of mastery was gone. Roddy has a special hunch that if he can stay in the same state for a long time, he can be promoted to a level 4 mutant.

Could it be that the watershed between level 3 and level 4 depends on whether you can turn abilities into instincts. Understood this way, no wonder Professor X said that the more abilities Roddy replicates, the more difficult it is to advance to level 4.

Because it is not easy to train an ability to cost, and Rody has so many abilities, it is naturally more difficult to promote.

But now that he has touched the edge of the fourth level, Rodi feels that he is not too far away from promotion.

Rody took a short break, feeling that there was no harm, and returned to the basement.

“Rody, are you okay?” Steve asked with concern.

At this time, Rodi’s face is not very good-looking, even with a very strong self-healing ability, but the consumption of mental energy is not so easy to recover.

“Relax, isn’t it a missile? Hulk can bite down the missile’s head, but I’m just

“Dr. Zola, I need to know everything about Hydra, especially the cooperation plan with Loki.” Roddy’s tone was not harsh, but Dr. Zola had no way to disobey.

Although Dr. Zola is a genius scientist, but in this form, he is completely restrained by Michael’s ability.

No electronic product in the world can refuse Michael’s control. At some point, Michael’s ability is even stronger than most mutants.

“Loki is a God Realm, he is much stronger than ordinary people, and he has an army in his hands…” Dr. Zola held out what he was about to know, and was interrupted by Rody.

“His army is a Zitari. I have known this for a long time. I just want to know if Hydra has the ability to resist the hypnotic ability of the soul gem. Or is it that the entire Hydra has been completely controlled by Loki? “

Rodi is most concerned about this matter. If there is no countermeasure, Loki only needs to control the members of the Avengers for one or two and will collapse the entire Avengers.

“Of course we have the means to resist mind control, but only at the top level. And Loki’s hypnotic means also have corresponding restrictions, it is impossible to use it indefinitely.” Dr. Zola replied.

“Very good, tell me this countermeasure.” Roddy didn’t care what restrictions Rocky had on mind control. It was nothing more than the number of people who could control it at the same time or that it could not be used by people with strong mental powers. Control is the key.

“I once designed a brainwashing device for the Hydra in order to control the Winter Soldier. Hydra often uses this equipment to brainwash high-level personnel, so it has a certain degree of resistance to Loki’s mind control.”

“Winter Soldier, it turned out to be like this.”

In the original plot, the Winter Soldier Bucky recovered part of his memory after encountering Steve. UU read and was brainwashed again. At that time, he used a strange machine.

If it wasn’t just Bucky, even Hydra’s top executives would use this machine to strengthen loyalty for a long time, it is likely to really be able to resist the control of the soul gem. Only in this way, Rody’s plan was defeated, and the Avengers could not always be brainwashed several times.

Rody received confirmation from Michael that Dr. Zola did not lie. This situation made him a little caught off guard, but since things have happened, they can only accept.

“Where is that Rocky, you should know.”

“Rocky needs metal iridium as a stabilizer, he should be in Germany now.” Dr. Zola did not conceal anything.

“Going round and round, and actually back to the original point, Rocky really is going to Germany.”

After receiving the information from Dr. Zola, Roddy felt the huge restoration power of the plot. However, since it is based on the original plot, it is not without benefits. At least Rodi has enough time and space to prepare in advance.


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